
  • 网络five discipline
  1. 五项修炼:教师专业发展的有效途径

    Five Disciplines : Effective Approaches to Teacher 's Professional Development

  2. 学习型组织理论从自我超越、改善心智模式、建立共同愿景、团队学习和系统思考五项修炼入手,逐步引领学校走向管理创新之路。

    Based on the theory of learning organization , administration innovation in schools can be achieved through five disciplines & personal mastery , improving mental model , building shared vision , team learning and systems thinking .

  3. 引入服务人员五项修炼提高护理服务质量的尝试

    Introduction of " Five Practices of Nurses " to improve service quality

  4. 大学开展五项修炼提高学生的社会竞争力

    The University Carry Out " The Fifth Discipline " to Enhance the Competitiveness of Students in the Community

  5. 本文在综合五项修炼模型、五阶段模型、第四种模型等几个有影响的学习型组织模型成果的基础上,联系我国高技术企业的实际,提出了导动式学习型组织模型。

    Based on the comprehensive five-training model , five-stage model , and the fourth type model , this paper proposes a guided organization model .

  6. 学习型组织的创建主要通过自我超越、改善心智模式、建立共同愿景、团队学习和系统思考五项修炼进行。

    Its establishment involves surpassing self , improving mental models , creating shared vision , team learning , and systems thinking of the fifth discipline .

  7. 在该书中,彼得·圣吉提出了学习型组织的五项修炼:自我超越,改善心智模式,建立共同愿景,团体学习,系统思考。

    Five discipline were put forward in this book : Personal Mastery , Improving Mental Models , Building Shared Vision , Team Learning , System Thinking .

  8. 并借鉴第五项修炼的理论,建立了联盟内促进知识转移、核心能力培育的协同学习模式。

    It set up a coordinated studying mode to promote knowledge transformation and fostering the core competence by drawing lessons from the theory of the Fifth Discipline .

  9. 学习型企业理论是一种最新型的企业管理理论,其中的学习具有特殊的涵义,五项修炼是创建学习型企业的基本功,创建学习型企业只有起点,没有终点。

    The study oriented enterprise theory is a new type of enterprise management theory and there is no limit to the efforts made in creating a study oriented enterprise .

  10. 彼得·圣吉在《第五项修炼&学习型组织的艺术与实务》中提出的学习型组织理论,成为高校学习型党组织建设的直接理论来源。

    In " the Fifth Discipline-Learning The Art and Practice Organization " Peter M.Senge brought the learning organization theory , it is the direct theoretical source of constructing the learning-oriented Party organization in campus .

  11. 第一部分,从对彼得·圣吉提出的五项修炼理解着手,结合最新的有关学习型组织的研究,阐述什么是学习型组织,对比传统的组织结构和管理方式,学习型组织的优势何在。

    PartI : comprehending The Fifth Discipline advanced by Peter Senge , we combine the latest research improvements about " the organization of study ", expatiate on what is " the organization of study " .

  12. 结论引入服务人员五项修炼体现了以病人为中心的护理服务文化,提高护士素质与医院在社会的美誉度。

    Conclusion The introduction of " Five Practices of Nurses " embodies the nursing service culture " taking patients as the center " and raise the quality of nurses and even the reputation of hospital in the society .

  13. 自从1990年彼得·圣吉博士将他的研究成果写成《第五项修炼一一学习型组织的艺术与实务》一书以来,在世界的各类组织中掀起了学习型组织研究的热潮。

    Since 1990 , Peter Senge put his research findings into the book " The Fifth Discipline & The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization " , various organizations all over the world sparked off a craze for learning organization .

  14. 面对知识经济的大潮,我国高校后勤在社会化改革实践中,必须从营造自我超越氛围、改善心智模式、建立共同愿景、开展团体学习和促进系统思考等五项修炼入手,构建学习型组织。

    In the information era , with the market-oriented reform in collegiate logistics , Learning Organization must be established by creating an environment for personal mastery , improving mental models , building a shared vision , adopting team learning and promoting systems thinking .

  15. 本文指出企业成为百年老店的关键是提高组织学习能力,进行五项修炼是企业成为学习型组织的基本前提。

    This paper points out that the key point for the enterprise to last for generations is to improve the capability of organizing study and the fundamental prerequisite for the enterprise to become a learning-pattern organization is to go on the five practices .

  16. 学习型组织中的五项修炼,尤其是建立共同愿景、团队学习给了我很大的启发,航天七院40年的历史文化沉积,厚重而宝贵的航天精神,自然是我们企业培训体系的基石。

    The five practice of study organization , especially establishing the common willing , studying together give deep impression to me . 40 years history culture deposition of the Seventh Aerospace Academy and sincere and precious astronautics spirit naturally was the cornerstone of our enterprise training system .

  17. 五是西部制度创新的路径;知识管理的五项修炼

    The institutional innovation method of western regions ; The Five Disciplines of Knowledge Management