
  • 网络Economic resource allocation;Econmic resources allocation
  1. 强烈的法治精神是WTO的基本特征,也是其优化国际经济资源配置、推动现代生产力发展的重要保证。

    The intense spirit of law is the basic characteristic of WTO , and it is an important guarantee to make the disposition of international economic resources and promote the development of modern productivity , too .

  2. 高技术局部战争对军事经济资源配置的影响及对策初探

    Influence of high-tech war on military economic resources distribution and Countermeasures

  3. 军事经济资源配置与后勤建设跨越式发展

    Distribution of military economic resources and the development of logistic construction

  4. 经济资源配置需要追求效率。

    Economic resource allocation need to pursue efficiency .

  5. 电力行业效率的高低,直接影响着其对国民经济资源配置的基础性作用的发挥。

    The efficiency of the electric power industry has direct impact on the allocation of national resources .

  6. 经济资源配置方式由政府集中决策,转向市场主体分散决策。

    Transition of the economic resources allocation mode from centralized government decision to the decisions by market players .

  7. 然而,证券市场信息的非对称性却是常态,信息风险成为系统风险的重要组成部分,妨碍了经济资源配置效率。

    With frequently information asymmetry , information risk as an important component of systematic risk has impeded the resource allocation efficiency .

  8. 企业作为生产资料和劳动者的聚集和结合场所,成为了社会经济资源配置的最重要主体。

    As a production material and laborer aggregation and combining site , corporation becomes the most important subject for economic and social resources allocation .

  9. 汇率是全球资本流动和经济资源配置的关键载体和要素,在全球经济金融发展中扮演着重要角色。

    Exchange rate is the key element of global capital flows and economic resources allocation , which plays an important role in the financial development .

  10. 卫生资源配置的方式,同其他经济资源配置一样,不外乎行政和市场两种手段。

    Allocation of health resources , together with the allocation of resources with other economic , as usual there are two means , that is , administrative and market .

  11. 市场经济资源配置方式的变革,使得理工科高校产学研合作教育出现新的情况和特点。

    With the transformation of resource distribution in market economy , the collaborative education of production , studying and research in science & Engineering universities is also taking on new features .

  12. 金融资源的配置与其他经济资源配置不相协调,制约了甘肃省整体经济的振兴和发展。

    The paper also believes that the highest level of financial resource allocation is relevant in inefficiency , inefficient financial resource allocation is not coordinate with the other resources allocation , constraining the whole economy revitalization and development of Gansu Province .

  13. 随着市场经济资源配置的优化,企业竞争取胜的关键是企业拥有掌握关键知识和高级技术技能,能为企业创造价值的人才。

    With the optimization of market economy resource distribution , the key point that make enterprises to win competition is to possess the persons with ability who grasp the crucial knowledge and advanced techniques and skills and can creat value for them .

  14. 市场主导的生产力布局的合理与否直接影响着生产力系统的整体功能和发展,影响经济资源配置的宏观效益,影响着一个国家或地区各种战略目标的实现。

    Market-oriented pattern of the productive forces of the reasonable or not direct impact on the productivity of its overall function and development of the economic impact of the macro-effective allocation of resources , the impact on a country or a region of strategic objectives .

  15. 社会主义公有制的制度优势与市场经济资源配置的高效活力相互配合,最大限度地提高了社会主义建设者的劳动积极性、创造性,社会主义制度的优越性也得到了释放,社会主义生产力发展迅速。

    The system advantage of socialistic public ownership and the high efficiency of resource allocation of market economy together greatly boosted the working enthusiasm and creativity of socialistic workers . The superiority of the socialistic system has been actualized and the socialistic productivity increased rapidly .

  16. 结合市场经济资源配置的特征,提出环境与资源配置的重要性,我国已初步建立了环境资源法律保护的体系框架,但在结构及管理上均存在缺陷。

    With the characteristics of market economy resources disposition , and raising the importance of environment and resources disposition , our country has tentatively set up the system framework of environment resources legal protection , but there are drawbacks both in the structure and the management .

  17. 企业是市场经济资源配置的主体,政府对企业课税减少了企业的既得利益,改变了企业的生产、投资、筹资等各个方面,影响了企业利益相关者的行为选择。

    Enterprise is the main body of resource allocation of market economy . The taxation on the enterprise by the government reduces its vested interest , changes its production , investment , financing etc. , and influences the conduct selection of persons related to the enterprise interest .

  18. 宏观效应包括提高经济资源配置效率;促进技术进步;促进经济增长;影响中小企业贷款的可得性等四个方面。接着,本文将对我国银行业既有并购行为进行分析。

    The macro-effect have four aspects , i.e. improving the collocation efficiency of economic resource , promoting the technical advancement , promoting the economic growth and having an influence on the feasibility of loan . Ulteriorly , the article discusses the cases of M & A in our country .

  19. 当我们将这个均衡的概念应用于当前的汇率问题,我们可以发现,将人民币保持在均衡汇率水平上,是最符合经济资源配置需要、最有效率的。

    This price is the most efficient and accords with the need of arranging resources , so if we use this concept on the current exchange rate problem , we can find that the rate which is equal to the equilibrium one is optimal . This article includes three parts .

  20. 略论可持续经济发展资源配置的特点与要求

    Briefly Discussing the Characteristics and Demands of the Resources Disposition in Sustainable Economic Development

  21. 市场经济是资源配置和经济运行的一种形式。

    Market economy is a kind of method to configure resources and economical execution .

  22. 三部门封闭经济系统资源配置的动态优化模型

    The Dynamic Optimal Model for Resource Allocation in A Closed Economic System with 3-Industries

  23. 以知识信息为要素特征的投入,构成信息经济下资源配置的重要内容。

    The knowledge information input features and constitutes the major resources allocations under information ecnonmy .

  24. 国有上市公司在我国的规模经济和资源配置上存在着优势,在市场经济运行中扮演着重要的角色。

    State-owned listed companies have advantage in economic and play an important role on marketing .

  25. 试论网络经济的资源配置

    Resources Allocation of cyber Economy

  26. 市场经济作为资源配置的主要方式,在历史发展的一定阶段,是必由之路。

    As a basic approach of resource allocation , market economy is inevitable in certain stage of development .

  27. 在现代经济中资源配置方式主要有计划和市场两种方式。

    There are two main methods of resource allocation : one is plan and the other is market .

  28. 本文进一步分析不确定性条件下经济的资源配置和价格动态,提供增长不确定性产生的经济解释。

    Furthermore we investigate the resource allocation and price dynamics , and presents economic implication of the indeterminacy .

  29. 第二部分论述了经济系统资源配置理论和配置的效率理论与评价方法;

    Secondly , it states the theory of resource allocation in economic system and the evaluation methods of allocation efficiency ;

  30. 我们知道资本市场是社会经济资源优化配置的场所,但由于一些通过会计造假而获得业绩的企业存在,使得资本市场难以充分发挥资源的优化配置作用,反倒成为那些不诚信的经营者牟取私利的工具。

    As we know , the capital market is originally established to optimize the distribution of social and economic resources .