
gōng jù xiāng
  • toolbox;tool chest;tool cabinet;tool case;hold-all
工具箱 [gōng jù xiāng]
  • [toolbox] 装工具的箱子

工具箱[gōng jù xiāng]
  1. 他工具箱里的东西都排得很整齐。

    Everything in his tool chest was in good trim .

  2. 火箭就放在工具箱里吗?

    The rocket 's in the tool chest ?

  3. 凯莱布扛起工具箱匆忙离开了。

    Caleb shouldered the toolbox and left hurriedly .

  4. 工具箱项目的创始人泰勒·布里奇斯说:"所有年龄、种族和社会经济背景的人都会给予或索取。"

    " People of all ages , races , and socio-economic backgrounds gave and took , " said Tyler Bridges of The Toolbox , which created the project .

  5. 我叹了口气,放下工具箱埋头苦干起来,一不留神脑袋撞在了墙上,儿子觉得很好玩,但是我的火气越来越大。

    I sighed and set my tool box down , and banged my head in the process . This entertained my son but only irritated me further .

  6. 开展出舱活动及舱外作业。包括舱外服在轨转移、组装、测试,进行两次出舱活动,开展舱外工具箱的组装、全景摄像机抬升和扩展泵组的安装等工作。

    Second , they will move , assemble and test extravehicular spacesuits and perform two extravehicular activities for work including assembling an extravehicular toolbox , lifting the panoramic camera and installing extended pump sets .

  7. 在工具箱内,从菜单栏选择File>Importproject。

    In the toolkit , select File > Import project from the menu bar .

  8. 它是所有资深Web开发人员工具箱中的一个必备工具。

    It 's a must-have tool in any experienced Web developer 's toolbox .

  9. VISUALBASIC6.0工具箱中数据控件提供了一种访问数据库中数据的方法。

    Data control in visual basic 6.0 toolbox offer the method of visiting the database .

  10. 近几个月中,出现了一些功能全面的项目,用于为Web应用程序开发用户界面工具箱。

    In recent months , several full-featured projects for developing user interface toolkits for Web applications have emerged .

  11. 编程采用MATLAB语言工具箱的相关程序。

    Relative programs from MATLAB language toolbox were adopted for programming .

  12. 基于MATLAB工具箱的神经网络在地震预报中的应用

    Application of nerval network based on MATLAB toolbox to earthquake prediction

  13. 同时将Matlab软件中优化工具箱的优化函数运用于模型的求解过程。

    And taking optimization membership in optimization tool from MATLAB software .

  14. 开发者使用Web服务工具箱和单元测试环境来创建和测试Web服务。

    A developer uses a Web services toolkit and unit test environment to create and test the Web service .

  15. 用MATLAB生物信息学工具箱分析人类线粒体基因序列

    Gene sequence analysis of homo mitochondrion using MATLAB bioinformatics toolbox

  16. 用MATLAB的虚拟现实工具箱进行飞机起飞模拟

    The Plane Flying-off Simulation in Virtual Reality Toolbox of MATLAB

  17. MATLAB的遗传算法工具箱,在结构优化中得到了广泛应用。

    MATLAB Genetic Algorithm Toolbox has been widely used in structural optimization .

  18. 基于MATLAB优化工具箱的机组负荷优化分配

    Optimized Distribution of Unit 's Load Based on Optimization Toolbox of MATLAB

  19. Matlab神经网络工具箱在导弹解耦控制仿真中的应用

    Application of Matlab Neural Network Toolbox in Decoupling Control Simulation for Missiles

  20. 应用MATLAB统计工具箱进行教学评价

    The Use of MATLAB Statistics Toolbox for Teaching Evaluation

  21. 利用Matlab神经网络工具箱来实现上述算法。

    The above method was implemented by the neural network toolbox in Matlab .

  22. MATLAB通信工具箱及其使用方法&一种全新的通信系统计算仿真工具

    A Full New Simulation Tool of Communications System MATLAB Communications ToolBox and Application

  23. 基于Matlab神经网络工具箱进行港口集装箱运量预测

    Forecasting Container Throughput of Port on the Basis of Neural Toolbox of Matlab

  24. 基于Matlab系统辨识工具箱的系统建模

    System Modeling Based on System Identification Toolbox in Matlab

  25. Matlab工具箱在大地电磁测深二维正演中的应用

    Application of Matlab Toolbox in MT 2D Forward Modeling

  26. 基于MATLAB优化工具箱的行星轮系参数优化设计

    The Parameter Optimum Design of the Planetary Gears based on MATLAB Optimization Toolbox

  27. 基于Matlab符号数学工具箱的程序设计

    Programming based on the symbolic math toolbox of Matlab

  28. 对来自工具箱的任何消息单击OK。

    Click OK to any resulting messages from the toolkit .

  29. 要将一组LotusNotes文档导入到工具箱

    To import a set of Lotus Notes documents into the toolkit

  30. 面向MATLAB神经网络工具箱的图象数据融合算法及实现

    Algorithm and Implementation of Image Data Fusion by the Neural Network Tools in MATLAB