
  1. 因此,道路交通安全慈善机构Brake提醒大家清理车辆的相关物品。

    The revelation triggered a warning by road safety charity Brake to cut down on clutter in the car .

  2. 双方在一些生活相关物品上的价格战早在上个月就已开始,在一些今秋最令人期待的新图书和DVD等商品方面都发布了最低价格。

    The tussle began last month as a relatively trivial but highly public back-and-forth over which company had the lowest prices on the most anticipated new books and DVDs this fall .

  3. 中国香港特别行政区食物环境卫生署(Food,EnvironmentandHygieneDepartment)正在讨论将安葬费用提高逾一倍至6670港元(合860美元),以便“收回提供相关物品和服务的全部成本”。

    The Chinese territory 's Food , Environment and Hygiene Department is debating more than doubling the cost of burial to HK $ 6670 ( US $ 860 ) in order to " recover the full cost of providing the relevant goods and services . "

  4. 在第二天早上开始锻炼前准备好相关物品是非常聪明的做法,但你可以做得更多:灌好水、给iPod充好电、理好钱包、在门边放好运动鞋。

    It 's smart to lay out your exercise gear the night before a morning workout , but take it one step further by filling your water bottle , charging your iPod , packing your purse , and leaving your gym shoes by the door .

  5. 公司为代理商配货及准备开业前相关物品。

    Distribution for the agents and ready before starting the business related items .

  6. 抛尸现场相关物品的辨析

    Discrimination on Relative Articles at Scene of Discarding Death

  7. 他们的消费力已开始促成所有汽车相关物品的二次繁荣。

    Their spending power has begun to fuel a secondary boom in all things car-related .

  8. 地区之间检验能力的差异主要表现在健康相关物品及相关因素的检测能力与质量等方面。

    Region between inspection ability discrepancy major embodiment related to health goods and factor detection .

  9. 用户可以通过在某个产品上晃动这个魔杖,自动重新订购相关物品。

    Users could wave the wand over a product and it would automatically reorder the item .

  10. 供应商应以书面方式确认其已完全归还或销毁相关物品。

    The supplier shall confirm the complete return or destruction of the relevant object in writing .

  11. 等着收集相关物品。

    Wait to collect belongings .

  12. 抛尸现场的相关物品是指在抛尸现场与尸体有直接联系的有关物品。

    The relative articles at scene of discarding death refer to things which has direct relation to the death .

  13. 人们可以应用谷歌的贸易功能来通过短信购买或者销售相关物品;

    It can be applied to feature Google 's trade through the purchase or sale of SMS related items ;

  14. 不得移动房间内相关物品,并将房间双锁,直到相关人员抵达。

    The belongings of the room should not be removed and the room to be double locked until the claimant arrives .

  15. 这种设计应该配置相关物品,以防止电缆外壳被刺穿后导致潮气侵入电缆组件。

    The design shall incorporate provisions that prevent moisture from wicking through the cable assembly even in the event the cable jacket has been punctured .

  16. 结论加强实验室检验能力建设的重点应关注西部地区,主要加强健康相关物品及相关因素检测能力。

    Conclusion Laboratory test ability increase should be focused on West region , and healthy related goods and the related factors of detection ability should be strengthened .

  17. 方法开诊前业务培训,制定工作流程,诊疗区域合理配置,相关物品及药品准备;

    Method Before the opening of the clinic , we provided staff training , established work flow , allocated medical areas rationally , prepared equipments and drugs .

  18. 我宁愿每次做完大项目,或者像今天一样做完很多小项目之后,收拾好所有相关物品。

    My preference is to work on a project , or as is the case today with my many little projects , and pick up everything every day .

  19. 在本周的早些时候,开伯尔·普赫图赫瓦省的科哈特地区的当地政府,要求警察禁止商店出售情人节卡片和相关物品。

    Earlier this week , the local government in Kohat , in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , told police officers to stop shops from selling Valentine 's Day cards and items .

  20. 如果你需要在桌子上做一个项目,一定要强迫自己养成一个新的习惯――做完项目后收拾好所有相关物品。

    If you use the table for a project , make a deal with yourself that you will create a new habit of picking everything up at the end of the project .

  21. 斯特朗电子游戏中心收藏了55000款电子游戏及相关物品,此外还藏有记载游戏历史的个人文件和公司记录。

    The Strong 's electronic games center has more than 55,000 video games and related artifacts in its collection , along with personal papers and corporate records that document the history of video games .

  22. 准备一整套礼物,里面装几种相关的物品。

    Prepare a package with a number of related items .

  23. 这些和渔民密切相关的物品。

    And stuff that are closely related to fishermen .

  24. 所有和工作相关的物品又会回到我的办公室。

    All the bits and pieces of my work will be back in my office .

  25. 他说,他猜想是和传统治疗相关的物品,决定丢掉它。

    He said he decided to throw it away , suspecting it was some article associated with traditional healing .

  26. 展览会是展示与一个题目相关的物品,而博物馆是一系列展览。

    An exhibition is a showing of objects related to one subject , and a museum is a set of exhibitions .

  27. 从1924年夏慕尼(法国)冬奥会开始,你可以在各种奥运会相关的物品和纪念品上找到五环。

    You can find the rings on many items and souvenirs made for the Games dating back to the1924 Olympic Winter Games in Chamonix ( France ) .

  28. 对燃料、香烟、机票以及其它与特定收入水平(不紧密)相关的物品征收的税收,又让这个问题变得更加混乱。

    Further confusing the issue are taxes on fuel , cigarettes , air fares and other items which are correlated – imperfectly – with a particular level of income .

  29. 然而推荐的质量需要从多个维度进行评估,单纯依赖准确度可能无法为每个用户找到最相关的物品。

    However , the quality of recommendations can be evaluated along a number of dimensions , and relying on the accuracy of recommendations alone may not be enough to find the most relevant items for each user .

  30. 拍品是弗格森收藏的法国和意大利顶级酒庄出产的葡萄酒。这些葡萄酒将配上与弗格森漫长的曼联队执教生涯相关的足球物品一同拍卖。

    The sales , which feature wines from top producers in France and Italy , will pair bottles with soccer paraphenelia from his long career with the team .