
  1. 本文作者在成为作家之前,曾负责施罗德基金(Schroders)的全球证券业务。

    The writer led Schroders ' global securities business before becoming a writer .

  2. 摩根士丹利(morganstanley)新任首席执行官詹姆斯戈尔曼(jamesgorman)表示,摩根士丹利计划在未来几年聘用数百名交易员,以提振旗下表现不佳的证券业务,缩小与华尔街竞争对手的差距。

    Morgan Stanley plans to boost its underperforming securities business by hiring several hundred traders over the next few years in an effort to close the gap with Wall Street rivals , according to the new Chief Executive James Gorman .

  3. 美国银行、摩根大通(jpmorganchase)、花旗集团(citigroup)和德意志银行(deutschebank)等“综合性银行”则指出,它们的零售与商业贷款业务能够平衡证券业务的变幻莫测。

    The " universal banks " , among them BofA , JPMorgan Chase , Citigroup and Deutsche Bank , point to their retail and commercial lending operations as counterweights to the vagaries of their securities businesses .

  4. 澳洲联邦银行(commonwealthbankofaustralia)企业证券业务主管彼得克利斯蒂(peterchristie)表示:“这些养老金规则的改变是推动市场的关键因素,使迅速增长的资金正式得到管理。”

    Peter Christie , head of corporates securities at Commonwealth Bank of Australia , said : " these pension changes were key to driving the market , with the rapidly growing amount of money that is formally being managed . "

  5. 在另一项SEC诉讼案中,芝加哥的对冲基金经理万格(EricWanger)7月份被要求支付75000美元民事罚款,并被禁止从事证券业务一年。

    In another SEC case , Eric Wanger , a Chicago-based hedge-fund manager , in July was ordered to pay a $ 75,000 civil penalty and barred from the securities industry for one year .

  6. 自今年3月开始担任该部门主管的约翰•海文斯(JohnHavens)已告诉高级经理,他们的大部分奖金将取决于他们在该部门管理委员会会议期间与证券业务其他部门同事互动的情况。

    John Havens , the division 's head since March , has told senior managers that a large part of their bonuses will depend on how well they interact with colleagues from other parts of the securities business during meetings of the division 's management committee .

  7. 这个证券业务行为通则是由国际证券交易所协会(FIBV)制定.于1992年颁布的。

    The General Rules of Securities Business , formulated by the FIBV and enacted in 1992 . is required on all the FIBV members .

  8. 因此,证券业务经营将发生根本性改变,券商创新发展也将面临前所未有的历史机遇。

    Therefore , Securities business operation will radically change and brokerage .

  9. 外资银行禁止在中国独立经营证券业务。

    Foreign banks are banned from operating their own securities units .

  10. 商业银行从事证券业务中的激励问题及其影响

    On the Incentive Problems of Underwriting Activities by Commercial Banks

  11. 数据挖掘在证券业务分析系统中的应用

    Application of Data Mining in Analysis System of Securities Industry

  12. 我国商业银行从事证券业务的模式与效率研究

    Study on Commercial Bank 's Security Business Mode and Efficiency in China

  13. 试论我国证券业务的创新与变革

    The innovation and change of securities business under new situation

  14. 移动证券业务中的安全机制研究

    The Research of a Security Solution in Mobile Stock Services

  15. 摩根士丹利证券业务去年有雇员350人。

    Morgan Stanley hired 350 people in the securities business last year .

  16. 构建高校证券业务模拟教学实验室

    Setting up simulation teaching laboratory of the stock certificate business in high school

  17. 针对目前杭州在开展网上证券业务中存在的问题,提出了以下对策:加强网络的安全防范建设;

    The present situation of network based securities transactions in Hangzhou is analyzed .

  18. 具有五名以上能够从事涉外证券业务的专业人员;

    They must have at least five special personnel of overseas stock trading ;

  19. 论银行与证券业务的分与合

    On Separation and Union of Banking and Security Businesses

  20. 运控系统是证券业务系统中的一个子系统。

    Operational Control System is one of the subsystems in Securities Services system .

  21. 金融证券业务部:策划金融机构、证券承销机构的设置;

    Financial Securities Department : Designing the set-up of financial institutes and securities agencies ;

  22. 目前已经有一些公司向市场上推出了比较成熟的用于移动证券业务的加密短信息系统。

    Now there are some kinds of encryption systems about short message on market .

  23. 证券业务要求在对产品、运营及信用风险的管理方面拥有深厚的专门知识。

    The securities business requires strong expertise in managing product , operational and credit risks .

  24. 证券业务集中度分析

    Concentration Analysis of Securities Business

  25. 熟悉了证券业务以及操作流程,培养了分析能力和应变能力。

    Has familiared with the securities business and operation process , and has cultivated the ability of analysis and strain .

  26. 西方银行在为自己辩护时表示,中国证券业务根本不是其合资券商的关注重点。

    In their defence , western banks say the China securities business is barely half the story of the JVs .

  27. 陈平律师在公司、外商投资、银行、金融、证券业务方面具有丰富的经验。

    Ping Chen has solid experience with corporate business and the businesses of foreign investment , banking , finance , securities etc.

  28. 认定其从事证券业务资格的标准和管理办法,由国务院证券监督管理机构制定。

    The State Council 's securities regulatory body shall establish the standards and administrative procedures for assessing the qualifications of these securities professionals .

  29. 对新来者业务范围的限制可能会令渴望迅速开展各种中国证券业务的海外银行感到失望。

    The narrower scope for newcomers may disappoint foreign bankers eager for rapid access to a broad range of business on Chinese exchanges .

  30. 该文在分析证券业务应用层重要性的基础上,明确了安全管理平台研究的必要性。

    The paper has analyzed the importance of the securities business application layer , and cleared the necessity of the safety management platform .