
xiānɡ duì pín lǜ
  • relative frequency
  1. 在此基础上,介绍了我们建立的一套地面激光时间传递系统,以及对两台氢原子钟进行钟差比对和相对频率差的测定。

    An experimental system for determining local time differences and relative frequency difference for two separate hydrogen masers has been carried out .

  2. 结果利用监控所得感度、对比度数据建立的相对频率分布图,笔者可以判断它是否是对称的钟型曲线。

    Results Using relative frequency distribution curve constructed by measured data , we can judge whether it is a symmetric bell shaped curve or not .

  3. S2等位基因的相对频率随冠状动脉病变支数的增多而增高,以3支病变增高最为明显;

    The more the number of vessel disease in CAD cases , the higher the frequencies of S2 alleles which were the highest in the group of 3 vessel diseases .

  4. Down综合征研究染色体畸变类型的相对频率

    Studies on Down 's Syndrome & Relative Frequencies of Chromosomal Aberrations

  5. 4E314十E4/4等位基因相对频率为17%、43%、40%。

    The alleles frequencies were 17 % 43 % and40 % respectively .

  6. 结果表明:海浪方向谱相对频率和方向的分布多为双峰谱;

    The results showed that most of the directional wave spectra have bimodal characteristics in the distribution of direction and frequency ;

  7. 消极礼貌策略和公开实施面子威胁行为策略的使用率次之(其相对频率分别为22和18.49);

    Negative politeness strategy and bald on record politeness strategy are less frequently used ( with the relative frequency of 22 and 18.49 respectively ) .

  8. 沉积层序的级别有2种划分系统,分别以基准面变化的相对频率和相对振幅为基础。

    Two classification systems of depositional sequence hierarchies are respectively presented , which are based on the relative frequency and relative magnitude of base level changes .

  9. 频率依赖性的选择-一种形式的自然选择中,健身个人的基因取决于相对频率的基因中的人口。

    Frequency-dependent selection-A form of natural selection in which the fitness of an individual 's genes is dependent upon the relative frequency of that gene in the population .

  10. 这两个特征扰动的扰动频率与压气机转速成正比,与转子转动频率的相对频率分别等于5和8;

    The frequencies of these disturbances are approximately in proportion to rotor speed and the relative frequencies are 5 and 8 respectively in terms of rotor rotating frequency .

  11. 根据同一资料绘制的相对频率多边形与频率多边形的形状是相同的,只是纵轴上的标尺不同。

    The relative frequency polygon has the same shape as the frequency polygon made from the same data set but a different scale of values on the vertical axis .

  12. 本文利用语料库和测试试卷的方式,运用蕴含量表和正确使用相对频率的方法研究了这21个介词的习得顺序。

    According to corpus and examination papers , this paper study the Acquistion order of the twenty-one Object prepositions by the methods of Contains scale and correct use relative percentage .

  13. 参考从三个场地14次地震记录的纵、横波速求得的土层相对频率特征,进行了对其共振频率的评估。

    An assessment of resonance frequencies is made in reference to relative frequency characteristics of the layer obtained for longitudinal and transverse waves from 14 earthquakes recorded in three sites .

  14. 使用频率最低的则为非公开实施面子威胁行为策略和避免实施面子威胁行为策略(其相对频率均小于5)。

    Off record and avoiding doing FTA ( Face Threatening Act ) are the two least frequently used ones ( with the relative frequency of 4.05 and 0.88 respectively ) .

  15. 通过分析和计算微波波谱图中波谱的相对频率移动和电压振幅,得到测试样品的微波吸收性能。

    By analyzing of the changing behavior and calculating the amplitude of voltage and the shift of frequency of the microwave spectrums , the microwave absorbing properties of samples were obtained .

  16. 利用波浪弥散关系的迭代计算求得波向与流向的夹角以及波浪的相对频率。

    The wave relative frequency in the coordinate system moving with current and the angle between the direction of wave propagation and that of current are computed based on the wave dispersion relation .

  17. 该算法具有相对频率估计精度高、解模糊过程简单、运算量小、多普勒频率变化率测量精度高等优点。

    The relative frequency and Doppler frequency rate estimation accuracy is high , and the process of solving the ambiguity is simple . Lastly , this chapter presents three filter methods of rate of Doppler frequency .

  18. 本文围绕蛋白质分类预测中的特征提取问题,提出了两种新型的蛋白质向量表示法,一种是基于电离常量的向量表示,一种是基于相对频率的向量表示。

    Based on feature extraction in the prediction of protein classification problem , this paper propose two new protein vector . One is based on the pK value and the other is based on the relative frequency .

  19. 按照学时等级分为初、中、高级三个阶段,运用正确使用相对频率法分别统计出每个阶段的习得顺序。

    According to the school level , we divided them into early , middle and senior three stages , respectively by applying the method of correctly using relative frequency statistics from each stage of the acquisition sequence .

  20. 相对频率为5的特征扰动强度随着流量系数减少而增大,在失速点达到最大,而相对频率为8的特征扰动随着流量系数减少先增大,在失速点突然下降;

    The intensity of the disturbance with relative frequency 5 increases as mass flow decreases until compressor working point reaches stall margin , whilst the intensity of other disturbances increases first and drops suddenly as compressor works at stall point .

  21. 以下是我们主要的研究内容和结果:1.CGS(核心基因相似性)方法。在不同基因组中,核苷酸片段相对频率会呈现出显著的差异,本算法正是利用了这一特性。

    The main features and important results obtained from the proposed strategies have been summarized as follows : 1 . For CGS ( Core Gene Similarity ), the algorithm rests on the observation that oligonucleotide frequencies vary markedly from genome to genome .

  22. 本文介绍了用单位点和多位点模型来估计家系与种群自交与异交的相对频率,着重阐述了目前可用于亲本分析与基因流的估计方法。

    Estimations of relative frequencies of outcrossing and selfing in populations and families based on single-locus and multi-locus models are discussed in this paper . Attention is given to the method of parentage analysis and the estimation of the level of gene flow .

  23. 另外,还发现编码开始区域或编码终止区域碱基片段的相对频率与基因表达水平有明显关系,多数高频出现的碱基片段其相对频率随基因表达水平的提高而增加。

    In addition , the relative frequencies of 4 base and 3 base modes have distinct relation with the gene expression level , the relative frequencies of most base elements which have high RF value are increased when the gene expressed level is raised .

  24. 莆田黑鸭MHC基因4个位点的密码子其相对使用频率存在一定的差异,即该基因的4个研究位点存在密码子偏倚性。

    The frequency of coden usage of four loci in Putian Black Duck showed differences , namely there existed codon bias with the four loci . 4 .

  25. 利用自编的RFCS程序计算同义密码子相对使用频率(RFSC),并根据RFSC值筛选出高频密码子。

    The high-frequency codons were selected by high-frequency codon analysis according to relative frequency of synonymous codon ( RFSC ) which is calculated by RFCS program written by ourselves .

  26. 以大肠杆菌基因组为样本,研究同义密码子重复序列与ORF全序列中各密码子相对使用频率的差异,分析同义密码子重复序列中密码子重复的偏好。

    With the genome of E. coli taken as a specimen , the difference of relative synonymous codon usage between synonymous codon repeat sequences and the whole ORF sequences is studied , and the bias of codon repeat in the synonymous codon repeat segments is analyzed .

  27. 复合波相对相位频率谱异常区分法

    Anomalous discrimination of relative phase spectrum in the complex wave signal

  28. 我们知道不同震级地震的相对发生频率。

    We know the relative frequencies of quakes of different magnitude .

  29. 超宽带无线通信是指采用了一种相对中心频率而具有较大带宽的信号(通常指分数带宽大于25%的信号)来传输信息的通信方式。

    Ultra-wide-band ( UWB ) wireless communication utilizes signal with a very wide bandwidth around a relatively low center frequency to transmit information .

  30. 政治参与倾向方面,高频率上网者相对其他频率上网者而言参与态度较消极,对表达意见的途径了解较少,在政治效能认识上比较悲观,权利和义务意识比较薄弱。

    And the frequent users of the internet hold a more negative attitude toward political participation than others , are more pessimistic about political efficacy and have less awareness of right and obligation .