
  • 网络Frankel;Frankl;Jeffrey Frankel;Frenkel
  1. 用双调制外差检测的累积光子回波技术研究了相干弗兰克尔(Frenkel)激子失相过程。

    Dephasing processes of coherent Frenkel excitons were studied using accumulated photon echo with double modulation and heterodyne detection technique .

  2. 纳米混合分子聚集体材料中弗兰克尔激子迁移的相位弛豫

    Phase Relaxation of Frenkel Exciton Migration in the Nanostructure Mixed Molecular Aggregates

  3. 在策梅洛-弗兰克尔的集合论公理系统ZF中,基础公理把集合的论域限制到良基集合。

    In the Zermelo-Fraenkel system ZF of set theory , the foundation axiom restricts the domain of set theory to well-founded sets .

  4. 弗兰克尔是一名维也纳临床心理学家,他还是一名奥斯维辛集中营(Auschwitz)的幸存者。他在这本书里告诉我们,人即使在最无望的境地下也能找到生存意义。

    A Viennese psychiatrist and Auschwitz survivor , Frankl taught that one could find meaning in the most unpromising places .

  5. 弗兰克尔表示,每个人都必须找到自己的人生意义。

    Frankl said that everyone had to find their own meaning .

  6. 意义治疗是奥地利著名精神医学家和心理医生弗兰克尔所提出的一种心理治疗理论。

    Logotherapy is a psychotherapy theory advanced by Frankle .

  7. 弗兰克尔:精神的超越力量

    Frankl : The Power of Spirit

  8. 1943年进入上海国立音专随弗兰克尔、谭小麟学习作曲,毕业后在国立北平艺专音乐系任教。

    In1943 she studied music composition with Franker and Tan Xiaolin at the Shanghai State Conservatory of Music .

  9. 阿马伽-勒杜克定则杜福特-弗兰克尔格式

    Amagat-Le-duc rule Dufort-Frankel scheme

  10. 弗兰克尔说:明确告诉大家,你并不是有意置所有人于不顾,这一点非常重要。

    It 's important to make clear that you don 't intend to just leave everybody in the lurch , Frankel says .

  11. 哈佛大学化学家、弗兰克尔的长期合作者乔治·M·怀特塞兹说:“她改变了科学的外观形象。”

    According to George M.Whitesides , a Harvard chemist and her longtime collaborator ," She has transformed the visual face of science . "

  12. 阿兰。泰勒在给我的电邮中说,杰夫。弗兰克尔真的把他的现代宏观经济学的无知即力量的观点写成了文章。

    Alan Taylor emails me to say that Jeff Frankel did , in fact , write up his ignorance is strength version of modern macro .

  13. 最近,我曾写过关于运用恩格尔-弗兰克尔法来阐释利率变动的问题:考虑利率变动之际同时变动的还有什么,便能得出是什么在推动这种变动。

    I 've written recently about applying the Engel-Frankel method to making sense of interest rate movements : ask what else moves when rates move , and you get a clue to what 's driving the changes .

  14. 弗兰克尔表示,家庭危机“通常会让我们耗尽心神,常常忘记考虑我们的缺席会对其他同事产生怎样的影响。这正是同事产生怨气的原因。”

    A family crisis " often preoccupies us so completely that we forget to think much about how our absence will affect the people around us at work , " Frankel observes . " That 's where the resentment from colleagues comes in . "

  15. 弗兰克尔认为,生命的意义和价值在自我感和同一性形成过程中发挥着重要的作用,缺乏生命的意义和价值将会导致自我的无定型感和脆弱感。

    Frankel believes that the meaning and value of life plays an important role in the formatting process of self-sense and self-identity , but the lack of meaning and value of life will lead to the sense of amorphous self and a sense of vulnerability .

  16. 阿基米德说:给我一个支点,我将撬起地球。弗兰克尔所要告诉我们的则是:给我一个支点,我将使我的生活更加精彩。这个支点便是生命的意义。

    Archimedes said " Give me a fulcrum and I will lift the earth ", while Frankl told us " Give me a pivot and I will bring more wonders to my life . " His pivot just referred to the " meaning of life " .