
  • 网络Historical Research;Historical Study;history research;a study of history
  1. 必须通过历史研究对修正主义历史学进行质疑论证。

    Revisionist history must be challenged by historical research .

  2. 该项历史研究非常地认真、彻底。

    The historical research was impressively diligent .

  3. 这栋建筑有重要的历史研究价值。

    The building is of historical importance .

  4. 霍尔巧妙地把历史研究揉进了扣人心弦的故事叙述。

    Hall skilfully weaves the historical research into a gripping narrative .

  5. 西方近代初等教育特性之历史研究

    Historical Study on the Characteristics of the Western Contemporary Primary Education

  6. 渤海重金属污染历史研究

    The Study of Pollution History of Heavy Metals in Bohai Sea

  7. 历史研究与现实活动具有密不可分的联系。

    The historical research and the reality activity have the inseparable relation .

  8. 高师历史研究性教学模式探索

    Exploring of the Model of Research Teaching of History in Normal Colleges

  9. 后现代思潮对历史研究的影响

    The Influence of Post-Modern Trend of Thought on Historical Research

  10. 中外学者与纳西族历史研究

    Chinese and Western scholars ' study on the Naxi history

  11. 中国古代笛属乐器的历史研究

    Historical Study on the Ancient Chinese Flute Family Instruments

  12. 基于城市文明的城市设计与环境创造&以北京为例浅谈规划设计的前期历史研究

    On City Design and Environment Creation Based on Civilization

  13. 6新的研究手段特别是电脑将在历史研究中发挥独特作用;

    New research approaches , especially computers , will play a particular role .

  14. 心理学理论对历史研究之影响探析

    Exploration on the Psychological Theory Over Historical Researches

  15. 新疆历史研究需要阐明的几个问题

    Some Basic Problems of Study on Xinjiang History

  16. 方志及其在历史研究中的作用

    Local Records and Their Roles in Historical Research

  17. 理论方面,休谟探讨了历史研究目的与用途、历史研究态度和立场。

    Hume discussed the purpose , use , attitude and standpoint in historical research .

  18. 天津近代城市规划历史研究(1860-1949)

    A study on the history of Tianjin early - modern city planning ( 1860-1949 )

  19. 但长期以来,他在我国国内的历史研究中却没有得到应有的重视。

    But for a long time , he has non receive due attention in China .

  20. 毫无疑问,对这个问题的心理学和历史研究已经汗牛充栋。

    No doubt whole libraries are filled with psychological and historical research on the topic .

  21. 本文旨在探讨美国历史研究中的一个重大问题,认为美利坚文明发展的一大特点,就是这个文明的发展是积累式的,或者说是以积累的方式进行的。

    The article is aimed at studying the cumulative feature in the development of American civilization .

  22. 思想史研究既是历史研究,也是理论探索。

    The research of thought history is both a study of history and a theoretical exploration .

  23. 以文献研究法为主,兼采历史研究法。

    This paper documents the main research method , can be either a historical research method .

  24. 摩尔根著述《古代社会》的研究方法对于历史研究具有普遍参考意义。

    Morgan 's research methods in writing Ancient Society is of universal significance in the history research .

  25. 可在这些研究中,关于中学心理健康教育的历史研究几乎是一片空白。

    However , there is a gap in the historical study of high school mental health education .

  26. 历史研究与反设事实

    Study of History and Counterfactuals

  27. 事实上,如果按照更长期的历史研究来观察,公司资产负债表是相当健康的。

    In fact , based on longer term historical studies , corporate balance sheets are quite healthy .

  28. 祠堂留给后人的是不可再生的精美建筑艺术、历史研究资料和珍贵文化记忆。

    Ancestral left to future generations is non-renewable beautiful architecture , historical research data and precious cultural memory .

  29. 霍尔巧妙地把历史研究揉进了扣人心弦的故事叙述。他揉揉眼睛打呵欠。

    Hall skilfully weaves the historical research into a gripping narrative . He rubbed his eyes and yawned .

  30. 历史研究为以下的有效课堂管理行为思想的建立提供了基础。

    This historical review provides the basis for the construction of the subsequent thoughts on effective classroom management behavior .