
  • 网络LCOS Technology & Capital Accumulation;the capital accumulation;Funded
  1. 投资活动是公司资金积累的重要基础,投资行为的效率高低直接影响公司价值最大化。

    Investment activities is an important foundation for the capital accumulation , and investment behavior have a direct impact on the efficiency of the company to maximize the value .

  2. 宁夏作为西部地区的落后省区,受地理位置的限制,经济发展缓慢。资金积累能力比较弱,资金短缺一直是制约宁夏经济发展的“瓶颈”。

    As one of the backward provinces in western China , the economic development in Ningxia is rather slow and the capital accumulation capability is rather poor due to its unfavorable geographic position , in addition the lack of funds has been the chief factor that restricts its economic development .

  3. 日本是个例外,但是由于主要经济的资金积累过剩日本政府也发行较少数量的公共债券(publicdebtsecurities)。

    With the exception of Japan , due to surpluses run up by the major economies , they are also issuing less public debt securities .

  4. 从资金积累、扩大进出口和促进就业三个方面看FDI对山东经济增长的促进作用。

    The influence of FDI upon economic development of Shandong province can be examined from capital accumulation , import and export expansion and employment promotion .

  5. FDI的大量流入加速了我国资金积累,推动了技术进步,促进了产业结构的调整,创造了大量就业机会。

    The flow of FDI accelerates the fund accumulation , push forward technology progress , promote the adjustment of industrial structure , and create lots of work chance in China .

  6. 经济增长的启动在很大程度上取决于资金积累能力和引入外部资金能力。

    Economic growth lies largely on capital accumulating ability and foreign capital introducing ability .

  7. 我国体育基金资金积累的现状分析及发展对策研究

    An Analysis of the Current Situation in China 's Sports Fund Accumulation and Its Development Countermeasures

  8. 本文一共分为五部分,系统的、全面的阐述了我国体育基金资金积累的现状。

    This thesis falls into five parts , systematically and comprehensively expounding on the current situation in sports fund accumulation .

  9. 尤其是人寿保险业,其大量稳定的资金积累成为整个金融体系中重要的一员。

    Life insurance has become an important member of the financial system due to its huge and stable accumulation of money .

  10. 人们的建设方针是以自力更生为从,资金积累是社会从义性量的。

    The policy in our construction is to rely mainly on our own efforts , so the accumulation of funds is socialistic .

  11. 汽车工业近几十年发展迅速,在许多国家的经济发展中,起着重要的支柱作用,它具备产业关联度大、资金积累能力强和就业人口多的特点。

    The automotive industry has been developing rapidly in recent decades , which plays an important role of economic development in many countries .

  12. 只要你这个项目能够得到群众公认,就会有资金积累,就会越来越成为大产业的。

    Want you only this project can get masses accepted , can capital is accumulated , meet more and more make big industry .

  13. 这一点是非常直观的:相对企业投资额而言大的利润对于企业资金积累是非常有利的。

    It is rather intuitive that large profits in comparison to the funds invested in a business are favorable to the accumulation of capital .

  14. 本论文的主要目标是分析我国农村劳动力转移对农村人力资本流失、资金积累及土地流转的影响,评价我国农村劳动力转移对农业部门及农村经济发展的影响。

    The main target of this study is analyses the rural labor transfer how to affect the brain drains , accumulate funds and land transfer .

  15. 一个地区经济增长的启动,在相当程度上取决于该地区资金积累能力和资金使用效率。

    To a great extent , the arrival of a regional economic growth depends on the fund accumulating ability and fund service efficiency of this area .

  16. 实现重工业优先的战略,在中国需要解决的主要问题,一是资金积累,二是劳动力安置。

    In order to realize the strategy of giving priority to heavy industry , the two problems China must resolve were capital accumulation and labor allocation .

  17. 本文探讨制约中国农业机械化的八个问题:一、资金积累与投资最优方案问题;

    The article studied the eight issues which concerning agricultural mechanization in China . They are as follows : 1 . Capital accumulation and optimum project for investment .

  18. 随着经济的发展,民间资金积累日益增加,民间借贷也相对频繁,浮现例如高利贷等相关社会问题。

    With economic development , private capital is accumulating so that the number of private lending is relatively increasing , which led to plenty of loan-sharking and other relevant social problems .

  19. 对于已经初步取得战果,也有了一定资金积累的企业来说,多花点钱去制作自己的品牌广告便提上了议事日程。

    For has preliminarily obtain credentials , also has a certain amount of capital accumulation enterprise , it cost a little more to make their own brand advertising and put on the agenda .

  20. 发达国家企业一般是先用内部资金积累进行投资,然后向银行借款或发行债券,最后才发行股票。

    What happened in the Enterprises of developed countries is investing with its own capital first , then borrowing money from banks or issuing company bonds , and , at last , issuing shares .

  21. 自上世纪八十年代以来,纺织品服装在我国的出口商品中一直位列首位,其进出口贸易的顺差成为我国外汇收入和资金积累的重要来源。

    Since the 1980s , China 's textile and apparel exports have been ranked in the top of its foreign trade surplus , which has become an important source of foreign exchange earnings and capital accumulation .

  22. 由于历史的原因,西部地区的智力支持系统和科技能力发育程度比较低,旅游资源的开发利用还有一个资金积累和市场发育过程。

    Because of the historical problem , intelligence supporting system and the level of science and technology are still very low there , and also a market development is needed in the exploitation of tourism resources .

  23. 养老保障资金积累是公共养老金制度运行的物质基础,征收保险费(税)则是保障资金的主要来源。

    The accumulation of pension funds to protect the public pension is the material basis for the system operation , while the collection of insurance premium ( tax ) is the main source of security funds .

  24. 工业偏向的发展战略使得农业剩余成为工业化原始资金积累的源泉,而传统的粮食统购统销加剧了粮食产销利益失衡。

    The development strategy that industry leans to makes agricultural surplus become the source that industrialized primitive fund accumulates , and traditional grain state monopoly for purchase and marketing aggravate grain produce and sell interests to be off-balance .

  25. 进入九十年代以来,许多西方国家,如美国、加拿大、瑞士、新西兰、澳大利亚等国的央行都降低或取消了法定准备金率,零资金积累金率正成为一种趋势。

    Since 1990 , the Central Banks lowered or canceled required reserves rate in many western nations , such as the United States , Canada , Switzerland , New Zealand , the Australia , and zero reserves rate is becoming a kind of trend .

  26. 其次,根据资本结构理论,讨论公司如何运用集中有效的自有资金积累进行对外投资分析投资对公司运营的影响,寻找公司资金瓶颈的形成原因。

    Then , according to the theory of capital structure , it discusses how a company should use the self-owned capital accumulation effectively to make external investment analysis that affects the operations of a company , trying to find out the cause of the bottleneck problems .

  27. XX中小型电力自动化企业顺利地完成了原始资金的积累,从创业阶段发展到了成长阶段。

    From start-up phase to growth stage , XX medium-small scaled electrical automation enterprise has successfully completed the primitive accumulation of capital .

  28. 积累资金;积累应变用的储蓄。

    Feather one 's nest ; have a nest egg .

  29. 农村经济增长需要有大量资金的积累和再投入,离不开金融的支持。

    The rural economy growth needs massive fund accumulation and investment which cannot live without support from finance .

  30. 多年来,由于历史、政策和体制等原因,粮食收购资金贷款积累了巨大的风险。

    This sort of loan has accumulated much more risk as a result of history , policy and political reform .