
  • 网络Tissue diagnosis;Organizational Diagnosis
  1. 目的:组织承诺是组织诊断和管理激励的重要指标。

    Objective : Organizational commitment is a key factor of organizational diagnosis and management motivation .

  2. CTE只能在死后通过分析大脑组织诊断。

    CTE can only be diagnoses after death by analyzing brain tissue .

  3. 结果表明在皮肤组织诊断中THz的频段应控制在2.2THz以下的低频范围。

    The results show that THz wavelength should be controlled below 2.2 THz during the diagnosis of skin tissue .

  4. 混合模型通过相似匹配函数的更新实现推理的动态性,通过K-D树算法组织诊断案例建立案例库。

    Similarity function of the model can be dynamic reasoning through automatic updates . We organized new case base by the K-D Tree algorithm .

  5. 自1935年美国学者Hoppock的经典研究:JobSatisfaction以来,工作满意度调查研究得到了人们的普遍关注,并成为组织诊断和管理激励的重要指标。

    Since the classic research of " Job Satisfaction " in 1935 by the American scholar Hoppock , the job satisfaction research has been gaining much attention , and has become an important index for organization diagnosis and administrative stimulation .

  6. 按世界卫生组织诊断标准,选择原发性高血压患者40例,并与30例健康体检者相对照,原发性高血压患者服科素亚50mg,1次/d,共4周。

    According to the diagnostic standards of WHO , 40 patients with primary hypertension and 30 healthy people ( as control group ) were selected . Each patient took cozaar , 50 mg once a day , for 4 weeks .

  7. 电子显微镜术、免疫荧光技术在肾活检组织诊断中的应用

    Electron Microscope and Immunofluorescence Technical Applying on Diagnosis of Renal Biopsy

  8. 激光扫描共焦显微镜活体组织诊断技术的应用进展

    Advances of in vivo confocal scanning laser microscopy

  9. 企业组织诊断研究

    Study on Enterprises Organization Diagnoses

  10. 组织诊断光谱学研究

    On Tissue Diagnostic Spectroscopy

  11. 通过研究血液细胞组成和造血组织诊断血液和其他遗传病。

    Investigates and diagnoses blood and other genetic disorders by studying cellular composition of blood and blood-producing tissues .

  12. 纳入标准:符合世界卫生组织诊断标准的2型糖尿病并伴有抑郁焦虑症状。

    Including criterion : The patients were coincided to type 2 diabetes mellitus combined with depression and anxiety according to diagnostic standard of WHO .

  13. 开放性的组织诊断作为适应当前企业组织优化与变革的前提条件,其作用及需求日益增强。

    As the precondition of adapting to optimization and reformation of an organization currently , the function and the demands of opening Organization Consulting are growing day by day .

  14. 方法:1进行睾丸组织诊断性活检,从而对生精细胞功能的评估,分成生精功能障碍正常,轻度,中度以及重度等四组。

    Diagnostic testicular biopsy , and thus the functional assessment of the spermatogenic cells , divided into four groups of spermatogenic function in normal , mild , moderate and severe , etc.2 .

  15. 结论:影像学检查对四肢软组织肿瘤诊断有重要价值,CT定性有难度。

    Conclusion : The imaging is valuable for extremity soft tissue tumours .

  16. 结论纵隔肿块CT导向经皮穿刺活检是有效的获取组织学诊断的方法,其并发症与穿刺途径相关,直接途径穿刺安全性高,可广泛应用;

    Conclusion CT-guided transcutaneous needle biopsy is a effective procedure to establish histologic diagnosis of accessible mediastinal masses .

  17. 方法82例CHB或肝硬化患者,在实施CDFI检测的同时进行肝组织活检诊断。

    Methods 82 patients were checked by CDFI and liver biopsies .

  18. 目的探讨常规和动态增强MRI对髓外硬膜下肿瘤的组织学诊断和肿瘤富血管度的评价。

    Purpose To investigate the value of routine and Dynamic contrast enhanced MR imaging in the histologic and vascularity assessment of intradural extramedullary tumors .

  19. Barrett食管的内镜与组织学诊断及APC治疗的临床研究

    Endoscopic , Histological Diagnosis and Argon Plasma Coagulation for Treatment of Barrett 's Esophagus

  20. 其次,在介绍了业务流程再造理论之后,本文对SEM公司的营销业务流程和营销组织进行诊断和分析。

    Second , the thesis introduces BPR theory . And then , marketing process of SEM is diagnosed via analyzing marketing process and organization of SEM .

  21. 目的研究牙科用三维小视野照射CT(3DX)在口腔内科根尖部硬组织疾病诊断和牙齿解剖学形态影像中的价值。

    Objective To investigate the application of the limited cone beam CT ( 3 DX ) for the diagnosis of the hard tissue disease of apex and the anatomical morphology of the teeth .

  22. 结论是:CT诊断支气管阻塞的价值是肯定而准确的,有时可取代常规体层片及支气管造影,但非组织学诊断。

    In conclusion , the CT diagnosis of bronchial obstruction was useful with high accuracy , and sometimes CT may replace the conventional Tomography and Broncho radiography but it was not a patho histologic diagnosis .

  23. HMB-45单克隆抗体在黑素瘤免疫组织化学诊断中的应用

    Application of HMB-45 monoclonal antibody in diagnosis of melanoma

  24. 不使用特殊的方法,是不可能作出EMI的组织学诊断并把其作为猝死原因的。

    And histological diagnosis of EMI as a cause of sudden , unexpected death is not possible to achieve without the use of special methods .

  25. 14C呼气试验阳性率与组织学诊断阳性率之间差异无显著性,14C呼气试验阳性率与血清抗HP阳性率之间比较差异有显著性(P<005)。

    There was a significant difference between 14 C-urea breath test and blood anti-HP antibody detection ( P < 0.05 ) .

  26. DDR双能量减影普通胸片与骨组织像诊断肋骨骨折的价值

    The Value of Standard PA Chest Image and Bone Image of Dual Energy Subtraction with DDR in Diagnostic Rib Fracture

  27. 目的探讨比较基因组杂交(CGH)技术与绒毛细胞培养染色体核型分析用于自然流产组织遗传学诊断的准确性。

    Objective To explore the feasibility of comparative genomic hybridization ( CGH ) to be used for analysis of spontaneously aborted tissue .

  28. 方法采用原位杂交和聚合酶链反应(PCR)方法,对112例外阴、宫颈病变进行了HPV6B/11、16、18型DNA检测,并对HPVDNA阳性的病变进行组织病理诊断。

    Methods HPV DNA of type 6B / 11 , 16 , 18 were detected in vulva / cervical lesions of 112 cases with in situ hybridization and polymerase chain reaction . The tissues containing HPV DNA were investigated with histopathologic method .

  29. 磁共振成像(MRI)技术是一种能取得活体器官和组织详细诊断图像的医疗诊断技术,具有无损伤无辐射等优点,在医学临床与科研领域得到广泛应用。

    Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) technology is a Medical diagnostic technology , which can obtain detailed diagnostic images of organs and tissues in vivo . MRI has been widely used in clinical and sometimes becomes an indispensable means of checking disease diagnosis .

  30. 目的比较美国糖尿病协会1997年修订的糖尿病诊断标准〔ADA(1997)〕和世界卫生组织糖尿病诊断标准〔WHO(1980~1985)〕在中国人中检出率的变化及迁移。

    Objective To compare the impact of the 1997 American Diabetes Association ( ADA ) versus the 1980 ~ 1985 World Health Organization ( WHO ) diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus on diagnosis sensitivity .