
  • 网络Fundamentalism;foundationalism
  1. 国际上也出现了一些解决Internet管辖权问题的新理论,如新主权理论、管辖权相对论、网址作为新的管辖基础论等。

    In the world , there are some new theories about Internet jurisdiction such as New sovereignty theory , Relative jurisdiction theory and the theory of websites acting as jurisdiction base .

  2. 以企业的资源基础论(RBV)作为理论基础,分析了企业多元化与技术资源两者之间的相互关系以及对企业业绩的影响。

    It analyzes the interaction of the technological resources with enterprise diversification and its impact on the enterprise performance based on the Resource-Based View .

  3. 企业资源基础论的主要代表人物巴尼(JayBarney,1991)强调那些能动的、整合性的无形资源或组织资源是企业竞争优势的核心价值和关键意义。

    The enterprise resources foundation discusses representative personage Jay Barney , emphasized these could move , merges " the invisible resources " or " the organization resources " was the key factor in enterprise competition superiority .

  4. 语境的一致基础论:解决回溯问题的另类方法

    Coherent Foundational of Context : Alternative Solution to Regress Problem

  5. 民法本位的人性基础论析

    An Analysis of the Humanity Basis of Civil Law Standard

  6. 基于资源基础论的企业竞争力边界透视

    Towards the Enterprises ' Competence Border Base on the Theory of Resource Basis

  7. 企业资源基础论的经济学基础

    The Relative Economics of Firm Resource - based View

  8. 资源基础论与战略管理研究

    Resource - based theory and strategic management research

  9. 法律本体的人文主义基础论析

    Discussion on the Humanism Base of Law Noumenon

  10. 基于资源基础论动力学模型的国内科技型中小企业的国际化思考

    The Analysis of Domestic Small and Medium-sized High-tech Enterprises Based on Resource-based Dynamic Model

  11. 公益诉讼的宪法基础论析

    Analysis of Constitutional Foundation for Public-Interests Lawsuit

  12. 论马克思主义农业基础论与我国的农业发展

    Marxism Theory of Agro-Foundation and Sustainable Agro-Development

  13. 基于资源基础论的人力资源管理竞争优势研究

    The Study on Competitive Advantage of Human Resources Management Research Based on the Resource-based View

  14. 基于资源基础论的企业社会责任研究

    The Research of the Corporate Social Responsibility Based on the Resource-Based View of the Firm

  15. 新古典经济学、产业组织经济学和进化经济学是企业资源基础论的三种经济学基础。

    SCP-based theories of industry determinants of firm performance , neo-classical microeconomics , and evolutionary economics .

  16. 产业组织理论和资源基础论是从不同的角度对企业的持续竞争优势加以研究,各有其侧重点和适用性。

    The industrial organization theory and the Resource-Based View have different applicability , because based on different researching standpoints .

  17. 企业竞争优势根源分析&资源基础论的一个经济学解释

    Analysis of the Root Cause of the Competitive Advantage of the Enterprise : an Economic Interpretation to the Resources-Based Theory

  18. 在知识论领域,有两种相互竞争的信念确证理论。一种是基础论,另一种是一致论。

    In the field of epistemology , two theories about how belief justification occurs compete with each other for prominence .

  19. 运用资源基础论观点对创业资源的整合进行了分析,构建了一个创业资源整合的基本分析框架。

    Based on the Resource-Based Theory , this paper provides a framework of assembling resources to launch a high-tech new venture .

  20. 首先,在企业资源基础论和价值链理论的基础上,讨论了企业建立战略联盟的深层次驱动力。

    First , based on the enterprise resource theory and value theory , it discusses the deep level driving force of establishing the strategic alliance .

  21. 继产业组织理论、波特的竞争战略理论、资源基础论之后,顾客价值观成为当今企业运营关注的一大热点。

    Following the industry structure theory , Bolter 's competition strategy theory and resource-based view , customer value theory becomes another hotspot on enterprise business nowadays .

  22. 它无疑是一种教化哲学,体现了后哲学文化的精神向度和理论品格:坚持反基础论的观点;

    It doubtless is an edificatory philosophy , and embodies a spiritual direction and theory quality of post-philosophical culture : insists on the views of anti-basic theory ;

  23. 本研究以资源基础论、竞争优势和人力资本管理的观点,探讨人力资本与组织绩效的关系。

    Based on resource basis theory , competition advantage theory and human capital management perspective , this study examined the relationships between human capital and organizational performance .

  24. 资源基础论认为,一个企业能否获得持续竞争优势和超额利润取决于这个企业是否拥有有价值的、稀缺的、难以模仿的特异资源。

    The resource-based theory states that some enterprises can acquire sustainable competitive advantage and excess profits because they have acquired valuable , rare , inimitable distinctive resources .

  25. 所以资源营销理论就是基于资源基础论,结合传统的营销理论,在新经济环境下,所提出来的一种新型的营销理论模式。

    Therefore the resources marketing which is based on the resources foundation theory , unifies the tradition marketing theory proposes one kind of new marketing theory pattern .

  26. 目前,关于核心竞争力理论的研究主要分为两大学派,即资源基础论和能力基础论,但二者并没有实质上的冲突。

    At present , there are two main schools on the study of the core competence of the corporation , namely the resource-based thought and the capabilities-based one .

  27. 资源基础论的理论分析是基于均衡经济学基础上的,并且很大程度上应用了基本的均衡价格理论。

    The theoretical analysis of the resources-based theory is based on the balanced economics , and to a great extent , it employs the basic theory of balanced prices .

  28. 根据相关专家学者的战略主张和理论观点,提出通过资源基础论、核心竞争能力理论,作为战略分析开展的主轴,使郑州院战略制定和对郑州院竞争优势实施建议的提出有根有据。

    According to the relative literature , the resource-based theory and the core competence of corporation theory were used as the main theories for the strategic analysis in this paper .

  29. 对于如何联系顾客价值和经典的竞争优势理论,尤其是资源基础论,进行内外结合的研究。则鲜有学者进行深入的探讨。

    As for how to carry out a research which connects customer value to classical competitive advantage theories , especially the resource-based theory , very few scholars engaged in it deeply .

  30. 和谐社会的理论本质和实现和谐价值诉求的基础论教育的道德品性&兼论关怀生命是教育的基本道德诉求

    On the Theoretical Essence of Harmonious Society and the Foundation of Harmonious Value ; On the Moral Character of Education : Caring for Life Is the Basic Ethical Demand of Education