
  • 网络consumption theory;Consumer Theory
  1. 具体来说,本文首先系统回顾了一般消费理论和关于消费结构研究的相关研究成果。

    Specifically , firstly , the paper systematically reviewed the general consumer theory and research on the consumption structure results .

  2. 国内涌现出了许多消费经济研究机构,关于消费函数、消费理论、消费者行为的研究和论文更是屡见不鲜。

    Many institutes of consumer economic research emerge ; researches and papers about the consumption function , consumer theory , and consumer behavior are common .

  3. 本质上,PI从价值层面强化了品牌与消费者之间的联系;消费理论认为,任何产品和品牌的价值包含三个方面:功能价值,理性价值,情感价值。

    Essentially PI strengthens the connection between consumer and company from perspective of value . Three typical values could be brought : Functional value , Rational value , Emotional value .

  4. 首先界定研究对象、总结并梳理了与住房保障水平和住房保障水平影响因素有关的理论,具体包括社会保障理论、住房保障理论、住房梯度消费理论、供需理论以及房地产发展倒U曲线理论。

    First of all , choosing study object , summarizing theories about housing security level and its affecting factors , specifically including social security theory , housing security theory , step consumption theory on housing , supply-demand theory and inverted U curve theory in real estate development .

  5. 相对于其他消费理论分析框架而言,该模型具有明显包容性,并与Granger-Engle非经典时间序列方法成功实现了对接。

    This model is more compatible than other consumption theoretic analysis framework and matches the Granger-Engle non-classical time series approach .

  6. 位置消费理论:福利经济学的前沿课题

    Positional Consumption Theory : the Frontiers Study of Welfare Economics

  7. 很多评论家从消费理论来分析这部作品。

    So many critics analyze it from the consumption theories .

  8. 增量效用函数:家庭消费理论的重新构建

    Incremental Utility Function : the Restructuring of Household Consumption Theory

  9. 基于网络经济的消费理论创新

    Innovation of consumption theory on the basis of network economy

  10. 第三,弗里德曼先生是现代消费理论的奠基人。

    Third , Mr Friedman laid the foundation of modern theories of consumption .

  11. 第二部分是经济伦理视野下的消费理论解读。

    The second part is to interpret consumption in perspective of Economic Ethics .

  12. 位置消费理论是研究人们争名寻位的经济理论。

    Positional consumption theory is a study on human quest for social status .

  13. 用位置消费理论拓展中高级轿车市场

    Exploration of High & Medium Level Car Market by The Theory of Positional Consumption

  14. 可持续旅游消费理论创新研究

    The Theory Innovation of the Sustainable Tourism Consumption

  15. 论马克思的消费理论

    Marx 's Consumption Theory and Its Current Revelation

  16. 可持续消费理论的环境伦理学分析

    Environment ethics analysis of sustainable consumption theory

  17. 第二部分:介绍了西方的消费理论及各种学术流派;

    The second part : Introduced the western expense theory and correlatively various academic genres ;

  18. 试析我国城市住房制度的困境&基于集体消费理论的视角

    Dilemma of City Housing System in China Based on the Perspective of Collective Consumption Theory

  19. 微观消费理论的新儒学诠释

    Explanation on Micro Consumption Theory Thru Neo-Confucianism

  20. 在这一部分内容中,着重介绍了马克思消费理论和西方消费理论。

    In this part , introduces the contents of marxism theory and western consumption theory .

  21. 现代西方消费理论研究述评

    A Review of Modern Western Consumption Theory

  22. 符号消费理论研究&解析波德里亚的消费社会

    On the Research of Symbol Consuming Theory & analysis to consumer society of Jean Baudrillard

  23. 网络经济条件下的消费理论研究

    Research on consumption theory under network economy

  24. 道德消费理论视角下的国际公平贸易运行机理研究

    Study of the Operational Mechanism of International Fair Trade from the Perspective of Ethical Consumption Theory

  25. 消费理论中的无差异曲线族

    Indifferent curves of comsumption theory

  26. 随着时代的变迁,现代西方消费理论经历了一个发展和演变的过程。

    With the times went on , modern western consumption theory experienced a developing and evolving process .

  27. 灰色消费理论假说

    Grey Consume Theoretical Hypothesis

  28. 近年来,我国不少学者对西方消费理论进行了深入研究,并用以分析解释中国消费者的行为。

    In recent years , many scholars study Chinese consumer behavior using the frame of western consumption theory .

  29. 消费理论的行为化趋向

    Toward behavioral consumption theory

  30. 弗洛姆异化消费理论及对建设和谐社会的启示

    The valuable inspiration of the alienation consumption theory raised by Erich Fromm to the construction of harmonious society