
  1. 经纪类证券公司必须在其名称中标明经纪字样。

    Brokerage securities companies must use the word " brokerage " for their names .

  2. 1998年出台的《证券法》,把我国的证券公司划分为综合类证券公司和经纪类证券公司。

    The security act of 1998 divided security company into the comprehensive and brokerage company .

  3. 第一百三十条经纪类证券公司只允许专门从事证券经纪业务。

    Article 130 . Brokerage ? type securities companies are allowed to operate brokerage business only .

  4. 经纪类证券公司注册资本最低限额为人民币五千万元;主要管理人员和业务人员必须具有证券从业资格;有固定的经营场所和合格的交易设施;有健全的管理制度。

    A brokerage securities company must have a minimum registered capital of50 million yuan , qualified managerial personnel and employees , a fixed operational site and up to standard trading facilities , and a perfect management system .