- Striae;the grain of skin and the texture of the subcutaneous flesh;the natural fibre line of meat;the thread of thought in writing

(1) [the natural fibre line of meat]∶中医指皮肤的纹理和皮下肌肉之间的空隙
(2) [the thread of thought in writing]∶写作中的思路
Physiology and Pathology of Striae in Jin Gui and Its Function in Micro-Dialectical Pattern Identification
Sweating syndrome is that yin and yang of human disorders , disharmony of ying and wei , disfunction of the striae caused sweat leak syndrome .
They are fascial tissue which correlate with each other and were widely distributed in body , zang-fu organs , muscle , thoracic-abdominal , striae of skin and interspace .
Combining the knowledge of striae in jin gui and that of mankinds micro pathology in modern science , We elaborate the striaes physiology and pathology and its function in micro dialectical .