
  • 网络Storage;storage space;RAM;ROM
  1. 由于ArcList记录了弧段的双向信息,虽然开支了一定的存储空间,但提高了搜索效率。

    Although some extra storage spaces were used , the search efficiency was enhanced because the two-way information of arcs was recorded with Arc_List .

  2. 参见“扩展Informix存储空间”一节了解更多信息。

    See the section " Expanding Informix storage spaces " for more details .

  3. Bloatware(膨胀软件)指手机中预装的那些你根本用不到的花哨功能软件,让人气愤的是,这些软件占去了很多的存储空间,从而导致手机中没有空间安装你真正想用的软件!

    Bloatware refers to pre-installed software on your phone that provides more bells and whistles than you 'd ever need in your wildest dreams , but irritatingly occupies so much space that there 's no room for the things that you actually want to use !

  4. 在CREATEtable语句中定义维的时候,就为每种值的组合预留了存储空间。

    The dimensions are defined in the CREATE table statement and storage is reserved for each combination of values .

  5. 在IBM中,我们能够节省大量的存储空间和操作时间。

    Within IBM , we have been able to save considerable storage space and operation times .

  6. DB2行压缩被设计用来减少数据库对象的磁盘存储空间需求。

    DB2 row compression was designed to reduce disk storage space requirements of database objects .

  7. Oracle数据库中避免存储空间不足的解决方案

    Solution to avoid memory space inadequate for Oracle database

  8. 处理后的数据还是存放在DSP的存储空间里,也可以载入到PC机上保存,同时结果会通过彩色监视器显示出来。

    The processed data should been stored in DSP'storage or PC , and the result should be displayed on the screen .

  9. 本文算法只需要保留变换后的RBF中心,因此在需要变换后的RBF中心时会节省很多存储空间。

    Our method only needs to keep the transformed RBF centers , and save much memory .

  10. 他们不需要部署Web应用服务器来托管应用程序,也不需要部署数据库和保留存储空间。

    They don 't need to deploy the web application server to host the application , and they don 't need to deploy the database and reserve the storage .

  11. 但是由于这些设备的本身特点,使得这些设备一般只拥有极少的本地资源,如CPU、内存、外部存储空间、网络带宽等。

    But these devices have little or limited local resource such as cpu , memory , storage , bandwidth and etc.

  12. 日志文件的费用将添加到每月的账单中,因为它使用了AmazonS3存储空间。

    Log files will add to monthly bills because they use Amazon S3 storage .

  13. 有了这个具有相当容量的USB闪存驱动器,我们就可以使用其余的可用存储空间来存储数据了。

    And with a USB flash drive of sizable capacity , you can use the remaining available space as data storage .

  14. 通过使用损耗均衡算法,数据均匀地分布在SSD存储空间。

    The data is distributed evenly across the SSD capacity using wear-leveling algorithms .

  15. 介绍了WORD应用程序的三个应用技巧:减少文档的存储空间、给文档加书签、多文件连接。

    This article introduces three using skills of application WORD , and also recommends how to reduce document 's memory space , add bookmark to documents and connect more documents .

  16. 但是,Trie结构在高效处理字符串的同时,也存在很多缺点。对存储空间的浪费就是Tire结构的最大缺点。

    But trie has many disadvantages as well , and wasting memory space is the biggest disadvantage .

  17. 文件系统与在线存储空间API之间的请求与响应消息通过XML来存储和共享,设计中很好地实现了XML的解析与创建。

    File system and online storage space API request and response messages between the adoption of XML to store and share design , well positioned to enable XML parsing and creation .

  18. 本周二,亚马逊推出了新的云磁盘(CloudDrive)服务,可以免费向用户提供5GB云存储空间。

    Amazon ( AMZN ) announced a new cloud drive service on Tuesday that offers five gigabytes of free cloud storage .

  19. 该方案使用多媒体Server和客户端应用程序,利用流媒体技术,使视听信息从发送系统直接传送到接收者,节省了中间环节的带宽和存储空间。

    The new scheme uses multimedia server , client software and multimedia streaming , which directly transfer the multimedia information from sender side server to the recipient , reducing the consumption of bandwidth and redundant disk storage .

  20. 提出了一种基于移动Agent的非集中式网格资源发现方法,通过Agent共享服务请求环境中重叠部分的信息,减少整个信息索存储空间的数量,从而提高了查找效率。

    A decentralized grid resource discovery method based on Mobile agent is studied in this paper , in which we let agents share information about the overlapping parts of the user profile and increases the search efficiency .

  21. 嵌入式Internet技术面临的主要困难是标准Internet协议对于计算机存储器容量、运算速度等方面的要求比较高,从而对处理器运算速度、存储空间以及功耗要求较高。

    The main problem of embedded Internet technologies is the high demand of the standard Internet protocol for memory capability and processing speed of computer , thus faster , more memory space and less power processor could be demanded .

  22. 因此,很容易在AIX和Linux环境中集成IBMSONAS,从而提供额外的整合的存储空间以及各种其他特性。

    Thus , IBM SONAS easily integrates in the AIX and Linux environment to provide the extra consolidated storage space along with various other features .

  23. DECIMAL数据类型需要的存储空间通常要比浮点数据类型大得多。

    The storage required for a DECIMAL data type is potentially much larger than it is for a normal floating-point data type .

  24. 该方法既可以有效减少DFA的存储空间,又不会对报文的匹配速度造成过大影响。

    This method reduces the memory size of DFA and does not impact the matching speed of the packets .

  25. 另一方面,虽然XML具有许多优良的特性,但是由于XML是冗长的,在带宽和存储空间都非常有限的无线网络环境也要考虑XML数据压缩技术。

    On the other hand , XML has a nature of redundance though it has many excellent characteristics . The compression techniques must also be considered in wireless network circumstance that has limit bandwith and storage space .

  26. 在分块TCAM策略中,每个分块都有相应的空闲存储空间。

    For the partitioned TCAMs , each sub-block has a corresponding free storage space .

  27. 在最优路径规划方面,本文改进了Dijkstra算法,减少了搜索范围和存储空间,取得了良好的效果。

    For optimal route planning , this thesis adopts enhanced Dijkstra algorithm , which reduces searching range and storage space .

  28. 本文所要叙述的个人网络磁盘系统基于校园网,结合局域网虚拟磁盘和广域网Web存储空间的优点,主要目的是为企业内部的用户提供一个大容量的、方便易用的网络存储空间。

    The individual network disk system described in this paper , which combines the advantages of virtual disk of LAN and Web storage space of WAN , will supply users of an enterprise with an easy used storage space with large capacity .

  29. 结果表明,RILS路由查找与现有的IP路由查找相比,需要更少的存储空间,具有更低的操作复杂度、更新复杂度以及更好的可扩展性。

    The results show that RILS has advantages in size of lookup memory , operation and updating complexity and scalability over the conventional networks .

  30. 在实际应用中,SAR图像需要大量的存储空间,为了降低数据存贮和传输的开销,高效的图像压缩方法是必不可少的。

    In many practical applications , a large number of memory for SAR image are required , so high efficiency compression method is necessary in order to reduce memory cost with dada message .