
xiāng děng
  • equation;equality;equal;be equal to;be equal;even out;symmetry;even;iso-
相等 [xiāng děng]
  • [be equal] [数目、数、量或尺寸的] 相同

  • 大小相等

相等[xiāng děng]
  1. 他完全同意一个观点,即把金钱同快乐相等起来是很危险的。

    He was in entire agreement with an opinion , that is , the equation of wealth with happiness could be dangerous .

  2. 语义等价:基于XML规则的相等。

    Semantic equivalence : Equality based on the rules of XML .

  3. 圆周上各点离圆心的距离相等。

    All points on a circle are equidistant from the centre .

  4. 这个班男女生人数相等。

    There is an equal number of boys and girls in the class .

  5. 裁判判定决赛双方得分相等。

    The judges awarded equal points to both finalists .

  6. 考试中每道题的分值相等。

    Each question in the exam has equal weighting .

  7. 裁判判定决赛双方得分相等。

    The judges awarded both finalists equal points .

  8. 从霍西到大雅茅斯和曼斯利的距离相等。

    Horsey is equidistant from Great Yarmouth and Mundesley .

  9. 男人和女人患狂躁抑郁症的概率相等。

    Manic depressive illness affects men and women equally .

  10. 投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。

    Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property 's purchase price .

  11. 为了使收支相等,必须减少支出,增加税收。

    To make the books balance , spending must fall and taxes must rise .

  12. 他们的目标是2000年前使国会议员中男女人数相等。

    Their aim is equal numbers of male and female MPs by the year 2000

  13. 双方票数相等,一位当地工会领袖投了决定性票,同意复工。

    The vote was tied and a local union leader used his casting vote in favour of the return to work .

  14. 他们采取措施使高级文职人员的工资和企业管理干部的工资相等。

    They have taken measures to equate the salaries of higher civil servants to those of business executives .

  15. 等腰三角形的底角相等。

    The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal .

  16. 这两间房子的面积相等。

    The two rooms have the same area .

  17. 单层立方上皮由单层细胞组成,细胞的宽度和高度近似相等。

    Simple cuboidal epithelium is a single layer of cells whose width and height are approximately equal .

  18. 它包含了与两个相等带电粒子凝聚增强因子中所包含的同样参数。

    It involves the same parameter as that involved in the enhancement factor for coagulation of two equally charged particles .

  19. 它只存在远远不到一秒,就衰变成另外两种粒子,两种粒子的数量本应相等,但结果并非如此,这可能是因为一种神秘的力量阻断了这个过程。

    It exists for only a fragment of a second , and then decays into two other particles – what it should do in equal numbers – but it doesn 't , possibly because a mystery force is interrupting the process .

  20. 但对于检测金黄色葡萄球菌滤液制剂中SET的实际含量几乎是相等的。

    But in practice content of detect SET nearly was equal .

  21. 论公平分配对扩大就业的影响P地上几乎相等;

    On the Influence of Equal Allotment upon Further Employment that of P is nearly equal ;

  22. 幂函数与线性函数的相关系数(r)大致相等。

    The correlative coefficiency ( r ) between power fuction and linear fuction is almost same .

  23. 例如,在使用INNERJOIN时,比较不同表的两个列,检查它们是否相等。

    For example when using an INNER JOIN you compare two columns of different tables and test for equality .

  24. 未掺杂的纯ZnO晶体生长具有各向同性特征,晶体呈各边近相等的六边形。

    The growth of undoped ZnO crystals shows isotropic characteristics and its morphology is hexagonal .

  25. 在G的每个导出爪、导出修正爪和导出P4中,所有边的权都相等。

    In each induced claw , each induced modified claw and each induced P_4 of G , all edges have the same weight .

  26. 28,以及1925~1940期间小于0〃.09的过程,Chandler项在X、Y两个方向的振幅几乎完全相等,其逆向运动振幅不到顺向运动振幅的1/50。

    28 . The amplitude of x-axis is almost the same as that y-axis . Exercise .

  27. 在这个定义中,只有在包含相同的整数值的情况下这两个Integer对象是相等的。

    Under this definition , two Integer objects are equal only if they contain the same integer value .

  28. 先将未知的电流密度分成有旋和无旋两部分,并分别采用Loop基函数和Tree基函数进行展开,展开后的未知数的个数与传统的矩量法相等。

    We represent the unknown currents in terms of its solenoidal and irrotational components and use Loop / Tree basis function as the expansion function , respectively .

  29. 从对称分布来看,分布在中间值上面的与下面的差不多是相等的,最可能的值,即mode,是与中间值相等的。

    In a symmetrical distribution , values are equally likely to fall above the mean as below it , and the most likely value , the mode , is equal to the mean .

  30. 尤其在使用equals()方法来检测数值之间是否相等时要小心。

    In particular , be careful about using the equals () method to test for numeric equality .