
  1. 国际货币基金组织(imf)昨日大幅调降美国经济预期增幅,并警告称,没有一个国家能够免受它称之为“全球减缓”的冲击。

    The International Monetary Fund yesterday slashed its forecast for us growth and warned that no country would be immune from what it termed a " global slowdown " .

  2. 今日欧洲市场将聚焦于德国ZEW经济预期指数。

    European activity will be centered on the German ZEW .

  3. 人们普遍预期,日本央行(boj)今日将承认,其货币政策赖以为基础的经济预期过于乐观。

    Expectations are high that the Bank of Japan will today admit that the economic projections on which it has been basing monetary policy are too optimistic .

  4. 当然,从宏观趋势而言,就过去的经验,德国ZEW经济预期指数并不一定和国民生产总值有正相关的联系。

    However , from a macro perspective , ZEW has not been tightly correlated with GDP growth in the past , so any market reaction will be short lived .

  5. 人们不得不持续下调经济预期。

    Economic projections have had to be continuously revised downward .

  6. 毫无疑问,经济预期始终存在变数。

    Economic forecasts are , of course , uncertain .

  7. 持续的快速增长掩盖了美国经济预期将出现的急剧减速。

    That continued rapid growth masks a sharp expected slowdown in the US .

  8. 艾博年表示:在过去两个月,大多数经济学家一直在降低全球经济预期。

    In the last two months most economists have been de-rating global economic forecasts .

  9. 有交易费用的实物资产经济预期均衡的存在性及实物资产的产生过程

    The Existence of Expectation Equilibrium of Real-Asset Economies with Transaction Costs and the Producing Process of Real Assets

  10. 为了平衡经济预期的风险,伯南克在货币政策方面采取了风险管理的方式。

    Mr Bernanke has a risk-management approach to monetary policy as a balance of risks around an economic forecast .

  11. 一些官员希望美联储在做出相关决定时对金融稳定性、通胀或美联储自身经济预期进行更多考虑。

    Some want to put more weight on financial stability , inflation or the Fed 's own economic projections in the decision .

  12. 因此,解决目前市场问题的重要措施之一,就是重视增强社会信心、引导人们的经济预期,从而扩大消费需求。

    So the key to solve the problem is to strengthen public confidence , guild people 's economic expectations and expand consumption demand .

  13. 特别需要指出的是,由于向外资开放和上调经济预期,马来西亚受到了投资者的欢迎。

    In particularly , Malaysia has proven popular because of the opening up of the economy to foreign investment and upwardly revised economic forecasts .

  14. 即使全球金融剧变能够被避免,美国、欧洲和日本的缓慢增长将给这些地区的经济预期蒙上阴影。

    Even if renewed global financial upheaval is averted , slow growth in America , Europe and Japan will dent economic prospects across the region .

  15. 此前,分析师认为,就算要降低利率,欧央行也只会在12月份,即公布最新经济预期后进行。

    Analysts had expected any cut , if at all , would have come in December after the central bank issued its latest economic forecasts .

  16. 保持外贸出口和利用外资的稳定增长,必然有利于推动国民经济预期增长目标的实现。

    Therefore , the maintenance of stable growth in export and foreign investment utilization will surly help realize the expected growth target of the national economy .

  17. 我们在去年并没有采取短期刺激政策的情况下能够实现经济预期目标,为什么今年不可以呢?

    Last year , without taking additional short-term stimulus measures , we succeeded in meeting the economic target . Why cant we do it this year ?

  18. 严格证明了有交易费用的实物资产经济预期均衡的存在性,分析了交易费用在其中的作用;

    In this paper , we strictly prove the existence of equilibrium of real asset economies with transaction costs and analyze the functions of the transaction costs ;

  19. 行业分析师表示,全球经济预期中的放缓可能给今年剩余时间内的中国汽车销量带来重大影响,而2009年中国汽车销量可能持平。

    The expected global economic slowdown could significantly depress Chinese car sales for the rest of this year and 2009 sales could be flat , according to industry analysts .

  20. 八月初,伯南克与他的同事都承认,自从他们上次开会以来,美国经济预期进一步恶化,但他们依然没有采取任何措施。

    At the start of August , he and his colleagues acknowledged that the economic outlook had worsened since their previous meeting , and , once again , they did nothing .

  21. 影响我国国际短期资本流入的因素有利率差异、汇率预期、证券资产价格和宏观经济预期等。

    The article discusses that the short-term international capital movements is influenced by the difference of interest rates of two countries , securities prices , exchange rate expectation and macroeconomic expectation .

  22. 周一,日本还下调了经济预期,表示由于很多经济行业以极高的速度下滑,日本经济在近7年来首次出现恶化。

    Also on Monday , Japan cut its view on the economy and described it as'worsening'for the first time in almost seven years due to deterioration of many economic sectors at an exceptionally high pace .

  23. 据全美企业界经济学家联合会的调查表明,刚刚过完的第二季度的平均经济预期为3%,相较最初3.5%的预期值有所下降。

    But a survey by the national association of business economists finds analysts on average expecting 3 % annual growth rate to the just completed second quarter , that 's down from initial 3.5 % estimate .

  24. 2010年以后,鉴于美联储收紧货币政策的前景、政府由于巨额预算赤字而可能上调税率等不利因素,经济预期可能不会如此乐观。

    Beyond 2010 , the outlook may not be so sunny given the prospect of Federal Reserve monetary tightening , the potential for higher tax rates as a result of swollen government budget deficits and other headwinds .

  25. 由于资本具有高度流动性,美国较高的税率打击了本国和外国公司在美国的投资(进而阻碍了创造就业),表明关于税收改革对增长影响的经济预期可能是保守的。

    With highly mobile capital , high US rates discourage investment in the US ( with attendant job creation ) by us and foreign firms , suggesting that economic estimates of growth effects of tax reform may be conservative .

  26. 美联储周三还发布了最新的经济预期。在出席政策会议的17位美联储官员中,12位官员预计短期基准利率到2015年底将达到或低于1%。

    In their latest economic projections , also out Wednesday , 12 of 17 Fed officials who participated in the policy meeting said they expected their benchmark short-term rate to be at or below 1 % by the end of 2015 .

  27. 这位纽约大学(theNewYorkUniversity)的教授曾预言房地产泡沫破裂和金融危机,近期他表达了积极的经济前景预期。

    The New York University professor , who predicted the housing bust and financial crisis , has been upping his economic outlook recently .

  28. 本文首次给出了宏观经济系统预期不确定性的定义,并提出了利用一类ARCH模型对宏观经济系统预期不确定性进行定量分析的方法。

    In this paper we first give the definition of forecasting uncertainty of macro-economic system . And we proposed a quantitative analysis method based on the ARCH class models .

  29. IMF和独立预测机构被迫下调经济增长预期,向下修正了所有地区2010年以来的年度增长预测数字。

    The IMF and independent forecasters have been forced to scale back expectations of economic growth , revising their annual forecasts down in every region since 2010 .

  30. 印度国大党(congressparty)领导的政府正面临选举,它已采取降息和承诺加大公共支出等紧急行动,以保障实现今年7.5%的经济增长预期。

    The Congress party-led government , which is facing elections , has taken emergency action to protect its forecast of 7.5 per cent economic growth for this year by cutting interest rates and promising higher public spending .