
  • 网络psychoanalysis;Psychoanalytic School;Freud
  1. 精神分析学派与20世纪的教育发展

    Psychoanalysis and the Development of Education in the 20th Century

  2. 精神分析学派游戏理论及其在儿童体育教学中的应用

    Application of Psychoanalysis School 's Game Theory for Child in PE Instruction

  3. 精神分析学派关于神经症与宗教膜拜现象的比较

    Psychoanalytic School 's Comparison Between Neurosis and Religious Worship Phenomenon

  4. 精神分析学派的嫉妒理论观

    The Jealousy Theory of Psychoanalysis School

  5. 精神分析学派教育蕴涵之浅探

    The Educational Implication of Psychoanalysis

  6. 作为后精神分析学派代表,拉康的主体学说极具张力。

    As the representation of the post-depth psychology , the subject theory of Jacques Lacan has great tension .

  7. 究其渊源,皮尔斯的思想主要受到了存在主义、现象学、格式塔心理学、精神分析学派、整体论和东方思想等多种流派的影响。

    Perls was mainly affected by existentialism , phenomenology , gestalt psychology , psychoanalysis , holism and eastern theories .

  8. 弗洛伊德是精神分析学派的创始人,他的人格理论是精神分析理论的核心。

    Floyd is the founder of the psychoanalysis school , his personality theory is a core of the psychoanalysis theory .

  9. 荣格是精神分析学派的代表人物之一,其集体无意识思想是其理论的精髓。

    Carl G Jung is one of representative personages of psychoanalysis thought school , the collective unconsciousness thought is his theory essence .

  10. 人们用科学的眼光、科学的方法探索梦的奥秘,其中最有影响力的是精神分析学派的弗洛伊德和荣格。

    People explore the Arcanum of dreams with scientific eyesight and methods , of which the most influential belongs to depth psychologist Freud and Jung .

  11. 该文引述了精神分析学派关于潜意识研究的一些理论成果:潜意识、集体潜意识和社会潜意识,并尝试将它们理解为一种广告诉求方式而作用于广告活动中。

    Theories of Psychoanalytic School about subconsciousness , collective subconsciousness and social subconsciousness are cited in this paper and advertising are designed to appeal to them .

  12. 在现代精神分析学派的创始人弗洛伊德那里,以这一母题为核心的俄狄浦斯情结(恋母情结)成为了一个解释现代人幼年人格心理的一个重要概念。

    Freud , the founder of modern psychoanalysis , uses this motive ( the Oedipus complex ) to interpret a personality psychology characteristic in one 's childhood .

  13. 弗洛伊德的观点被精神分析学派的其他理论家拉康、霍兰德等批判、继承,并分别创立了结构主义精神分析批评和读者反应精神分析批评。

    Freud 's theories were inherited by other members of the psychoanalytical school such as Lacan and Holland , who separately set up the structural psychoanalytical criticism and readers-response psychoanalytical criticism .

  14. 介绍了精神分析学派三代人物研究宗教心理现象,以及对宗教心理现象与神经症在心理动因、行为表现、症状意义等方面的异同所进行的比较。

    This paper presents the study of the religious psychology by three generations of the psychoanalytic school and their comparison between religious psychology and neurosis in motivation , behavior and symptoms .

  15. 德裔美籍学者埃利希·弗洛姆(1900&1980)是西方马克思主义的代表人物之一,是新精神分析学派的重要成员。

    American scholar Erich Fromm ( 1900 & 1980 ), descendants of Germany , was one of the Western Marxist Theorists , and also an important members of the new psychoanalysis school .

  16. 精神分析学派以人格理论为基础的教学观,倡导人格化的教学,强调人格是知识学习、品德形成、创造力发展等的心理基础。

    Based on the personality theory , the psychoanalyst view of instruction advocated the instruction of personification , emphasizing that personality was the psychological foundation of knowledge learning , morality shaping and creativity developing .

  17. 本文主要运用新精神分析学派理论家卡仑·霍妮的理论来分析福克纳的《喧哗与骚动》中所体现的真理与阐释者的关系。

    This dissertation seeks to explore the relationship between the truth and the beholder as manifested in the William Faulkner 's novel " The Sound and the Fury " from Karen Horney 's psychoanalytical theory .

  18. 因此,注目“潜意识”问题研究且成果颇丰的弗洛伊德精神分析学派的相关方法,在中国地域文化研究中便大有用武之地。

    Therefore , the relative methods in Sigmund Feud 's Psychoanalysis , which had paid attention to " unconscious " and has gained a great success , would be valuable in Chinese geographical culture research .

  19. 从理论建构、嫉妒成因、嫉妒分类、研究方法、治疗策略等方面对弗洛伊德精神分析学派嫉妒理论进行研究,评价其理论价值和现实应用意义。

    The jealousy theory of psychoanalysis school is analyzed in theoretical construct , cause of jealousy formation , classification , research method and treatment tactics . The value and the application of the theory are also evaluated .

  20. 结构主义语言学构成了精神分析学派听、说方式的理论背景,而对言说行为本身不同的理解,形成了认知学派风格迥异的听、说风格。

    Structural linguistics is the theoretical frame of the way of hearing and saying by the psychoanalytic school , while another understanding of the behavior of healing and saying is the basis for the rather different style of hearing and saying by the cognitive school .

  21. 简要分析了精神分析学派关于心理发展的理论,并结合儿童早期教育实践,提出了早期教育应遵循心理发展的理论,以避免儿童形成不良的早期经验,促进儿童心理健康发展。

    This paper briefly studies the theory of psychological development of psychoanalysis school , linking it with practice , and advanced that preschool education shall be in conformity with the specific conditions so as to avoid children 's bad behaviors and promote their sound development of psychology .

  22. 霍妮是一位杰出的心理学家,是精神分析社会文化学派的领袖人物。

    Karen Horney was an outstanding psychologist and the chief character of social culture of the inspirit analysis .

  23. 以文化视角进行精神分析属于精神分析社会文化学派。卡伦·霍尼就是这一学派的开创者。

    This cultural perspective on psychoanalysis belongs to the school of sociocultural psychoanalysis , and Karen Horney is the pathfinder of this school .

  24. 他们中很少有人会把自己,视为精神分析从业者,或是精神分析学派的心理学家。

    Very few of them would see themselves as a psychoanalytic practitioner or as a Freudian psychologist .

  25. 把精神分析引入中国地域文化研究&论精神分析学派的隐型文化理论在中国地域文化研究中的改造性应用

    Introducing psychoanalysis into the research of the Chinese local culture

  26. 作为法国当代重要的精神分析学家和哲学家,拉康解构了自我的中心地位,解构了主体,把精神分析学派带入一个新的领域。

    As one of the most important philosophers and psychoanalysts , Jacques Lacan deconstructed the central status of self and the wholeness of " I ", thus leading psychoanalysis study to a brand-new era .