
  • 网络Internal structure of the organization;organization structure
  1. 解释了这个组织内部结构的状况以及这些结构变量如何影响组织的科研绩效。

    Explain the organization the internal structure of the situation and these structures can affect organizational research performance .

  2. 专供组织内部结构及跨部门的各个特别兴趣小组彼此交流和讨论之用。

    Connections – for active interactions and discussion by special interest groups across organizational structure and departmental lines .

  3. 随著生产力的发展,企业组织内部结构将不断演变,企业形态这种生产组织本身也将让位于其他组织形态。

    With the development of productivity , the interior structure of enterprise organization will be changed continuously , and such an organization of production as the enterprises will be substituted by other morphology of organization .

  4. 随着电信和网络技术的普及应用和企业管理的现代化趋势的进一步加强,在企业全球经济一体化的条件下,经营管理以及组织内部结构不断调整变化,给管理会计提出了新的挑战。

    In the condition of the information age and global economic integration , with the general trend of modern enterprise management and the telecommunication and network technology application becoming more and more popular . There are challenges to Management Accounting from enterprise management and organization internal structure change .

  5. 结论:胃黏膜出现萎缩后Bcl-2及cox-2表达增加,免疫荧光与激光扫描共聚焦显微检测技术具有分辨率高、灵敏度高等特点,为细胞和组织内部超微结构的分析提供了良好的技术平台。

    CONCLUSION : The expressions of Bcl-2 protein and cox-2 protein in gastric mucosa increase . Immunofluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy have high resolving power and high sensitiveness , that is a good flat proof of technique for analyzing ultrastructure of cell and tissue .

  6. 一般来说,群签名被用来隐藏团体或组织的内部结构。

    More generally , group signatures can be used to conceal group 's or organization 's internal structures .

  7. 基于这样一种认识,本文试图从大学制度变迁等基本问题出发,通过对大学组织内部权力结构的深入剖析,力求准确把握大学组织内部权力结构的二元特征。

    Based on such an understanding , the paper tried to analyze the " duality " features of power structure within University by studying the issues like the changes and internal power structure of University institutions .

  8. 毫无疑问,电子信函削弱了组织内部的等级结构。

    There is no doubt that E-mail flattens the hierarchical structure of an organization .

  9. 该方法利用超图重写系统组织系统的内部结构和创新过程。

    The approach employs a hyper-graph rewriting system to organize intrinsic information of the system and to model creativity process .

  10. 它利用弱相干光源的低相干特性,对活体组织的内部微结构进行高分辨率的断层成像。

    To make use of the coherence characteristic of the low-coherence light source , OCT produces cross-sectional images of the internal microstructure of living tissue .

  11. 为提供体系结构治理,必须在组织内部确立一些结构,定义所有需要的角色和职责,以及定义适当的制定决策的组织结构。

    To provide architectural governance , some structures have to be established within an organization , defining all required roles and responsibilities as well as appropriate decision-making structures .

  12. 规模大的组织被迫改变其内部结构。

    The large organizations were forced to change their internal structure .

  13. 第二,依据现代股份制公司治理的原则,设计了合理的正虹集团公司组织框架和内部组织结构。

    Second , according to the principles of modern corporate governance , new organizational structure has been designed in the paper .

  14. 家族企业因其特有的家族因素,与其他组织形式相比,内部结构与关系较为复杂,治理模式具有特殊性。

    Because of its unique family factor , the internal structure and relationship in family business are more complicated and the governance model is special , compared with other forms .

  15. 这是论文的基点,是在明确创业投资基金内涵及特征的基础上再探讨其组织形式及内部治理结构问题。

    As the base point of this paper , built on a clear explanation about the essence and characteristics of venture investment fund , this part probes into its organization form and inner governance structure .

  16. 从理论上说,企业是人力资本和物质资本通过契约方式而组成的经济组织,其内部权利结构依赖于人力资本和货币资本权力博弈的结果。

    An enterprise is the economic organization made up through the agreement of manpower capital and material capital in theory . Its property right structure is the result of game between manpower capital and money capital .

  17. 但是目前对于社区卫生组织与医院的联动模式研究较少,对于社区卫生组织内部结构的研究也还有待完善。

    However , there is little study on the interaction mode between community health care and hospital . The structure of community health organization remains to be improved .

  18. 这些就是组织的运作过程,它们持续发生在所有有组织的机体的内部结构中,和发生在所有自然变化中。

    These are the dynamic processes of organization that continuously take place within the internal structure of all organized beings and in all natural processes .

  19. 在此基础上,改变传统税务管理以职能为导向的组织结构,建立以税务流程为导向的扁平化组织结构,以实现税务组织内部结构机制的改革。

    On this basis , we change the traditional tax institutional framework and take functions as our direction , set up the flat institutional framework and take procedure as our guidance so as to realize the goals of reforming tax structure within the tax organization .

  20. 应用建模实例说明采用该算法可以较为准确高效地完成对人体组织器官的三维数字化建模,并且所建立的三维数字化模型可以合理表达组织器官内部的结构信息。

    The application of modeling examples can verify the algorithm is more accurate and efficient to complete three-dimensional digital modeling of the human tissue and organ and the three-dimensional digital model can reasonably express the internal structural information of organ .

  21. 制度只是一种约定的规则,模式只是在市场中的经营的组织形式或方式,所有的功能的实现都还取决于信用社的组织的内部构成和结构,即信用社的组织管理方式。

    System is only a series of rules under convention , while model is only forms or manners of organizations operated in the market . Implementation of all features also depends on internal composition and structure of organization , namely the management pattern of organizations .