
  • 网络stored program control;spc;SPC, Stored Program Control
  1. 计算机是受存储程序控制的。

    A computer is controlled by a stored program

  2. 计算机是存储程序控制的,因此使用计算机的第一步是把程序从软盘上拷贝到内存中。

    A computer is controlled by a stored program : thus the first step in using the machine is copying the the program from diskette into memory .

  3. 计算机:在存储程序控制下把数据处理成信息的机器。

    Computer . A machine that processes data into information under control of a stored program .

  4. 而作为现代电子计算机前驱的巴贝奇解析机,其存储和程序控制的原理,又借鉴、移植自提花机的纹板技术。

    Charles Babbage , pioneer of the modern computer , construct ed the principle of storage and program control , which are transplanted from Jacquard card technology .