
qī huò hé tonɡ
  • forward contract;futures contract
  1. 本文研究了国内外有关电源充裕度的理论和实践经验,建议用容量费与双边期货合同相结合的办法来解决电源充裕度问题。

    The authors studied theories and experiences of energy adequacy in China and abroad , proposed a combined generation capacity payment and bilateral forward contract approach to solve this problem .

  2. 和期权不同的是,期货合同的亏损不是有限的。

    Unlike options , a futures contract does not offer limited losses .

  3. 有一个交易所买卖基金购买期货合同的PowerSharesDB贱金属,购买铝,锌,铜,和不同的合同购买,以尽量减少价差。

    There is one ETF that buys futures contracts & PowerShares DB Base Metals , which purchases aluminum , zinc and copper and varies the contracts it buys to minimize contango .

  4. 问题的某些方面已为人们所熟知巨型美国石油追踪基金uso的规模已经如此巨大,以至于当该基金对其优先期货合同的投资进行换单展期时,会导致市场主体出现剧烈波动。

    Some parts of the problem are well known the huge US oil Tracker Fund USO is now so big that when it rolls over its investment in the underlying futures contracts it causes the main market to move violently .

  5. 不完全市场期货合同的均衡存在性

    Existence of Future Contract Equilibrium with Incomplete Real Asset Markets

  6. 需求的降低迫使交易商抛售原油期货合同。

    The gloom about demand is forcing traders to sell oil contracts .

  7. 电能期货合同市场的输电拥堵定价及其输电网的开放

    Congestion pricing and transmission access in the electricity futures markets

  8. 两家交易所交易相似期货合同的局面最终将难以维系。

    Ultimately , having both exchanges offering similar contracts will be unsustainable .

  9. 论期货合同与期货交易权益的实现

    Comment on Futures Contract and the Completion of Futures Trading Rights and Interest

  10. 不过,一个更有效率的方式是吸购黄金期货合同。

    However , a more efficient way is to buy a gold futures contract .

  11. 期权合同的持有人购进或出售一笔原生期货合同的过程。

    The process of an option holder exchanging it for the underlying futures contract .

  12. 原始保证金是我们要交易的每一笔期货合同的预付款。

    Initial margin 's a down payment on each futures contract that we trade .

  13. 期货合同立法之建议

    Suggestions on the legislation of Future Contract

  14. 期货合同标的是商品、劳务、权利或利益;

    4 , target of future contract is goods , labour , right or interest ;

  15. 商人们似乎对白糖期货合同的启动感到高兴。

    Traders seemed happy with the start made by the white sugar ~ s contract .

  16. 去年,该交易所开始提供巴西的大豆期货合同。

    Last year , the Board of Trade began to offer contracts for Brazilian soybeans .

  17. 该合同体现了如下特点:1.期货合同由期货交易所设计;

    This contract embodies the following characteristics 1 , futures contract is designed by futures exchange house ;

  18. 卖出期货合同和买进看涨期权的组合,叫做组合买入看跌期权。

    A combination of a short futures contract and a long call , called a synthetic long put .

  19. 期货合同的会计核算

    Accounting for future contracts

  20. 实际上,我买了期货合同后,债券价格还在下跌,持续一个星期左右。

    In fact , when I bought the contracts , the price was still falling until a week later .

  21. 商品价格未来可能走低,为了减小损失而卖出期货合同。

    Selling futures contracts to protect against possible declining prices of commodities that will be sold in the future .

  22. 在图表中当有足够的期货合同的购买量足以阻止价格下跌的一个量。

    The place on a chart where the buying of futures contracts is sufficient to halt a price decline .

  23. 例如购买两年期的国库券,并卖出等价的期货合同。

    For example , the purchase of two-year treasuries and the sale of futures contracts for an equivalent amount .

  24. 一种一个期货合同和一个期权的组合,其中一个看涨一个看跌。

    A combination of a futures contract and an option , in which one is bullish and one is bearish .

  25. 卖出大豆期货合同同时买入豆油和豆粕期货合同。

    The sale of soybean futures and the simultaneous purchase of soybean oil and meal futures . See Crush Spread .

  26. 代表卖家的经纪公司通知清算所期货合同中的卖家希望交货了。

    The clearing firm representing the seller notifies the clearinghouse that its short customers want to deliver on a futures contract .

  27. 以现金结算,不包括标之物实际交付之期货合同,如股票指数期货合同。

    Futures contracts , such as stock index futures , that settle for cash , not involving the delivery of the underlying .

  28. 交易所决定自己同意在本交易所上市交易的证券和期货合同。

    An exchange decides what securities ( stocks and bonds ) and contracts ( option trading and futures ) it wants to trade .

  29. 一种期权,准予买家在最后期限之前以规定的价格卖出期货合同的权利而非义务。

    An option granting the right , but not the obligation , to sell a futures contract at the stated price prior to the expiration of the option .

  30. 期权交易对供电公司购电组合的影响同时,买进期货合同和卖出一个看涨期权的组合,叫做组合卖出看跌期权。

    Effects of Options Trade on Purchasing Portfolio for Load Serving Entities ; Also , a combination of a long futures contract and a short call , called a synthetic short put .