
jiè dìnɡ
  • define;delimit;specify the limits
  • definition;defining
界定 [jiè dìng]
  • (1) [define]∶逻辑学术语,即下定义

  • 警察机关如何界定?是否包括调查局宪兵部必须廓清

  • (2) [devide]∶划分,决定

  • 如果以成绩来界定孩子的好坏,那就违反了教育原则

  1. 这些设计中的兼收并蓄意味着难以界定一个总体的风格。

    The eclecticism of the designs means it is difficult to define one overall look .

  2. 警方首先要界定调查范围。

    The police had to first define the scope of the investigation .

  3. 警察的职权必须明确界定。

    The powers of the police must be clearly defined .

  4. 究竟什么可称作进攻性武器仍然难以界定。

    Exactly what can be called an offensive weapon is still a grey area .

  5. 他们成了军队人员与平民雇员之间身份界定不清的人。

    They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees .

  6. 在刑法中,几乎任何行为都可以被界定为“犯罪”。

    Within criminal law almost anything could be defined as ' crime ' .

  7. 关于沙漠的界定,众说纷纭。

    No one agrees on what counts as a desert

  8. 女权主义者重新界定了女性的角色。

    Feminists have redefined the role of women .

  9. 依据该法案,淫秽物的界定权在法庭。

    The bill leaves it up to the courts to decide what is obscene .

  10. 我们最终将不得不重新界定我们和北非邻国的关系。

    We will finally have to redefine our relationship with neighbouring states in north Africa

  11. 和其他多数拥有严格等级制度的美国公司一样,这里的工人和管理人员都有界定严格的职责。

    Like most other American companies with a rigid hierarchy , workers and managers had strictly defined duties

  12. 作者明确界定了“公共利益”。

    The author gave a clear definition of " public interest " .

  13. 它向广大读者介绍了CosaNostra(美国黑手党)和omertà(缄默法则)等黑帮用语,并且在接下来的数十年内界定了公众对黑帮人物的认知。

    It introduced terms like Cosa Nostra3 and omert à to a mass audience and defined the public perception of mobsters for decades to come .

  14. 重新界定的夹皮沟金矿集中区包括了太古宙花岗-绿岩带和高级变质区两个组成部分。

    The redelimited Jiapigou gold-concentrated area is composed of Archean granitoid-greenstone belts and high grade metamorphism areas .

  15. 科学界定“挪用公款不退还”与“挪用转化为贪污

    Scientific Definition of \\ " Defalcation Without Return \\ " and \\ " Defalcation Turning to Embezzlement \\ "

  16. 实体法界定权利,程序法则制定保护和实施权利的秩序。

    but if it benefits the majority it is useful . Substantial law defines rights , and procedural law establishes the procedures by which rights are protected and enforced .

  17. 首先对司法ADR的内涵和性质进行了界定。

    Firstly , the author defines the intention and nature of judicial ADR .

  18. 公司法方面的规制主要是办j寸管理层、目标公司董事、目标公司大股东在管理层收购中的义务界定上做出的。

    Corporation law mainly regulates the actions of management , directors of the target company and controlling shareholders of the target company .

  19. 第二章着重介绍了效率理论,界定了效率的定义,对DEA方法和C~2R模型进行了经济学解释。

    The theory of efficiency is briefly introduced in Chapter Two where the DEA approach and C ~ 2R model is also paraphrased from the economic perspective .

  20. 分析了钢铁企业CRM的特点,界定了钢铁生产企业客户内涵、客户关系管理的重点管理事项。

    It analysis the features of steel enterprises ′ s customer relationship management ( CRM ), then defines the connotation of CRM , and key managerial items of customer relationship management .

  21. YH所基于审计责任界定的风险控制研究

    Research on Risk Control of YH Accounting Firm Pressurized Based on the Defining of Audit Responsibilities

  22. Reber首先提出内隐学习概念,近年来对内隐学习又有了新的界定。

    Reber first proposed it and in recent years it is newly defined .

  23. PPMs是界定相同产品的新兴标准,能使产品生产过程中对环境的影响进入到相同产品的考虑、判断因素之中。

    PPMs is a new criterion of like product , which considers environment impacts of products in their production and process .

  24. 针对层出不穷的财务舞弊案例,新COSO框架下对内部控制和风险管理进行了新的补充和界定。

    The internal control and venture management should be steered new supplement and defined under new COSO frame , owing to the finance fraud cases happening continuously .

  25. 第一部分是对虚拟财产的理论界定。

    The first part is to the hypothesized property theory limits .

  26. 企业文化的新界定与企业文化管理模型

    Enterprise Culture 's New Definition and the Enterprise Culture Management Model

  27. 新闻舆论监督侵权行为的界定与防范

    Legal Definition and Precaution on Tort of News Public Opinion Supervision

  28. 关于专业评酒员在白酒专业界定与消费者爱好的认知差异和关系

    Relations of and Recognition Difference between Liquor Assessment Professionals and Consumers

  29. 价值估价。界定了企业家人力资本价值评价的对象;

    We define appraising target of entrepreneur 's manpower capital value ;

  30. 潜在产出与产出缺口的界定与测算方法

    The Definition and Measurement Method of Potential Output and Output Gap