
  • 网络combinatorics;Combination
  1. 情景组合论指导下的英译汉广告翻译

    E-C Advertisement Translating under the Direction of Situational Combination Theory

  2. 论情景组合论对翻译的指导意义

    The Application of the Situational Combination Theory to Translating

  3. 这是组合论中的典型问题。

    This is a combinatorial problem in canonical form .

  4. 组合论在现实世界中格外有用。

    Combinatorial Theory is exceptionally useful in the real world .

  5. 本文简述了组合论与化学的结合&组合化学。

    In this paper , indicates combinatorial theory combined with chemistry-combinatorial chemistry .

  6. 二项系数在组合论中有普遍的应用。

    The binomial coefficients are ubiquitous in Combinational Theory .

  7. 人们普遍认为组合论是数学中最令人喜爱的分支。

    Combinatorial theory is widely regarded as the most delightful branch of mathematics .

  8. 方法利用组合论和矩阵论方法。

    Methods By combinatorial and matrix theoretical methods .

  9. 我不得不略掉组合论中某些优美而重要的分支。

    I have had to leave out some beautiful and important branches of combinatorial theory .

  10. 板块形态包括模块组合论和核心课程论。

    The plate pattern includes the theory of plate structure and the theory of core curriculum .

  11. 本文用加权图的语言给出了这个充要条件一个简单的组合论的刻画。

    This paper reduced Qiu s criterion to a simpler version in terms of weighted graphs .

  12. 组合论与集团展开

    Combinatorial theory and cluster expansion

  13. 公式(1),(2)在组合论中又增添新的计算公式。

    Formula ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) provide new formula for calculation in combination theory .

  14. 本文尝试运用性格组合论,把他定位为文化转型时期的艰苦探索者。

    This paper tries to consider him as a hard-working explorer with the help of the Character Combinatorial Theory .

  15. 情景组合论作为情景交融的一种方式论,属于情景交融论的初级理论,对律诗创作产生过很大影响。

    Although in its primary stage , these theories produced great influence on poetic writing at that time and in the following generations .

  16. 循环级数是组合论中的重要内容之一,是计数和作算法分析的基础。

    The order cyclic series is one of the important contents of the combination theory , and it is the basis of counts and analysis of algorithm .

  17. 利用组合论的知识讨论了完善保密密码体制的设计,得到了完善保密密码体制的一个递归设计法,并给出了一类特殊完善保密密码体制的计数方面的一个结果;

    By using the knowledge of combination theory , we obtained the down boundary of a sort of perfect secrecy cryptosystem , got a method of the design of perfect secrecy cryptosystem .

  18. 自然条件组合论的这些基本观点将在泥石流预测预报、发展趋势、分类防治等方面的研究工作中,起到应有的作用。

    These basic viewpoints on natural condition constitution will play a proper role in calculation and forecast of debris flow and in study on its development tendency , classification , prevention and control .

  19. 本文认为并购中的金融交易要灵活运用可能的融资方式和渠道,要不断的创新,发现组合论的资本结构。

    The author points out that mergers and acquisitions in the financial transactions may be flexible in the use of financing methods and channels to constant innovation , so that the debt of enterprises and interests of a sound capital structure achieve the desires .

  20. 新疆北部石炭系地层层序和其化石组合特征论川东石炭系地层超覆圈闭气藏

    The Carboniferous system and its fossil assemblage characteristics in Northern Xinjiang

  21. 一类组合集论问题的计算公式

    The Counting Formulas for a Class of Problems in Combinatorial Set Theory

  22. 本文主要的内容为概述组合矩阵论的发展,介绍一些基本知识,以及本原矩阵的三种类型的广义指数。

    The main content of this article summarizes the development of combinatorial matrix theory , introduces some basic knowledge of it , and three kinds of generalized exponents of boolean matrix .

  23. 文章在转换生成语法框架内解释了论元在表层结构的可能线性组合、论元在深层结构的可能组合、逻辑性结构歧义三个方面解析了歧义句形成的原因。

    Within the framework of TG-Grammar , the article carries out the semantic interpretations of syntactical ambiguity : possible linear combination of arguments , combination of arguments in deep structure and logical form od ambiguity , and analyses causes of ambiguity .

  24. 符号模式矩阵是组合矩阵论中当前国际上十分活跃的一个研究课题,其重要原因在于它在经济学、生物学、化学、社会学、计算机科学等众多学科中具有广泛的实际应用背景。

    Sign pattern matrix is a very active research topic in combinatorial matrix theory , and one of the important reasons is that it has wide application in many subjects such as economics , biology , chemistry , sociology and computer science .

  25. 试论深基坑组合支护论平等的根据

    Discussion of deep foundation ditch jointed support On the Foundation of Equality

  26. 本文运用组合及集合论方法,考虑群中可测子集的共轭比序列,给出了刻划弱内自可靠性的充分必要条件。

    In this paper the so-called conjugate ratio sequence of measurable subsets is investigated by using combinatorial methods and set theory and the necessary and sufficient conditions for weakly inner amenability are obtained .

  27. 作者曾用组合方法与集合论方法,提出共轭比序列的概念,并证明了判别〔IA〕群的一系列充分必要条件。

    The author introduced the concept of conjugate ratio sequence and proved a sequence of necessary and sufficient conditions for ( IA ) groups by means of combinatorics and set theory .

  28. Bernoulli数、Stirling数、Euler数在组合数学、函数论、理论物理及近似计算等方面均有广泛的应用。

    Bernoulli numbers , Stirling numbers and Euler numbers have a wide range of applications in many fields such as combinatorics , function theory , theoretical physics , approximate calculation , and so on .

  29. 矩阵谱跨度在组合优化、控制论等方面有着广泛的应用。

    A spread of a matrix has extensive and practical applications in the combinatorial optimization problems and cybernetics problems .

  30. 在理论上,归纳出前景理论的资产组合的整体优化论:综合考虑和优化现有财富、期望达到的财富水平、达到期望值的概率、对投资的安全性及增值潜力的欲望等因素。

    In theory , we summarized the whole optimization view of Prospect theory about asset portfolio : an integrated consideration and optimization of existing wealth , the wealth level that hopes to reach , the probability to expectations , investment security and the desire of growth potential and so on .