
  • 网络ghostwrite;write
  1. 从今年起,教育管理部门将对本科毕业论文进行抽检,以打击剽窃、代写及其他形式的学术不端行为。如何抽检?

    Starting this year , Chinese education authorities will institute random , ghostwriting , and other forms of academic misconduct .

  2. 微博等社交媒体平台上也能看到代写广告。

    Ghostwriting advertisements can also be seen on some social media platforms such as Weibo .

  3. 她的回忆录是由别人代写的。

    Her memoirs were ghostwritten .

  4. 我为他代写《电讯报》每周的橄榄球专栏。

    I ghosted his weekly rugby column for the Telegraph .

  5. Dora毎代写一封信收费相当于一美元,如果要她代寄就另收一美元。

    Dora charges the equivalent of a dollar per letter she writes and a dollar more if she is asked to mail it .

  6. 代写与公证事项有关的法律事务文书;

    Making legal documents relating to the notarization matter instead of others ;

  7. 有很多名人都聘请捉刀人代写他们的传记。

    Many celebrities hire ghost writers to write their biography .

  8. 不管什么原因,保罗用了口授的方式让一书吏为他代写。

    For whatever reason , Paul dictated his letters to a scribe .

  9. 据报道,大学生是代写主力军。

    College students are reported to be the main force of the ghostwriters .

  10. 代写专利申请文件,办理专利申请;请求实质审查或者复审的有关事务;

    Writing on commission patent application documents and handling re-examination and other related affairs ;

  11. 他的遗嘱是由他妻子代写的。

    His will was written by his wife .

  12. 中国最大的电子商务平台淘宝网上有不少提供代写服务的网店。

    On Taobao , China 's largest e-commerce platform , you can find shops undertaking such services .

  13. 首先要完美以代写员的准入轨制为核心的轨制建设;

    First of all , to improve access to the system of counselors at the core of the system ;

  14. 代写员的人格特性对大学生的成长、发铺和人格的形成有着潜移默化的作用。

    Counselor personality characteristics of college students growth , development and the formation of personality has a subtle role .

  15. 在他们看来,代写只不过是那些想拿高分的学生们可以选择的实用手段之一。

    In their opinion , ghostwriting is just one of the useful tools available to students who want better grades .

  16. 然而,各大网络平台提供的新兴非法代写服务对他们来说似乎“大有帮助”。

    However , emerging illegal ghostwriting services offered on different online platforms seem like a great " help " to them .

  17. 然而即便在怒斥代写之诉时,韩寒也没有忘记幽默一下。

    Even though Han registered his outrage to the ghostwriting claim , he by no means forgot his characteristic sense of humor .

  18. 因此,他质疑道,一个人怎么会精力过剩至如此,并因此下结论道,他的很多作品都有可能是别人代写的。

    Therefore , he questioned how a person could be so energetic and concluded that most of his writings were probably ghostwritten .

  19. 目前,高校代写员步队存在工作强度大和重点工作偏移的矛盾;

    At present , there is the work of college counselors team intensity and shift the focus of the work of contradictions ;

  20. 高校代写员是开铺大学生思惟政治教育的骨干力量,是大学生健康成长的指点者和引路人。

    University counselors are the ideological and political education to carry out the backbone and guide the healthy development of students and guide .

  21. 简历代写者菲尔德伯格称,就她自己的业务而言,去年12月和今年1月接到的订单比上年同期增加了三倍。

    And at her own business , says Feldberg , December and January orders had jumped 300 percent over the same time last year .

  22. 其次要构建学生管理教育工作的专业职称评定体系,增强代写员专业化的学科研讨;

    Second , we must build a student of management education in the work of professional title assessment system , to strengthen research professional counselor ;

  23. 职位描述:“为首席执行官代写文章和社交媒体帖子,讨论行业的最佳实践和目前公司及市场的状况。”

    Job description : " Ghostwrite articles and social media posts for the CEO discussing industry best practices and the current corporate and marketing landscape . "

  24. 美国简历撰写者协会的一项调查显示,随着经济形势的恶化,54%的简历代写者客户量增加。

    One poll by the National R é sum é Writers Association found that 54 percent of respondents had seen an increase in clients as economic conditions worsened .

  25. 我国正加快科研能力建设,近日开展的一项行动,使网络平台上有偿代写学术论文的业务减少了95%。

    China is hastening its progress to boost its scientific research capability by launching a campaign that wiped out 95 % of for-profit academic ghostwriting businesses from online platforms .

  26. 今年9月,教育部印发通知,要求各高校合理提升学业挑战度、增加课程难度、拓展课程深度,严肃处理抄袭、伪造、篡改、代写、买卖毕业论文等违纪问题。

    In September , the Ministry of Education released an announcement , requiring universities to increase the difficulty of undergraduate courses and work harder to end academic misconduct in bachelor 's theses .

  27. 简历代写自1986年入行以来,简历写手杰瑞•比尔斯处理的简历数达近3万份。他称现在他的业务量比去年冬季增加了46%。

    R é sum é writer Jerry Bills , who has worked on nearly 30000 r é sum é s since 1986 , says his sales numbers are up 46 percent from last winter .

  28. 为保证选区全体选民的过半数参加投票而规定的召开选举大会、委托投票、代写选票等程序安排也与选举自由、秘密投票、一人一票原则相背。

    In order to ensure that more than half of the voters cast their votes , they usually hold an election meeting , or vote by proxy , or ask other people to vote for them .

  29. 在这些小玩意当中,有我和初三的女伴们互传的小纸片,还有我的第一任男朋友的蹩脚情诗--还不是他自己写的,是他掏腰包请他的朋友代写的,然后大言不惭地跟我说是他自己写的。

    There were all the notes my girlfriends and I passed throughout junior high , along with all the goofy poems my first boyfriend paid his friends to write and passed along to me as his originals .