
jiè hé
  • boundary river
界河 [jiè hé]
  • [boundary river] 两国或两地区分界的河流

界河[jiè hé]
  1. 土工织物石笼沉排在界河堤岸防护中的应用

    The application of rock geotextile fabrics in the protection of boundary river dyke

  2. 松花江位于中国东北部地区,是中俄界河黑龙江最大的支流。

    The Songhua River lies in the North-east China and is the biggest tributary for the boundary river between China and Russia .

  3. 人们把鲜花投进两国的界河里,以象征两国人民的兄弟情谊常在。

    People threw flowers into the river between the two countries as a symbolic act of brotherhood

  4. 我们住在界河瓦伊河畔属英格兰的那一侧。

    We live on the English side of the river wye .

  5. 里奥格兰德河是墨西哥和美国之间的界河。

    The Rio Grande marks the border between Mexico and the USA.

  6. 中国东北地区与朝鲜的界河。

    China 's northeast with North Korea 's boundary rivers .

  7. 这座山是两国的界河。

    The mountain is the boundary between the two countries .

  8. 里奥兰德河墨西哥美界河。

    Rio Grande marks the border between Mexico and the USA.

  9. 黑龙江干流中俄界河中游段汊道鸟屿主流变动分析

    Analysis for the mainstream variation of island and offshoot in the Heilongjiang River

  10. 分布式水文模型子流域划分中界河、海岸线的处理研究

    How to Process Boundary Rivers and Coastline in Watershed Subdivision of Distributed Hydrological Model

  11. 汾河流经县东,是该县与祁县、平遥的界河。

    Fenhe through the County is the county with the Qixian , Pingyao 's border .

  12. 格兰德河是美国和墨西哥之间的天然界河。

    The Rio Grande River forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States .

  13. 黑龙江省的界河坍塌地质灾害及其防治对策

    Geologic hazard from boundary river bank collapse in Hei Longjiang Province and its prevention and control measures

  14. 它曾经是罗马帝国最东边的界河。

    It once marked the border of Rome 's empire , the easternmost edge of their domain .

  15. 北仑河口是我国广西岸段最西端的一个河口,是中越两国的界河河口,两国分界线以北仑河口航道中心线为界。

    The Beilun estuary is a limitrophe estuary between China and Vietnam . It is the west end of Guangxi coast .

  16. 在内海、领海、界河、界湖运输、收购、贩卖国家禁止进出口物品的或者运输、收购、贩卖国家限制进出口货物、物品,数额较大,没有合法证明的。

    It also refers to buying , selling and transporting goods or articles banned to be imported or exported in large quantity without lawful certificate .

  17. 我国重要入海河口河海界线划分探讨分布式水文模型子流域划分中界河、海岸线的处理研究

    Research into the river-sea delimitations of some key estuaries in China How to Process Boundary Rivers and Coastline in Watershed Subdivision of Distributed Hydrological Model

  18. 根据相应水位(流量)理论编制了中俄界河乌苏里江洪水预报方案。

    The flood forecast programme for the China Russia boundary river Wusuli River has been draw up according to the corresponding water level ( flow ) theory .

  19. 从此,图们江正式开始作为边界界河,在对后世产生重大影响的进程中沿用至今。

    Since then , the Tumen River officially began as the boundary border , are still in use in the process of a significant impact on future generations .

  20. 松花江硝基苯污染事件不仅对松花江干流造成危害,也影响到界河黑龙江的水质。

    The Songhua Biver Nitrobenzene event not only causes the harm to Songhua Biver main currents , but also affects the quality of the boundary river of Heilongjiang .

  21. 所以,平衡计分卡在全球范围引起企业界河管理学界广泛关注,并得到极力推广。然而,在我国的房地产开发企业中,我们很少看到平衡计分卡的顺利实现。

    So BSC has caused extensive concern and gained promotion in global scale . However , we rarely saw the smooth realization of BSC in chinese real estate development enterprise .

  22. 据报道,非法移民经常越过希土两国间的界河埃夫罗斯河,或从土耳其前往爱琴海的几十个希腊岛屿。

    It is reported that illegal immigrants often arrive by crossing the border river Evros between Greece and Turkey or getting to dozens of Greek islands in the Aegean Sea by way of turkey .

  23. 用工具制造工具是人的工具行为和猿的工具行为之间的界河,据此将人猿超科的工具行为分成简单和复杂二种类型。

    The boundary between human and ape tool behaviors is that human made tools with tool . Therefore , tool behaviors of Hominoidea can be divided into two type : the simple type and complex type .

  24. 论澳巴海洋边界划分方法之特色及其对中日东海海域划界之借鉴意义分布式水文模型子流域划分中界河、海岸线的处理研究

    Analysis and Selection of the Proposals on the Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary of the East China Sea between China and Japan ; How to Process Boundary Rivers and Coastline in Watershed Subdivision of Distributed Hydrological Model