
  1. 良渚遗址群保护与利用主题分析

    An Analysis on the Subject of Protection and Utilization of the Sites of Liangzhu Culture

  2. 第三部分,剖析实证案例良渚遗址的旅游利益相关者关系的演变进程,明确核心利益相关者关系的进化潜力。

    The third part , the paper describes the evolution process of the relationship among tourism stakeholders , then determine its core stakeholders relationship evolution potential .

  3. 本文评价了良渚遗址保护与利用的策略之良渚文化村方式以及良渚文化博物馆的设计理念与手法。

    The thesis discusses the planning of Liangzhu Culture Residence as a measure for the conservation of Liangzhu Archeological Site and the design of Liangzhu culture museum .

  4. 从骨哨到骨笛的进化历史可以证明良渚遗址的长玉管是一件乐器,它的名称应该是“玉哨”,它们身上闪亮着良渚遗址中的音乐曙光。

    From the evolution of bone pipes to bone flutes , the long jade tube in Liangzhu can be regarded as a musical instrument called " jade pipe " that signifies twilight of music in the relic .

  5. 良渚文化中期遗址数量最多,晚期次之,早期最少,但良渚文化发展的关键却取决于早期遗址的数量值。

    The number of Liangzhu cultural sites was the largest in mid Liangzhu culture periods , then the later , and the early fewest , but the key to Liangzhu culture development depended on the number sites in early Liangzhu period .

  6. 良渚文化以最早发现地良渚遗址命名,是中国新石器时代长江流域最重要的考古学文化。

    The Liangzhu culture first discovered Liangzhu ruins named , is the Chinese Neolithic Yangtze River Basin is the most important archaeological culture .