
  • 网络similarity principle;similarity theory;Principle of Similarity
  1. 应用逻辑思维相似原理和传统PID算法相结合,建立了该模型的模糊控制PID控制算法。

    Applying the similarity principle of logical thinking combined the traditional PID algorithm , fuzzy PID control algorithm of this model is built .

  2. 利用相似原理解决了由于硅钢片厚度较小超出了ANSYS软件所能计算的绝对尺寸的范围的问题。

    By using the similarity principle , the problem that the smaller thickness of silicon steel sheet goes beyond the set valves which can be calculated by ANSYS is solved .

  3. 并利用K相似原理,把表面裂纹问题转换为中心贯穿裂纹问题;

    Then the K resemble theory was used to translate the surface crack to middle through crack .

  4. RC网络模拟是以地下水流与电流相似原理为基础发展起来的。

    RC networks analogy of ground warter is based on similarities between flow of ground wafter and flow of electron .

  5. 介绍了两种降水概率预报方法,一种是根据多因子场相似原理作降水概率预报,另一种是用武汉区域气象中心的MAPS降水资料作降水概率预报。

    In this paper , two methods of precipitation probability forecast are introduced . One is multiple factorial analogous method , another statistic method of wuhan MAPS NWP .

  6. 根据相似原理,用相似电感提取CT的励磁电流,经过一些电子线路,产生适当的补偿电流,注入补偿绕组。

    According to the principle of similarity , the excitation current of CT is drawn with the similar transducer , which , through some electronic circuits , turns into proper compensation current and is injected into the compensation winding .

  7. 从材料的SN曲线与构件的SN曲线形状相似原理出发,结合Bayes估计理论和加速寿命试验理论,提出一个估计构件疲劳极限的极小样本方法。

    A minimum sample method is given to determine the fatigue limits of structural components based on Bayes estimation theory , the accelerated life testing theory and the similarity of S & N curve between material and components .

  8. 根据相似原理,Reynolds方程可转化为常微分方程,求解常微分方程得到二维湍流时均流场的相似解。

    Hence , the Reynolds equation can be transformed into an ordinary differential equation by similarity considerations , and the equation of velocity distribution behind the groin-like structure can be obtained .

  9. 以攀钢165tLF炉为原型,根据相似原理,用冷态模拟的方法对影响LF炉吹氩混合效果的各种工艺参数进行了研究。

    Using 165 t LF of Panzhihua Steel and Iron Co. as the prototype , the technical parameter of LF argon bubbling was studied by means of hydrodynamic modeling with similarity theory .

  10. 对单位字典与lk范数构成的正则化模型应用相似原理,并依据最小均方误差准则,得到最优模型参数以及模型解析解。

    By applying the similar process and minimum mean-square error criterion , the optimal model parameters and the analytic solution of the regularization model with l_k norm and identity matrix is also gotten .

  11. 在这个过程中,以某厂家6吨级挖掘机行走装置为模型尺寸,采用相似原理确定基本参数,利用二次开发语言GRIP完成模型的建立。

    The analogical theory is used to decide the fundamental parameters and the language for the quadratic development of UG named GRIP is taken to build the models according as the model dimension of the 6t excavator .

  12. 基于相邻图像最相似原理的4D-CT图像重建研究

    Four-Dimensional Computerized Tomography ( 4D-CT ) Reconstruction Based on the Most Similarity Principle of Spatial Adjacent Images

  13. 介绍了根据几何和流动相似原理建立起的ZQM41型试验中速磨煤机的试验系统。

    Introduced the test system of ZQM41 model test medium speed coal grinder which based on the geometry and flow similarity principle .

  14. 采用矿岩粉碎颗粒分布符合G-S分布的现象,修正利用自相似原理推导出的与粉碎颗粒表面分维数相关的单位能耗公式。

    Considering the grain distribution of fragmented ore conforms with the G-S distribution , the paper corrects the consumed formulas of unit energy deducted with the self-analogical principle , and the relevance with the fractile dimension of fragmented surface .

  15. 抓斗强度刚度稳定性相似原理及模型试验的相似条件

    Principle of Similitude of Grab and Similar Condition of Model Test

  16. 农业气候相似原理与农作物引种的气候诊断方法

    Principle of Agroclimatic analogy and Agroclimatic Diagnostic Method of Crop Introduction

  17. 相似原理在循环泵技术改造中的应用

    Application of Similarity Principle in technical innovation of water circulating pump

  18. 基于向量空间相似原理的框架词元扩展

    The Extension of Lexical Units Based on Vector Space Similarity Theory

  19. 根据相似原理进行了相似模拟实验研究;

    The modeling experiments were conducted according to the theory of similarity .

  20. 不同口径旋转稳定弹丸的弹道相似原理研究

    The Ballistic Similarity Theory for the Different Calibre Spin-Stabilized Projectiles

  21. 泡沫复合驱物理模拟相似原理

    Similarity principle of the physical simulation of foam complex flooding

  22. 混合几何相似原理在船模光弹试验中的应用

    Application of MIXED-GEOMETRIC similar principle to ship structure model in photoelastic test

  23. 相似原理在压缩机防喘振控制中的应用

    Application of similarity theory in anti surging control for compressors

  24. 本文基于相似原理,提出了适合升沉补偿系统的相似准则。

    Based on similar principles , the suitable similar rule is put forward .

  25. 基于三角形相似原理的指纹识别研究

    Fingerprint Recognition Based on the Similar Principle of Triangle

  26. 几何相似原理在过滤性渔具网目选择性研究中的应用

    Application of geometrical similarity principle on mesh selectivity research of filter fishing gear

  27. 组成相似原理及其在刚架简化计算中的一些应用

    The similarity principle of constitution and its application in simplified calculation for framework

  28. 相似原理及因次分析法

    Principle of Similitude and Method of Dimensional Analysis

  29. 基于相似原理的母管制锅炉压力控制系统的分析与仿真研究

    Analysis and Simulation Study of Analogue Principle-based Pressure Control System of Header System Boiler

  30. 按自相似原理构成的一种随机粒子模型及其应用

    A model of random particles constructed by the principle of self-similarity and its application