
  • 网络being and time;Sein und Zeit
  1. 此在是《存在与时间》当中最重要的一环。

    This is the most important part of " Being and Time " .

  2. 《存在与时间》中的视觉概念

    The Visual Concept in Being and Time

  3. 在场是存在与时间的纽带和共同的意义。

    Presence is the link between time and existence and the common meaning .

  4. 《存在与时间》中的后现代主义意识

    Postmodernism Consciousness in Heidegger 's Time and Being

  5. 时空整体观念是把物的存在与时间、空间作为一个有机整体加以把握。

    The integration concept integrates the " being " of one thing with time and space .

  6. 论海德格尔在《存在与时间》中对流俗时间观的批判

    On the Critique of the Customary Views of Time from Heidegger in " Being and Time "

  7. 海德格尔的《哲学贡献》一书是到目前为止出版的海德格尔著作中最主要的著作,而不是《存在与时间》之外他的第二主要著作。

    Contribution to Philosophy is the main work of Heidegger , not the second main work besides Being and Time .

  8. 从主体性走向存在与时间性&30年以来美学演进对美育学的推动从阐释学和接受美学的角度论译者的主体性

    From Subject to Existence and Temporality : The Study on Aesthetic 's Promotion to Aesthetic Education Theory in 30 Years

  9. 本文不是试图对海德格尔进行解释,而是试图从文本本身的角度质疑《存在与时间》中概念的矛盾性。

    This article is not try to interpret Heidegger , but try to raise questions about the concepts in Sein und Zeit .

  10. 试析生存论分析的前提的整体&《存在与时间》学习札记

    Exploration on the " entirety of premise " analyzed by the theory of existence & the fifty reading notes on existence and time

  11. 但大部分海德格尔研究者忽略了这一概念,或至多只是把它放在海德格尔的早期著作《存在与时间》的语境中加以探讨。

    However , most of Heidegger researchers have overlooked it or only put it in the context of his early work Being and Time .

  12. 在《存在与时间》这部成名作中,海德格尔用独具特色的哲学术语描述和批判了人在日常生活中的沉沦。

    In his become-famous work " Existence & Time ", he described and criticized the Corruption in people ' daily life with his characteristic philosophical terminology .

  13. 为了超越胡塞尔的实在论性质的方法,他的学生海德格尔在他的《存在与时间》里提出了一种存在主义的解释理论。

    In an attempt to go beyond Husserl 's essentialist approach , his pupil Martin Heidegger posited an existential theory of hermeneutics in Being and Time .

  14. 实践与操心的时间性阐释&海德格尔、马克思论存在与时间存在的时间性揭示了人的有限性的命运,存在的问题实质上是对人生意义的关注。

    A temporary interpretation of Practice and Sorge : an argument of being and time by Heidegger and Marx The question of being is the care about the life .

  15. 对逻辑问题的思考不仅激发了海德格尔的早期著作,而且也有力地激发了他以《存在与时间》为标志的成熟哲学。

    The thinking of logic not only inspired the early writings of Heidegger , but also gave a powerful incentive for his mature philosophy characterized by Being and Time .

  16. 意义概念也几乎只有在《存在与时间》里才被简要地讨论过,并随后逐渐消失,直至被存在之真理所取代。

    Only in Being and Time was the concept of " meaning " being discussed briefly , which perished gradually until being substituted by " truth of being " .

  17. 以“命运”为视角来重新审视海德格尔的《存在与时间》,其中所表达的基本思想为:“在世界中存在”说的是缘在命定的位置;

    Viewed from " fate ", this paper surveys Heidegger 's basic thoughts expressed in Being and Time . " Being in the world " signifies the predestined place of being-there ;

  18. 在《存在与时间》这部著作中,海氏把世界归属于此在的生存论建构,是此在的展开,是此在在世的一个结构环节。

    In the book Being and Time , Heidegger attributed the existential construction to the world , which is the beginning of being-in , and the world is a link of being-in .

  19. 早期弗莱堡讲座是海德格尔哲学的萌芽阶段,它向我们显现了海德格尔通往《存在与时间》的道路以及其思想的渊源。

    Early Freiberg lectures , as the preliminary stage of Heidegger 's philosophy , show us the way Heidegger advanced towards " Being and Time ", and the source of his thoughts .

  20. 本文以海德格尔在《存在与时间》中对人在世问题的思考为视角,探讨此在与存在之间的关系并揭示《存在与时间》作为基础存在论具有的重要意义。

    The thesis argues what is the relation of Dasein and being used the horizon of he thought about being-in-a-world in Being and Time and why it was fundamental ontology has important significance .

  21. 人们会欣赏一心一意的关注,因为那样会让人们觉得你真的在倾听他们,真的在重视他们的存在与时间。

    They get off their phones . People appreciate undivided attention , because it makes them feel like you 're truly listening to them . It makes them feel that you value their presence and time .

  22. 本真与异化:《存在与时间》中的一个悖论存在论悖论与言道悖论&中西哲学基本问题的现代阐释

    Candid and Disassimilation : A Paradox in " Being and Time "; " Antinomy of Existentialism " and " Antinomy of Language ": A Modern Interpretation of the Basic Philosophical Problems of the West and China

  23. 所以我们看几篇文章,摘自海德格尔的存在与时间,从他对于解释学循环的分析,看看海德格尔对这个观点看法是何。

    So let 's look at a couple of passages from your sheet , from Heidegger 's Being and Time , from his analytic of the hermeneutic circle , and see what Heidegger has to say about this claim .

  24. 在分析的过程中,笔者把关于看的问题作为主要线索,涉及到海德格尔渊源于古希腊的所有重要概念,这些概念正是《存在与时间》写作的基础。

    In the course of analysis , I regard the question about " Looking " as the main line . It concerns all important conceptions coming from Hellenic context , which also consist in the basis of Being and Time .

  25. 在此基础之上,文章的第二部分还以相对论与《存在与时间》一书中的某些观点为根据论述了二十世纪时间观念变革性的发展。

    On the basis of the distinction , the second part of the thesis discusses the innovative development of the conception of time in the 20th century according to the theory of relativity and some opinions in Being And Time .

  26. 第二章比较清楚地阐述了在西方哲学史中时间性问题之缘起,作者颇关注海德格尔的《存在与时间》在西方时间哲学史中的重要地位。

    Chapter two , the author elucidated clearly the origin of the problem of temporality in the history of western philosophy , in this regard , the author especially put a high value on the great works Time and Being by Heidegger .

  27. 第二部分从三个方面论证了《存在与时间》所探讨的核心问题,即存在的意义,归根结蒂乃是:个人的命运。

    From three aspects , the second part mainly expounds and proves that the core problem which was inquired by Heidegger in Being and Time , that is to say the meaning of Being , finally speaking , is the fate of individual .

  28. 而实际性思想则是早期弗莱堡时期海德格尔哲学的起点和核心,因此也就成为我们理解《存在与时间》这部著作乃至海德格尔整个思想体系的关键。

    And the thought of facticity constitutes the starting point and the core of Heidegger ' philosophy during early Freiberg period , and thus becomes the key for us to understand Heidegger 's masterpiece of " Being and Time " and even his whole thoughts system .

  29. 工程中存在大量与时间有关的问题例如热传导或者弹性动力学这类的瞬态场和动态问题。

    Time-dependent problems play an important role in many engineering aspects , such as elastic dynamics , heat conduction etc.

  30. 海德格尔将集置视为形而上学的完成,在他看来,集置更展现了技术时代背景下存在与本源时间的被遗忘。

    In his point of view ," Ge-stell " has revealed the oblivion of Being and the original time under the background of modern technological age .