
  • 网络Ontology;ontological;Ontologie
  1. 存在论(Ontology)即关于存在的理论,是关于存在是什么以及存在如何存在的理论;生存论哲学是生成性的、时间性的、历史性的。

    Ontology is on " being " in the theory . It is a theory that what is being and how to exit . Existential Philosophy is generated in nature , timing and historic .

  2. 该模型包括USBD的分类法和存在论。

    The model comprises the USBD taxonomy and ontology .

  3. 语义技术用存在论(ontology)表示意义,并通过这些存在论中表示的关系、规则、逻辑和条件来提供推理。

    Semantic technologies represent meaning using ontologies and provide reasoning through the relationships , rules , logic , and conditions represented in those ontologies .

  4. 无论在传统解释学还是经历了存在论转变的哲学解释学思想中,语言、文本(Text)、理解和解释都是基础性的概念范畴,它们之间的理论关联建构起解释学思想的大厦。

    As basic concepts in traditional hermeneutics or philosophical hermeneutics that involves ontological change , language , text , understanding and interpretation construct the edifice of hermeneutic thought through their theoretical correlations .

  5. OWLWeb存在论语言设计用于的应用程序,不仅仅是向人类呈现信息,更需要处理信息的内容。

    The OWL Web Ontology Language is designed for use by applications that need to process the content of information rather than just presenting information to humans .

  6. ⑷当系统在大动态范围运行时,常规模糊PID控制存在论域和模糊规则不能自调整的缺陷,这样会影响系统的控制性能。

    ⑷ When the control system runs in large dynamic range , conventional fuzzy PID control is short of self-adjusting capability of the universe and fuzzy rules , and it will affect the system control performance .

  7. 伦理道义的存在论基础与子女孝养父母的道德本分

    The Ontological Foundation of Ethos and Filial Obligation as Moral Duty

  8. 理解与语言:存在论生存论分析的意义与困难&哲学解释学语言观反思

    Understanding and Language : the Meaning and Difficulty of Existential Analysis

  9. 法的模糊性之存在论分析

    The Analysis of the Existence Theory on Fuzzy Nature of Law

  10. 文化自觉具有存在论和价值论的理论根基。

    Cultural consciousness has existence and value of the theoretical foundation .

  11. 康德绝对命令的存在论追问及超越

    Inquiry into Kant 's Imperative Order in Existence and Its Transcendence

  12. 马克思对资本主义物质生产之规定性的存在论基础批判

    Marx 's ontology basic criticism to the ordinary of capitalism material

  13. “实践存在论”是马克思主义哲学的基本观点。

    Practical ontology ' is the basic viewpoint of Marxist philosophy .

  14. 现代性所开启的生存论境遇,在存在论哲学意义上是指:返回或恢复希腊的生存论传统。

    It means going back or resuming Greek tradition of the existentialism .

  15. 这即是现代性在存在论意义上所开启的生存论境遇。

    This is the existential circumstance opened by the modernity .

  16. 卡尔纳普的语言构架存在论分析

    Analyses of Rudolf Carnap 's " Linguistic Framework " theory

  17. 第三部分系统地分析了实践存在论的美学思考方式。

    The third part systematically analyzing the practical ontology aesthetic thinking mode .

  18. 马克思主义科学哲学范式探析马克思哲学与存在论范式的转换

    Switchover of Marxist Philosophy and the Paradigm of the Doctrine of Being

  19. 马克思的存在论革命与超感性世界神话学的破产

    Marxian Ontological Revolution and the Destruction of Mythology of the Supersensory World

  20. 自然的存在论包括三个方面的含义。

    The existentialism of nature contains meanings in three levels .

  21. 海德格尔不得不放弃基础存在论的方案。

    He had no choice but to quit the fundamental ontology scheme .

  22. 自然价值论的存在论维度

    On the Problem of Ontology in the Natural Value Theory

  23. 游戏观是伽达默尔由存在论转向实践理论的中介。

    Play theory is the intermediary from being theory to practice theory .

  24. 从存在论区分现代哲学和逻辑可引出什么&论现代辩证逻辑与现代形式逻辑的对称互补关系

    What Can Modern Philosophy and Logic Draw form Distinguishing of Existential Theory

  25. 建构表现存在论语文教育学

    The Construction of Manifestation and Existence Theory of Chinese Education

  26. 存在论的形变和超越的面孔

    The Transformation of Ontology and the Face of Transcendence

  27. 它寓于法的存在论、价值论和认识论之中。

    It permeates into theories of law 's existence , value and recognition .

  28. 论马克思实践原则的存在论意义

    The Ontological Significance of Marx 's Principle of Practice

  29. 经济人假设存在论新思考

    A New Thinking on the Presumption of Economic Man

  30. 最后是审美对象的存在论。

    The last is the ontology of aesthetic object .