
cún zài
  • exist;existence;presence;obtain;occurrence;lie;subsistent;pertain;you get;being, existence;knock about;be
存在 [cún zài]
  • [exist] 事物持续地占据着时间和空间;实际上有,还没有消失

  • 盐以溶液的形式存在于海洋里

  • [existence;subsistent] 不依赖人的意志为转移的客观世界,即物质

  • 虚构的世界的存在

存在[cún zài]
  1. 实际上协议已经不复存在。

    For all practical purposes the treaty has already ceased to exist

  2. 虽然旧时的秘密警察业已废除,但宪兵队依然存在。

    Although the old secret police have been abolished , the military police still exist

  3. 这个党内部存在着严重对立的派别。

    There were serious divisions within the party 's own ranks .

  4. 党内对于这场战争存在着严重的分歧。

    There are deep divisions in the party over the war .

  5. 她有一大笔钱存在几个不同的银行账户下。

    She has a fortune stashed away in various bank accounts .

  6. 贫富将永远存在。

    There will be rich and poor for all eternity .

  7. 随着现代技术的到来,许多工作岗位不复存在。

    With the coming of modern technology , many jobs were lost .

  8. 她把利润偷偷存在外国银行的账户上。

    She salted away the profits in foreign bank accounts .

  9. 我去看过母校是否依然存在。

    I went to see if my old school was still there .

  10. 科学和宗教信仰之间是否永远存在着冲突?

    Is there always a conflict between science and religion ?

  11. 她拒不承认有问题存在。

    She refused to accept that there was a problem .

  12. 在教学方法上存在着过分教条主义的危险。

    There is a danger of becoming too dogmatic about teaching methods .

  13. 大多数宗教都假定人死后生命仍存在。

    Most religions posit the existence of life after death .

  14. 她推测有一个全新物种存在。

    She conjectured the existence of a completely new species .

  15. 目前不存在野外大火的危险。

    There is no danger of a bush fire now .

  16. 没有人否认现在存在着问题。

    No one is disputing that there is a problem .

  17. 20世纪60年代和90年代后期存在着有趣的相似之处。

    There are interesting parallels between the 1960s and the late 1990s .

  18. 上帝的存在与否是超出人类所能理解的。

    The existence of God is beyond human understanding .

  19. 这就使得科学家推测还有其他星系存在。

    This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies .

  20. 财政大臣被迫狼狈地承认他的经济政策存在失误。

    The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating climbdown on his economic policies .

  21. 在现代社会里奴仆已近乎不复存在。

    Servants are now almost extinct in modern society .

  22. 东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。

    There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West .

  23. 警察正在调查这些谋杀案之间是否存在关联。

    Police are investigating possible links between the murders .

  24. 整桩买卖化为泡影的风险仍然存在。

    There is still a risk that the whole deal will fall through .

  25. 在某些学校中存在着失败文化。

    A culture of failure exists in some schools .

  26. 他扬言要把警察内部存在的种族歧视公之于众。

    He threatened to expose the racism that existed within the police force .

  27. 她发现自己在将来择业的问题上与父母存在着分歧。

    She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career .

  28. 这种病往往与其他慢性病同时存在。

    The illness frequently coexists with other chronic diseases .

  29. 我们各个內城区存在着许多大的问题。

    There are huge problems in our inner cities .

  30. 这个论点存在着危险的循环论证。

    There is a dangerous circularity about this argument .