
  • 网络Divestiture;ASSET STRIPPING
  1. 法庭发现在防止垄断方面进行资产剥离是必要的。

    The court found divestiture to be necessary in preventing a monopoly .

  2. 全国邮电无线寻呼资产剥离、改制重组工作取得了较大进展。

    Rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis .

  3. 例如,壳牌(Shell)在过去的12年中通过变卖资产剥离了40%的炼油业务。

    For example , shell has cut 40 % of its refining capacity in the last 12 years through asset sales .

  4. 第3.2节在Nash讨价还价的框架下研究了资产剥离决策。

    Section 3.2 studied the divestiture decisions in a Nash bargaining framework .

  5. 不过值得注意的是,资产剥离却经常在我们身边发生,还有很多诸如GE、万科等国内外优秀企业就是通过采取适时的资产剥离战略,才取得了今天的成功。

    But this phenomenon frequently happens all over the world , and many excellent companies such as GE and VANKE achieve success through timely divestitures .

  6. 就在惠普传出这一资产剥离计划之前一周,eBay也披露了类似的资产分割计划,欲剥离其Paypal支付业务。

    The spin-off plan comes a week after eBay unveiled a similar bifurcation by spinning off its Paypal division to shareholders .

  7. 但在二战后的几十年里,IRI却仍在有力地运转,而且资产剥离的速度慢得令人发狂。

    But it was still going strong in the post war decades and divesting of assets was maddeningly slow .

  8. aig已经聘请了百仕通集团(blackstone)和摩根大通(jpmorgan)担任此次资产剥离的顾问,但麦智信透露,aia在未来几天可能会任命更多投行顾问。

    AIG has hired Blackstone and JPMorgan to advise on the divestments , but Mr Wilson revealed that AIA could appoint more investment banking advisers in the coming days .

  9. 麦智信表示,自母公司上周五在纽约宣布将启动大规模资产剥离计划以来,逾12家集团已经接洽过美国友邦保险有限公司(AIA)。

    Mr Wilson said that more than a dozen groups had approached the company after the announcement in New York on Friday that the parent would launch a mammoth divestment programme .

  10. 市场猜测,Cfius几乎肯定会要求进行资产剥离,或者限制这家中国公司得到先正达在美国的分支机构和技术。

    The market is betting that Cfius is almost certainly going to require divestitures or restrictions on access of the Chinese company to Syngenta 's American operations and technology .

  11. 索尼本月卖掉SOE,与一年前的另一次资产剥离遥相呼应:一年前,索尼将Vaio电脑业务卖给了投资基金日本产业合作伙伴公司。

    The sale of SOE this month echoes another strategic divestment from a year ago : the sale of Sony 's Vaio PC business to investment fund Japan Industrial Partners .

  12. 在美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)2月份公布了将不良资产剥离银行资产负债表的指导方针,第一步努力失败后,评论家担心,奥巴马仍没有一套完整的重振金融体系的战略。

    Following the failure of the first attempt last month by Tim Geithner , Treasury secretary , to announce guidelines for the removal of toxic assets from bank balance sheets , critics fear that Mr Obama still lacks a full strategy to revitalise the financial system .

  13. 国家要求广播电视实行制播分离,让国内民营资本进入传播文化业,在此背景下,XX市电视台将其经营性资产剥离与该市一家民营企业成立新视野传媒产业公司。

    The government urges broadcasting industry take the root of segregation of production and communication to attract private capital entering into media industry . The new vision is born on this background and it is a combination of operational asset of XX TV station and private capital .

  14. 最后,模拟模型还可以评估拟议的资产剥离是否适当。

    Finally , simulation can evaluate the adequacy of proposed divestitures .

  15. 资产剥离究竟能给企业的经营带来什么影响?

    On Void Asset What is the consequence of corporate divestiture ?

  16. 因此本文提出资产剥离有利于企业价值创造的假设,并以深圳万科股份有限公司资产剥离事件作为案例进行实证分析。

    This kind of divestiture benefits the value creation of corporations .

  17. 在此期间,资产剥离数量比收购数量多出一倍。

    Divestitures over that period outnumber acquisitions by two to one .

  18. 交易成本&企业资产剥离的诱因与摩擦

    Transaction Cost ; The Cause and Friction of Asset Divestiture

  19. 上市公司资产剥离财务问题的研究

    Study on Financial Affairs of Asset Divestiture for Listed Company

  20. 浙江华庭股份有限公司资产剥离问题研究

    The Study of the Divestiture for ZheJiang Vaton Limited Company

  21. 它已聘请摩根士丹利担任此次资产剥离顾问。

    It has hired Morgan Stanley to lead the divestment .

  22. 基于层次分析法的资产剥离方案选择应用

    Applying AHP to Choose Schemes in Divestiture of Assets

  23. 其次,资产剥离公告能够给企业带来显著为正的超常收益。

    Divestiture announcements can bring significant positive abnormal returns .

  24. 论不良资产剥离后商业银行的资产管理

    On the Capital Management of Commercial Banks after Peeling off the Bad Capital

  25. 自1998年后我国资产剥离快速发展。

    Divestiture boosted fast after 1998 in our country .

  26. 基于价值创造的资产剥离&深圳万科股份有限公司案例研究

    Divestiture Study Based on Value Creation & Case of CHINA VANKE Co. , Ltd

  27. 信息不对称和交易成本视角的资产剥离方式选择研究

    The Impact of Information Asymmetries and Transaction Cost on the Choice of Divestiture Alternatives

  28. 资产剥离理论研究及其绩效分析

    Theory Study and Performance Analysis on Divestiture

  29. 将问题资产剥离银行资产负债表,是过程的下一步。

    Taking troubled assets off bank balance sheets is the next step in the process .

  30. 在国外资产剥离已经被广泛的应用并且已经成为一个非常好的资本运作模式。

    Divestiture has been applied widely overseas , which has become a well-rounded capital operational mode .