
  • 网络household production;home production;home birth
  1. 家庭生产决策权代际交替对农户经济的影响

    The Impact of Decision-making Power of Household Production on Household Economics

  2. 第一节为介绍思路与步骤。第二节为家庭生产函数的选择。

    The first section is the choice of the household production function .

  3. 探讨G·贝克尔的家庭生产函数如何从传统效用理论中拓展而来。

    This article expounds how G · Becker 's " family production function " logically stems from the orthodox utility function .

  4. 英国工业革命时期的家庭生产

    Exploration on the Production in Family during the British Industrial Revolution

  5. 工业化生产已开始篡夺家庭生产和分配的功能。

    Industrialism began to usurp the production and distribution functions of the family .

  6. 平均成本定价、报酬递增和最优产出:比较家庭生产和市场生产

    Average-cost Pricing , Increasing Returns , and Optimal Output : Comparing Home and Market Production

  7. 而在农业社会,社会的主要生产方式是小农的家庭生产。

    But in the agricultural community , the major production mode is small-scale family production .

  8. 家族企业是从家庭生产在由自给性生产向市场化生产转变时产生的。

    The family enterprise stems from the transition from self supporting production to marketing production .

  9. 生产率难题与家庭生产模型

    Productivity puzzle and home production model

  10. 在游牧地区,草场是牧民家庭生产和生活的最基本保障。

    In the Nomadic areas , the pasture is the most basic of the production and living material for the herdsman .

  11. 农产品价格、农产品成本、农户家庭生产经营结构是影响农民家庭经营收入变动的主要因素。

    Price and cost of agricultural product and the household production structure of farmers are the main factors influencing the changes in household production income of farmers .

  12. 最近,世界各国政府都实施了优惠上网电价,为企业和家庭生产并回输给电网的可再生电力支付优厚的价格。

    Governments around the world have recently instituted feed-in-tariffs that pay businesses and homeowners a premium price for the renewable electricity they produce and send back to the grid .

  13. 就当前而言,影响农户经济收入增长的原因错综复杂,其中农户家庭生产决策权代际交替是其中主要的影响因素之一。

    At present , there exist many factors influencing the growth of households ' income , and the decision-making power of household production is one of the most important factors .

  14. 其目的是通过适当的制度安排,在发挥家庭生产方式的利益激励作用的同时,实现社会化协作分工所带来的高效率。

    The purpose of industrialized operation is to try to highlight the stimulating function of interest of household production and achieve high efficiency brought by socialized cooperative division of labor through adequate systematic arrangements .

  15. 以工资性收入为主要经济来源的贫困地区农户已不再是传统意义上的家庭生产经营单位,而是劳动力的供给者。

    Most rural households in depressed area whose income is mainly made up of wage no longer essentially play the role of production and management units in the traditional sense , but labor suppliers .

  16. 随后具体对这个新函数进行了说明,强调效用是生产出来这一与从不同的观点,在此基础上揭示新的效用函数转化为家庭生产函数的逻辑线索。

    Then , more explanation has been made to this new function . Finally the authors disclose a logic transformation from new utility function to " family production function ", and uses it to clear some falsifications .

  17. 在这一过程中,无论是土地的集中化还是生产的社会化,都反映了传统家庭生产方式的式微以及农户生产过程中一系列公共需求/社会风险的增长。

    In this process , whether it is the concentration of land or the socialization of production , all reflect the weakening of peasant family production function and the growth of a series of Public demand / social risk .

  18. 本文采用大量数据分析了农户经济增长与发展过程中的有关问题,找出有效的解决方法&家庭生产决策权代际交替,对推动农户经济向纵深发展具有重要的指导意义。

    According to the plenty of data , this paper analyzes the issues related to the development of family economy , and find out an effective solution-transition of decision-making power , which is very important to promote the further development of family economy .

  19. 通过家庭生产决策权代际交替,可以看出年轻人当家后,家庭收入中非农业收入的比重越来越大,这是与当前的改革开放的形式分不开的。

    By the transition of the decision-making power , the rate of the income from non-agricultural in the whole income become more and more after the young generation hosting the power , which has a close relation with China 's open and reform policy .

  20. 现在,TCL居中国彩电生产的首位,是全国三大家庭电脑生产商之一。

    TCL now leads the country in color TV set production , and is among its top three computer producers .

  21. 各种各样的消费品都是家庭自己生产的。

    All miscellaneous consumer-goods are home-produced .

  22. 它就一定是进行易货贸易,以便把家庭专门生产的产品拿去交换。

    It must engage in barter in order to trade those goods that the household specializes in producing .

  23. 结果受艾滋病影响儿童的家庭人均生产收入减少;

    Results The income per capita from production for the families was decreased owing to children affected by HIV / AIDS .

  24. 家庭作为生产生活的基本单位,也是民间信仰传承的主体。

    As the basic unit of producing and social activities , family is also the major part inheriting the folk belief .

  25. 在测度粮地规模效率过程中,充分考虑家庭粮食生产全要素生产效率和总体规模效率的变化情况,并对二者同时进行了测度。

    The changing condition of total factors and family scale efficiency is fully considered in the process of grain-land-scale efficiency measurement .

  26. 农民经济合作是以家庭为生产组织形式的农民,为了解决生产、生活中的各种困难,而在经济领域所开展的生产、购销、信用借贷等联合行动。

    Peasant economic cooperation is a type of peasant cooperative action , which includes production , purchase and sale , credit and so on .

  27. 古希腊家庭的生产和生活从公共空间中分离出来,从而为当时社会中的市民获取了最初的私人空间。

    The production and life of the family are separated out from the public space , thus obtained the initial private space for citizens .

  28. 80年代初,牧区模仿农区制度建立起以家庭为生产单位的家庭联产承包责任制,逐步将草场和牲畜划分到户。

    In the early 80s , pastoral areas followed agricultural areas establishing the household responsibility system gradually which operated based on the family units and divided pastures and livestock to specific families .

  29. 虽然他们的思想认识和具体方案有着差异和不同,但他们都否定农业家庭个体生产组织形式,推崇大规模合作生产、集体劳动。

    Though their ideas and specific programs are different , they deny agricultural production form in household unit and respect cooperation production in large scale , collective labor , which peasants disagree .

  30. 随着机器纱厂的发展,土纱逐渐退出市场,转入农民家庭自用生产。

    Along with the development of cotton mill with machine , he yarn spun by hand gradually exited markets , and shifted to the family production to satisfy the daily need of family .