
  • 网络chronicle;Books of Chronicles
  1. 目前,她在亚洲神学协会写历代志的释经书。

    Presently , she is writing a commentary on the Books of Chronicles for Asia Theological Association .

  2. 该处对约西亚的改革作了更详细的说明;历代志则著重在他守逾越节的事上。

    That account gives more details about Josiah 's reforms , but the Chronicles account expands upon his observance of the Passover .

  3. 在我们第六次阅读圣经时,我还以为我们会略过历代志上和尼希米记所记载的上千个名字。

    On our sixth circuit through the Bible , I had thought we might want to skip the thousand or so names in1 Chronicles and Nehemiah .

  4. 《关帝历代显圣志传》中的关羽形象与叙事策略

    The Image of Guan Yu and the Narrative Tactics in Biography of Emperor Kuan in Successive Dynasties