
  • 【数】well ordered
  1. 半群代数中理想FA良序基的构造

    The Construction of Well Arranged Basis for Idea F_A in Semigroup Algebra

  2. 第二节为主要内容,给出了拟对基和拟弹性空间的定义,证明了拟弹性空间的子空间是拟弹性空间,拟弹性空间是良序(F)空间。

    Section two is main contents containing definition of quasi-pair base and quasi-elastic space . Subspaces of quasi-elastic spaces are also quasi-elastic spaces . Quasi-elastic spaces are well-ordered ( F ) .

  3. 一个有普遍的正义感支撑的社会是一种良序社会(well-orderedsociety),用洪堡的话来说,是社会联合的联合。

    A society getting the strong support of the general sense of justice , is a well-ordered society , in the words of Humboldt , it is a union of social unions .

  4. 良序套张量积的代数中的强不可约算子

    Strongly Irreducible Operators in the Algebra of the Tensor Product of Well-Ordered Nests

  5. 最后证明了良序集和实数集合具有序拓扑遗传性。

    Finally we prove that well-ordered set and real set both have ordered topological hereditary .

  6. 标准良序集

    On the Standard Well Ordered Set

  7. 因此对民营化进行的规制也应该有一个科学的、系统的规制过程,必须构建一个系统的规制制度才能从根本上实现民营化的良序发展。

    Therefore , the regulation of privatization should also be a scientific and systematic process of regulation .

  8. 在宏观功能上,表现为交往良序弘扬的催生剂与交往良序病变的解毒剂功能。

    In terms of macroscopic function , it can initiate well-ordered intercourse and treat the pathological intercourse .

  9. 这种良序社会所具有的稳定性是功利原则所规整的社会所不及的。

    A well-ordered society has a kind of stability that the society governed by the principle of utilitarianism cannot touch .

  10. 企业是经济活动中不可或缺的因素,深刻影响着社会经济发展的良序运行。

    Enterprise is an essential factor in the economic activities , and has a profound impact on the social economic development .

  11. 制度建设是当代中国道德建设的突破口,是形成良序社会的前提和关键,但制度本身存在着缺陷性。

    Institution construction is the precondition and key of a well-ordered society , which comes to be a breakthrough of moral construction of contemporary China .

  12. 最终的目的是希望提供可行的方法来促进我国的社会主义市场经济健康、良序、和谐的发展。

    The ultimate goal is to provide a feasible approach to the promotion of China ' ssocialist market economy , health , well-ordered and harmonious development .

  13. 本文引进标准良序集概念并且证明了标准良序集的十个定理。

    In this paper , the conception of the standard well ordered set is introduced and ten theorems of the standard well ordered set has been proved .

  14. 根据公平交换协议和串空间的特点,定义了丛最大(极大)结点、良序丛的概念。

    In this paper , we define two new notions : bundle 's maximum node and well-ordered bundle based on the characteristics of fair exchange protocols and strand spaces .

  15. 个人交往主体性结构的失衡还会影响到其功能的发挥,造成人本指归功能的效能扭曲和交往良序功能的良序失效。

    The unbalanced structure of individual intercourse subjectivity also can affect its function display , and create the distortion of human-oriented function and the losing efficacy of well-ordered intercourse function .

  16. 从实现道德的最终目的、保证伦理公正、建立良序社会的角度出发,我们应该建立良性的社会道德赏罚机制。

    We should construct a virtuous , fair system of rewards and punishment in order to achieve the final moral objective , assure the fair ethics and build the good-ordered society .

  17. 作者贯穿论文始终的,是希望不断地探索、认识和领悟现代虚拟经济良序运行的基本规律,致力于建设明天更美好的新中国。

    My continuous effort devoted into this paper is to explore the basic law of a healthily-functioning modern fictitious economy , in hope of building a new China with a brighter future .

  18. 其正义论从正义的规则→正义的社会基本结构→社会公平合作体系→良序社会构成了一个完整的体系,并始终以良序社会为社会发展的现实关注。

    His theory of justice formed a complete system from principles of justice to social basic structure then to a fair social system of cooperation and finally to realize a well-ordered society .

  19. 由于他对公平正义理解的转变,与之相关的共识、良序社会、公共理性以及德性伦理观等均逻辑地发生了相应的变化。

    Due to the development happening to the definition of justice , consensus 、 well-ordered society 、 public reason and the view of virtue ethics , which are related to it , have logically altered .

  20. 亚当·斯密不仅是现代经济伦理秩序的理论奠基者,还是现代社会良序经济生活的设计者、良性社会秩序的探索者。

    Adam Smith is not only the founder of modern economy ethics order , but also the designer of ethics or a well-ordered society of modern economic life order , and the explorer of the healthy social order .

  21. 社会公平合作体系或良序社会条件下的公共治理,应该是正义原则与公共理性规导之下的公共协商+合作治理,即多中心的协作治理模式。

    Public governance under the circumstances of fair social cooperation system or a well-ordered society should be public deliberation + cooperative governance regulated by principles of justice and public reason , that is to say , multicenter deliberative and cooperative governance .

  22. 研究道德失范既具有深化对道德本质的认识、丰富道德失范理论研究的意义,也具有为整治道德失范提供相应的对策、保障社会良序运行的实践价值。

    Study on moral anomie is not only deepen understanding of the nature of the moral , rich the theoretical significance of moral anomie , but also provide the way to solve moral anomie and protect the practical value of the community-ordering operation .

  23. 研究高校研究生学术道德不端行为问题既具有深化高校德育本质认识、丰富高校德育理论的理论意义,也具有为整治高校学术道德不端行为提供对策咨询、保障高校学术良序运行的实践价值。

    Postgraduate study the problem of academic misconduct has both moral deepening of understanding the nature , rich in moral education theory of theoretical significance , but also with the regulation universities to provide measures of academic misconduct and moral advice , well-ordered protection Academic running practice .