
  • 网络Agent Theory;Agency theory;agency cost
  1. 管家理论与代理理论的比较分析&对上市公司董事会与CEO关系指导思想的一种新阐释

    A Comparative Analysis between Stewardship theory and Agency Theory & A New Demonstration on the Guideline of Board of Directors and CEOs

  2. 随后借助MM理论、股利代理理论、股利信号理论和股东积极主义思想对机构投资者和股利政策之间的关系进行了分析,通过已有文献对国内外学者的研究成果进行了回顾。

    Subsequently we analyzed the relationship between institutional investors and dividend policy within the MM theory , dividends agency theory ; dividends signal theory and the idea of " shareholder activism " . Then we get a comment combing through the research results on domestic and foreign literature .

  3. 再运用委托-代理理论分别讨论了信息对称和信息不对称时的VMI数量折扣契约设计问题。

    After that , VMI quantity discounts contract under symmetric and asymmetric information is designed by principal-agent theory .

  4. 本文就是利用博弈论中的非合作博弈、多阶段完全信息动态博弈以及信息博弈论中的委托代理理论,构建了一个博弈框架来对企业RD激励因素进行分析并提出了相应的对策。

    In this thesis , we apply non-cooperative game , multiple - complete information dynamic game and commitment-agency theory of information game theory to establishment the incentive mechanism of enterprise R & D .

  5. 本文以委托一代理理论、企业家人力资本要素理论、产权激励理论为基础,从中引出MBO的经济学动因,即企业家为实现其人力资本价值,对剩余索取权的追求促使产权革命。

    This thesis is based on these theories including entrusts-act theory , human capital theory and ownership theory , and bring up the motive and reason of MBO .

  6. 由于所有权和经营权的分离,产生了代理理论,由此,国内外学者也纷纷开始对代理成本进行研究,在这方面最早进行研究的代表是Jensen和Mecking(1976)。

    Because of the separation of proprietary rights from management rights , many scholars has begun to research on agency cost , producing the agency theory . Jensen and Meck-ling ( 1976 ) are the two typical representatives in this area .

  7. 在对企业发展分析中,利用资本结构理论中的M-M理论和契约经济学的委托-代理理论,讨论了资本流动证券化在减少各种交易成本、激励企业内在增长动力上的作用。

    Enterprise development . Under the guideline of M-M theorem for capital structure theory and principal-agent theory of contract economics , the paper illustrates the effect of securitization in Chinese economic growth on deducting transaction cost and spurring the management internal motives and specially focuses on the entrepreneur spirit .

  8. 第2章介绍了公司治理结构的传统理论,包括占主流地位的代理理论及与之相应的公司治理结构理论和影响较大的利益相关者治理理论。

    Chapter 2 is on the traditional theories of corporate governance .

  9. 第三部分重点阐述供应链管理理论,以及委托-代理理论。

    Chapter three describes the theory of supply chain and Principal-Agent .

  10. 论委托-代理理论与企业财务管理

    On entrusting - acting - for theory and business financial management

  11. 试析委托&代理理论在我国行政管理领域的应用

    The Analysis of Principal-agent Theory Applications in Our Country Administration Field

  12. 双重委托代理理论:上市公司治理的另一种分析框架&兼论进一步完善中国上市公司治理的新思路

    Double Principal-agent Theory : Another Analysis Framework of Listed Companies ' Governance

  13. 激励机制是委托一代理理论的核心研究问题。

    Incentive mechanism is the core issue of agent-principal theory .

  14. 第二章,公司治理的分析工具:委托&代理理论。

    Chapter 2 . Analytical Means of Corporate Governance : Principal-agent Theory .

  15. 基于委托代理理论的水资源资产化管理体制及应用

    Water Resources Capitalization Management System Based on Principal-Agent Theory and Its Application

  16. 基于委托-代理理论的一类道德风险情况下的最优保险契约模型

    Principal-Agent Theory Based Optimal Insurance Contracts Models for Moral Hazard

  17. 西方国家的委托-代理理论评析

    Commentary on the Theory of Principal Agent in Western Countries

  18. 基于委托&代理理论的公共旅游资源管理制度分析

    Analysis of State-owned Tourism Resource Administrative System Based on the Principal-Agent Theory

  19. 国有资产使用效率问题的分析与对策研究&基于委托代理理论的分析

    The Analysis on the Efficiency of State-owned Assets Based on the Principal-agency Theory

  20. 以委托代理理论分析农民培训制度

    On Analyzing Farmers-training Systems by the Principal Agent Theory

  21. 资本成本会计对代理理论的冲击

    The Assault of Capital Cost Accounting to Commission Theory

  22. 基于代理理论的会计监督研究

    A Study on Account Supervision Based on Agency Theory

  23. 关于企业过度投资行为产生的原因,代理理论是经典理论之一。

    One of the classic interpretations which cause over-investment behavior is agency theory .

  24. 代理理论与公司治理综述

    A Literature Survey on Agent Theory and Corporate Governance

  25. 委托&代理理论在石化企业安全管理中的应用

    The safety management of the petrochemical industry enterprises according to the principal-gent theory

  26. 双重委托-代理理论在税收流失中的应用

    Double-Principal Agent Theorem in Application to the Tax Evasion

  27. 基于委托代理理论的流域水污染治理激励机制分析

    Excitation mechanism of water pollution treatment for river basins based on client-agent theory

  28. 委托&代理理论与银行风险。

    Commission ? agent theory and banking risks .

  29. 其次,运用委托代理理论从产权代理关系、上下级代理关系、银企代理关系三个层面对国有商业银行风险成因进行了深入分析。

    Then follows the factor analysis from three levels based on entrusted agency theory .

  30. 委托代理理论方法在产品定价中的应用

    Application of Principal-Agent Theory for Product Price Determination