
  • 网络psychoanalysis;Depth psychology;Psychoanalytic Studies
  1. 社会心理学与精神分析学及其后现代转向

    Social Psychology and Psychoanalysis with its Transition to Post - Modernization

  2. 弗洛伊德在二十世纪初期创立精神分析学。

    In the early twentieth century , Freud founded psychoanalysis .

  3. 浅论精神分析学对中国新时期文学的影响

    A Brief Analysis of the Influence of Psychoanalysis on Nen Literature Chinese

  4. 我们认为西格蒙德·弗罗伊德是精神分析学之父。

    We esteem Sigmund Freud as the father of psychoanalysis .

  5. “阉割情结”是精神分析学的一个重要概念。

    Castration complex is an importment conception in psychoanalysis .

  6. 神经精神分析学是一门将精神分析学与神经科学相结合的新科学领域。

    Neuropsychoanalysis is a new scientific field which combines psychoanalysis and neuroscience together .

  7. 精神分析学对于电影研究所起的重要意义是无可置疑的。

    The significance of psychoanalysis to the film study is beyond any doubt .

  8. 论拉康结构精神分析学无意识的语言结构

    On Lacan 's Unconscious Language Structure of Structural Psychoanalysis

  9. 能指的游戏&拉康语言/精神分析学中的意义

    The game of the signifier : " Meaning " in Lacan 's psycholinguistics

  10. 末日意识新精神分析学与禅宗思想的伦理导向性。

    The ethical direction of the two thought .

  11. 20世纪30年代,精神分析学与中国话剧艺术发生了广泛而深入的联系,直接影响并加速了中国话剧的成熟。

    In 1930s , the extensive relation is constructed between Psychoanalysis and Chinese modern drama .

  12. 第一章概述精神分析学派对梦境的研究状况以及梦境美学的研究现状。

    Chapter one summarizes current research on dreams and aesthetics of dreams from psychoanalytic school .

  13. 弗洛伊德对《俄狄浦斯王》的全新解读,是以他的精神分析学作为工具的。

    Signund Freud interpreted King Oedipus by means of his psychoanalysis theory as an instrument .

  14. 儿童精神分析学的主要方法及其应用

    Child Psychoanalysis : Methods and Their Application

  15. 在研究过程中,我们从弗洛伊德的精神分析学处寻找了极大的精神契合以及理论支持。

    During the research , we found the spiritual combination and theoretical support from psychoanalysis .

  16. 第二部分,对文艺学与精神分析学的交叉理论知识进行系统总结。

    The second Chapter summarizes systematically the theoretical knowledge of Literary Psychology and Psychological analysis .

  17. 因为催眠并不是什么新鲜玩意,它比弗洛伊德的精神分析学要久远的多。

    Because hypnosis is not anything new , it is far older than Freudian psychoanalysis .

  18. 论弗洛伊德精神分析学的文艺观

    On Freud 's psychological analysis of literature

  19. 精神分析学视域下的新时期小说综论

    New Period Novels under Influence of Psychoanalysis

  20. 那就是精神分析学的发现。

    That 's what psychoanalysis discovers .

  21. 比较文学、精神分析学?

    Comparative literature and depth psychology ?

  22. 弗洛伊德思想对女性主义的启示&精神分析学的社会性别阐释

    The Enlightenment which Feminism can gain from Thought of Freud & Gender Thought Contained In Psychoanalysis

  23. 精神分析学在自身发展过程中的每一次重大进展都会对社会心理学的理论和方法产生不同的影响。

    Psychoanalysis with each of its progress has influenced both the theory and methods of social psychology .

  24. 精神分析学在中国梅开二度之时,对新时期小说也产生了深刻的影响。

    This time the influence of psychoanalysis is deep and far , especially is New period novels .

  25. 论精神分析学理论与心理时间学说对意识流小说的影响

    On the Impact of the Theory of Psycho-analysis and Doctrine of Space-time on Stream of Consciousness Novels

  26. 主体的颠覆:拉康精神分析学中的自我

    On Subversion of the Subject

  27. 存在主义、结构主义和精神分析学是影响他的历史观念的最重要的因素。

    Existentialism , structuralism and psycho-analysis are the most important factors that have influenced his historical ideas .

  28. 学者们分别从心理学、精神分析学、社会学或者社会心理学的角度对群体无意识这种社会现象做出解释。

    Scholars have explained the phenomenon from such perspective as psychology , psychoanalysis , demotics and social psychology .

  29. 从它对文学的阐释力来看,精神分析学依然称得上是20世纪伟大的理论发现。

    With the availability to the literary the psychoanalysis is still a great theory discovered in the20th century .

  30. 试议人生对完美与幸福的心理追求&学习人本主义心理学与精神分析学的一些思考

    On the Psychological Pursuit to the Perfection and Happiness in life & Some Reflection on Humanism and Psychological Analysis