
jīnɡ jì zhǔ tǐ
  • economic subject
  1. 经济主体及其权利:资源市场化配置的法学分析

    Economic Subject and Its Rights : Law Analysis of Market Resources Allocation

  2. 国防经济主体的理性辨析

    Rational analysis of the national defense economic subject

  3. 可分解为经济主体合法、经济权限合法和经济客体合法三个方面。

    It can be divided into the legality of economic subjects , the legality of economic limits of authority and the legality of economic objects .

  4. 此外,它能显著地增加未来的最终消费品生产,以及全部经济主体的实际收入。

    Furthermore , it can also significantly increase , in the future , the final production of consumer goods and the real income of all economic agents .

  5. 浅议我国市场经济主体的诚信素质

    Discussion on Credibility of the Subject of Market Economy in China

  6. 资本市场活跃对各经济主体投资行为的影响

    Impact of Bull Capital Market on Investment Behaviors of Economic Entity

  7. 道德建设:经济主体的内在要求

    Moral Building : the Inner Requirement of Economic Main Body

  8. 加快体育经济主体资信信息的传递;

    To accelerate the main information transmission of sports economy ;

  9. 所有制的变迁是导致经济主体多元化的根本原因。

    Ownership system reformation is a radical reason to pluralistic economical subjects .

  10. 纯粹理性对任何经济主体都是一种经济假说。

    So called Economy ration is a kind of hypothesis to everybody .

  11. 市场的原生力量来自于微观经济主体的趋利动机,它推动了经济的全球化;

    The original market power comes from profit maximum motives ;

  12. 保险资金运用有利于增强微观经济主体中居民的预期;

    Insurance fund application strengthens residents ' microeconomic expectancy ;

  13. 重塑新农村建设中的微观经济主体

    Remolding Microeconomic Main Body in New Countryside Construction

  14. 个人经济主体的意识培育。

    The evolution of the individual economy mainbody .

  15. 制度环境对于作为市场经济主体的企业是十分重要的。

    Institutional environment for the market economy as the main business is very important .

  16. 经济主体是社会经济的细胞。

    Economic corporations are social economic cells .

  17. 预期不仅影响经济主体,而且影响宏观决策。

    Rational expectation has influence not only on economic entity but also onmacro-economy decision making .

  18. 经济主体与专业化的形式

    Economic Subject and the Form of Specialization

  19. 人力资本配置在一定程度上是人力资本产权在各经济主体之间的分配,人力资本产权制度内含了配置功能。

    Disposition of human capital is distribution of property rights among main body of economy .

  20. 企业是自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的经济主体。

    Enterprises are a economic Subject in independent management self-sufficiency , self development , and self-discipline .

  21. 造成问题的根本原因在于农村正规金融机构与农村经济主体之间广泛存在信息不对称。

    The root cause lies in the information asymmetry between rural formal financial institutions and farmers .

  22. 我们分析当前需求不足常常忽略了对经济主体行为的研究。

    We analyze inadequate demand at present and ofter overlook the study of the economic subject behavior .

  23. 中央银行制度变迁是经济主体行为合力作用的结果。

    The central bank institutional changes result from the composite force of the economic subject 's performance .

  24. 其次,对各经济主体之间的关系进行分析的过程中,关于龙头企业与中介组织之间关系的研究尚需要补充和完善。

    Secondly , the research is lack of studies about the relationship between leading enterprise and intermediary organization .

  25. 完全竞争市场这一假设意味着经济主体面临的是一个确定的经济环境。

    The assumption of completed competitive market means a certain economy environment which economy main body is confronted with .

  26. 现代经济学认为,经济学与自然科学的主要区别在于经济主体的前瞻性决策。

    In modern economics , the main difference between economics and science are that economic main body prospective decision .

  27. 金融市场风险,指金融资产的市场价格变化或波动而引起的未来可能损失,是各经济主体所面临的主要风险之一。

    Market risk refers to the risks of financial losses arising from adverse movements in market prices and rates .

  28. 银行信贷管理制度、县域经济主体的经济素质和县域金融生态环境生成县域经济发展的金融约束。

    Bank credit management policy , countryside economic system and countryside financial biological development have contributed to financial constraint .

  29. 船舶融资即指航运业中的经济主体融通和筹措船舶投资资金的行为和活动。

    Shipping financing is the action of the ship - owner who raising money to invest into the ship .

  30. 第三部分采用单因素方差分析来检验杭州市抽样实验结论,找出到底哪些微观经济主体所具备的客观禀赋对其在不确定性条件下组内风险偏好逆转态度有影响;

    Chapter three was one-factor analysis of variance to find out whether and how the gifts affected the preference reverse .