
  • 网络Broker;Brokerage House;securities brokerage;stockbroker
  1. 4月,该监管机构禁止台湾证券经纪商兆丰资本(MegaCapitalAsia)为在港上市提供咨询。

    In April , the regulator banned Mega Capital Asia , a Taiwanese broker , from advising on listings in Hong Kong .

  2. 证券经纪商明富环球的破产激起了人们各种各样的疑问,其中最主要的问题就是,如果下次一家规模与雷曼兄弟相当的银行轰然倒塌,美国是否已经做足了应对的准备。

    OF ALL the questions unleashed by the bankruptcy of MF Global , a broker , the most important is whetherAmericais prepared to deal with a bigger collapse , on the scale of another Lehman Brothers .

  3. 证券经纪商中国国际金融有限公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp.)估计,今年将有人民币2230亿元的信托贷款到期,其中大约一半将在7月到9月之间到期,另外有2820亿元的信托贷款将在明年到期。

    Securities brokerage China International Capital Corp. estimates that about 223 billion yuan ( $ 35 billion ) of trust loans are due to mature this year , almost half of which reach maturity between July and September , with a further 282 billion yuan due next year .

  4. 王中恺说:台湾法律规定,台湾证交所只能将其股份出售给证券经纪商。

    Taiwanese law states that the Taiwan Stock Exchange can only sell its shares to securities brokerages .

  5. 证券经纪商称,尽管股市依然存在不确定性,但私人投资者仍在一窝蜂地买入股票。

    Private investors are buying into equities in droves , according to brokers , in spite of continued uncertainty surrounding the stock markets .

  6. 加强证券经纪商的准入制度管理和行业自律制度建设,完善自律组织的结构和功能;

    By strengthen the management of entering system and the establishment of self-management system of securities business ; we can perfect the structure and function of self-management organization .

  7. 证券公司或经纪商仍负责提交纳税申报。

    The securities house or broker remains responsible for submitting a tax return .

  8. 证券公司这些经纪商的主营业务应该是股票发行承销和代客交易购买了另外的15%。

    Securities houses brokerages whose main business ought to be underwriting equity issues and trading for clients bought another 15 per cent .

  9. 客户通指第三方分销商,如商业零售银行、证券经销商、证券经纪商、私人银行、资产管理公司和保险公司。

    This would generally include ; Third-party distributors including ; Retail Banks , Securities Firms , Brokerage Houses , Private Banks , Asset Management Companies and Insurance Companies .

  10. 我国证券经纪人制度仍然是以证券经纪商为主体的法人模式,证券经纪人制度法律、法规和管理机构、职能建设不健全;

    Securities broker system of our country is still a mode for corporate security broker . Securities broker system law and regulation , management organization and function construction are imperfect ;

  11. 网上证券交易是投资者利用因特网取得证券经纪商提供的委托下单服务、证券即时报价以及投资咨询服务实现实时证券交易的新型证券业务委托手段。

    Online Securities Exchanging is a new type of Securities Exchanging method , with which , investors can access online entrustment service provided by Security brokerage companies , and can receive marketing quotes and marketing information .

  12. 而所谓证券经纪人制度是旨在规范合法的前提下证券经纪商通过经纪人直接向客户提供证券交易、证券信息、证券分析、证券投资理财等服务的一种高层次、多功能、专业化的新型服务制度。

    The securities brokers ' system is a new service system through which the securities brokers can directly provide high-quality , diversified and professional services , such as stock exchange , securities ' information , analysis and management , by securities professional personnel .

  13. 从狭义上来说,证券经纪人是指经过特殊训练的证券从业人员,他们一般作为证券经纪商的代表,向客户提供证券委托代理、信息咨询、账户管理(全权委托理财)等证券专业化服务。

    In the narrow sense it refers to securities market professionals who had special trainings , and generally work as securities agencies , information providers , accounting managers ( carte blanches in asset management ), and other professional services as stock dealers ' representatives .