
zǔ zhī zhí nénɡ
  • organizing function
  1. 从政府职能看,要强化政府的组织职能,组织农民工就业培训,规范劳动力市场流通。

    From the perspective of the government function , the organizing function is suggested to be enhanced to provide immigrant workers with trainings and standardize the circulation of labor market .

  2. 实践证明,通过三年改革,解放和发展了林业生产力,加快了造林步伐,促进了森林资源的保护,增加了农民和集体的收入,推动林业基层组织职能转变,促进了农村社会和谐稳定。

    Practice proved that through three years reform , released and developed forest productivity , expedited forestation , promoted protecting forest resource , increased the income of farmers and collectivity , forced change of forestry grass roots organizing function , promoted country community harmonious and stabile /

  3. 村民自治背景下村级党组织职能研究

    On the Functions of Party Organization at Village Level in Villager Autonomy

  4. 而从组织职能出发,则可把管理信息系统看成是完成不同职能的各个子系统的联合,每一个职能子系统都包含四种类型的活动。

    Every function subsystem includes four kinds of activity .

  5. 组织职能褊狭,缺乏活力;

    Thirdly , the functions of BSO are marrow , lack of vitality ;

  6. 组织职能是健康保险企业制度安排的内容。

    And the organizational function is the content of the insurer 's system structure .

  7. 事实上,按照其说法,组织职能已然行尽于此,难得寸进。

    In effect they say the organization can go this far - and no further .

  8. 识别关键活动在组织职能部门之间的介面界面。

    Identifying the interfaces of key activities within and between the functions of the organization .

  9. 营销组织职能的完整性;

    The integrity of marketing organization function ;

  10. 企业兼具教育组织职能的历史考察&以中国近代企业为例

    A Historical Survey of Enterprises with Educational Functions : A Case Study on Modern Chinese Enterprises

  11. 强调学术组织职能的同时,还要注重学术组织所产生的影响力与效果。

    Emphasize academic organization functions at the same time , notice the academic organization produces influence and effect .

  12. 间接采购作为一个崭新的组织职能,已经慢慢地融入企业的运营管理中。

    Indirect Sourcing , as a brand-new organizational function , has been gradually merged into the operational management of enterprises .

  13. 阿利亚后,以色列工人运动建立了一个由犹太人自己履行一切经济职能和组织职能的社会;

    Thereafter , Israel 's Labour Movement established a society in which the Jews themselves performed all the economic and government functions .

  14. 第三章介绍上海市市容环境行业工会产生的渊源、历史沿革过程及组织职能;

    The third chapter is the history , reform process and functions of the sector labor union of Shanghai Administrative Bureau of Municipal Environment .

  15. 影响商业健康保险企业制度安排的主要因素有:生产要素、产业价值链和组织职能。

    The major factors that affect system structure of commercial health insurance companies are production factors , value chain of the industry and organizational function .

  16. 本文对冷战后欧洲安全与合作组织职能的调整、特别是其在危机处理及维和事务中所发挥的作用进行了探讨。

    This study focuses on the role of OSCE ( Organization of Security and Cooperation for Europe ) in crisis management and peacekeeping affairs in Europe .

  17. 然而在考察了我国渔民合作组织职能建设之后得出目前我国的渔业协会还很难担当渔业资源管理的重任。

    However , after the examination of the Chinese fisherman cooperative organization , it is concluded that the Chinese fishery association cannot take the responsibility of the fishery management .

  18. 港口企业要在满足预算组织职能的前提下,根据港口企业的业务特点,在港口企业现有的组织结构的基础上建立预算组织结构。

    Port enterprises ' budget organization should meet budget organization 's function firstly . Then based on enterprises ' organizational structure and business feature , port enterprises found budget organizational structure .

  19. 从控制成本、强化竞争机制,开发人力资源、优化组织职能、发展外部合作等着手增强企业的竞争优势;

    We should enhance the advantage of competition from controlling the cost , strengthening the competition mechanism , exploiting the human resource , optimizing the organization function and expanding external cooperation ;

  20. 而正是由于政府组织职能的不断外组织化,提高了政府组织的学习能力,强化了政府组织履行核心职能的能力,从而使政府组织应对复杂环境的能力不断得以提高。

    Moreover , with the government 's function become more out-systematize , the government 's ability to learn , to fulfill its core function and to deal with the complex environment has been improved .

  21. 第四章主要是以长沙市团委为例进行实证研究,为共青团组织职能创新研究提供现实依据。

    Chapter ⅳ mainly makes empirical research to Changsha league for example , analyzes their main advantage , typical cases and main confusion , and provides realistic basis for the Communist Youth League organization functional innovation .

  22. 再次人民的一片心意,只是令人惊讶,他们请假,带领车队,组织职能,观光和尽一切力量使我们难忘。

    Once again the kindness of people is just astounding , they take time off work , lead the convoy , organise functions , sightseeing and do everything in their power to make our stay memorable .

  23. 市场营销既是一种组织职能,也是为了组织自身及利益相关者的利益而创造、传播、传递客户价值,管理客户关系的一系列过程。

    Marketing is a function of organization , and also is a series progress of manage client relation , which create , communicate , transfer client value in order to organization itself advantage and advantage related people .

  24. 共青团组织职能的发挥和先进性的表达都是通过其成员表现体现出来的。对其成员进行团员意识教育,是共青团组织建设的一项最基本的工作。

    The exertion of Youth League Organizing function and the expression of its advanced nature are all reflected through its members ' behavior , so the League membership awareness education for youth league members is a fundamental job for the building of the Communist Youth League organizations .

  25. 虽然存在种种制约因素,但欧盟警务一体化已经呈现一系列发展态势,即进一步规范警务合作,强化现有合作组织职能,并发展新的合作组织和合作形式。

    Though the further development is restricted by many factors , policing integration has revealed a series of developing trends , those are : to standardize the policing cooperation further ; to consolidate the function of present cooperative organizations ; and to develop new cooperative organizations and forms .

  26. 将一个组织结构职能形状添加到您的tqm流程图中。

    Adds an organization function shape to your TQM flowchart .

  27. 首先,对B2C电子商务企业及商品的供应情况进行了分析,包括供应链结构、供应组织及职能、供应特点、供应策略等方面。

    Firstly , the supply method in B2C industry is analyzed , including the supply chain structure , supply organization and function , supply character and supply strategies .

  28. 金融危机的频繁发生对于国际货币基金组织及其职能提出了挑战,国际社会对于IMF改革的呼声日益高涨。

    Frequent and large financial crises have been challenging the international monetary fund ( IMF ) and its functions in recent years and the calls for reforming the IMF have been the subject of mounting voice in international community .

  29. 计算机系统使用菜单结构来组织会计职能。

    Computerized systems use a menu structure to organize accounting functions .

  30. 论行政组织的职能扩张

    Talking about the Extension of the Functions of the Administrative Organization