
  • 网络licheng district
  1. 历城区提供计划免疫服务的不同接种门诊之间计划免疫工作发展不平衡。

    In Licheng District , the immunization program work develop unbalanced among various vaccination clinics providing immunization services . 5 .

  2. 济南市历城区女性乳腺增生患病现状及其危险因素分析

    Analysis on Status and Risk Factors of Mammary Glands Hyperplasia of Women in Licheng District of Jinan

  3. 2005~2008年历城区流行性腮腺炎疫情分析

    Epidemiological Analysis on Mumps in Licheng District of Ji'nan City from 2005 to 2008

  4. 济南市历城区麻疹流行现状及其影响因素分析

    Analysis on Epidemic Status of Measles and Its Related Factors in Licheng , Jinan

  5. 济南市历城区儿童计划免疫接种率水平及其影响因素研究

    Study on Immunization Rate for Children and Its Affect Factors in Licheng District , Jinan

  6. 济南市历城区示范灌区节水优化和实践

    Optimization and Practice of Water Saving in Irrigation Demonstration District of Licheng District in Jinan

  7. 济南市历城区的矿产资源开发存在三废污染、地貌破坏等地质环境问题。

    Some geological environmental problems , such as waste pollution and surface destroy occurred in mineral resources exploration in Licheng district , Jinan city .

  8. 目的:由于济南东郊历城区1988年10月首次发现恙虫病临床病例而开展流行病学调查。

    This paper reported that cases of tsutsugamushi disease was firstly found in the eastern suburbs of Jinan in October 1988 , and has spread to 7 village communities ever since .

  9. 在加强历城区防洪工程措施建设的同时,进一步加强非工程措施的建设,详细叙述历城区防洪体系建设方案。

    To strengthen the construction of Licheng District flood control engineering measures , to further strengthen the building of non engineering measures , described in detail the construction of flood control system scheme of Licheng District basin .

  10. 在济南市历城区,这种情况比较显著,相对经济建设来说,文化建设还显得相对薄弱,新农村文化建设还面临诸多困境和不足。

    In the in Licheng District of Jinan the problems above are very significant . With respect to the economic development , construction of culture is still weak and many difficulties and challenges need to be overcome .

  11. 本篇论文采用政策评估研究的方式在济南市历城区进行了为期15天、样本量是300人的问卷调查,为保证调查的深度还辅之以部分个案访谈。

    This paper studies the way with policy evaluation in Licheng District of Jinan , conducted a 15-day period survey with the sample volume of 300 people , interviews with some of the cases is also supplemented in order to ensure the investigation depth .