
  • 网络worker labour productivity
  1. 这也许就是工人劳动生产率提高的源泉之一,现在我们来分析一下这个问题。

    This may be one source of increase in worker productivity , to which we now turn our attention .

  2. 他们正在提高薪资最低的工人的劳动生产率吗?

    Are they improving the productivity of the lowest-wage workers ?

  3. 汽车修理工人实物劳动生产率

    Labour productivity of repair man

  4. 最近,研究者在调查房屋建筑业时发现,尽管建筑行业的工作非常复杂,但是德克萨斯州休斯顿市的那些不识字、不会说英语的墨西哥工人却总能达到劳动生产率的最高标准。

    More , recently , while examining housing construction , the researchers discovered that illiterate , non-English-speaking Mexican workers in Houston , Texas , consistently met best-practice labor productivity standards despite the complexity of the building industry 's work .

  5. 拿工人讲,工人的劳动生产率提高了,他们的劳动条件和集体福利就需要逐步有所改进。

    Take the workers for example . As their labour productivity rises , there should be a gradual improvement in their working conditions and collective welfare .

  6. 4S店苯系物作业汽修工人的职业危害分析汽车修理工人实物劳动生产率

    Analysis of benzene and its homolog occupational hazards on the motor-repair workers in 4S store labour productivity of repair man