
dài tì mì mǎ
  • substitution cipher
  1. “帐户授权恢复”不能代替密码。

    Delegated Account Recovery doesn 't replace passwords .

  2. 分析发现,在实际应用中,离散对数函数可以代替密码杂凑函数,实现混合变换和消息完整性验证功能,并具有抗原像攻击、抗碰撞攻击等安全性。

    We find that cryptographic hash functions could be replaced by discrete logarithm functions in some scenarios , such as mixing-transformation and message integrity verification . Secure discrete logarithm functions also have collision resistance and pre-image resistance , which are some security attributes that cryptographic hash functions should have .

  3. 从方便性及有效性的角度来说,基于身份密码能很好的代替基于证书密码,在第五章我们提出了一个基于身份的门限群签名方案。

    From view point of the convenience and efficiency , ID-based cryptography could take the place of CA-based cryptography very well . We will give an ID-based proactive threshold signature scheme in chapter 5 .

  4. 可变置换控制的代替&置换网络密码系统

    Substitution - Permutation Network Cryptosystem Controlled by Variable Permutation

  5. 基于这一模型,设计了一个称为基于全非奇异矩阵的代替置换网络的密码结构。

    Based on this model , a new crypt structure called completely nonsingular matrix based substitution permutation network is designed .