
jiāng jūn
  • general;admiral;challenge;checkmate;mate;embarrass;put sb. on the spot
将军 [jiāng jūn]
  • (1) [general]

  • (2) 武官名。春秋时诸侯以卿统军,故称卿为将军。战国以后转为武官之称,加号极繁。如汉有大将军、骠骑将军、车骑将军、卫将军、前、后、左、右将军以及楼船将军,材官将军、度辽将军等、多用以尊称对方

  • 将军百战死。--《乐府诗集.木兰诗》

  • 将军向宠。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 宋将军家。-- 明. 魏禧《大铁椎传》

  • 呼宋将军。

  • (3) 军衔名,在校级之上。通常分四级,少将、中将、上将和大将

  • (1) [checkmate]

  • (2) 下象棋时攻击对方的将或帅

  • (3) 将国际象棋中的王暴露在对方棋子前,以致如果不是王被马上保护起来(如在其间放上另一棋子),则下一步便可能被对方吃掉

  • (4) [put sb. on the spot;mate;challenge;embarrass]∶比喻给人出难题,使人感到难办

  • 他当众将了我一军,要我表演舞蹈

将军[jiāng jūn]
  1. 将军竭力避免与敌军交火。

    The general tried to avoid an engagement with the enemy .

  2. 将军必须让部队过河。

    The general had to get his troops across the river .

  3. 将军把军队都集中起来准备发动最后的进攻。

    The general massed his troops for a final attack .

  4. 作为一位将军,他得到了部队的精诚效忠。

    As a general , he inspired great loyalty in his troops .

  5. 这位将军实际上控制了整个国家。

    The general took de facto control of the country .

  6. 输掉了这场决定性的战役后,那位将军不得不承认失败。

    After losing this decisive battle , the general was forced to concede .

  7. 将军下令前进。

    The general gave the order to advance .

  8. 这些部队由黑格将军统率。

    The troops were commanded by General Haig .

  9. 将军神情忧郁地望着队列经过。

    The general watched the process with an air of melancholy .

  10. 皇帝擢升了将军并赏给他丰厚的礼物。

    The emperor promoted the general and lavished him with gifts .

  11. 刘易斯·海德将军曾是“比利”·米切尔将军的部下。

    General Lewis Hyde had served under General ' Billy ' Mitchell

  12. 行刑队处决的那些人里有3名将军。

    Those put to death by firing squad included three generals .

  13. 将军同时取消了对政党的禁令。

    The General also lifted a ban on political parties .

  14. 他身着童子军制服,而不是将军的制服。

    He wore the garb of a scout , not a general .

  15. 将军在兴都库什山脉以北集结军队。

    The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush .

  16. 将军认为核计划应该继续进行。

    The general argued that the nuclear programme should still continue

  17. 将军正在集结部队准备反攻。

    The General was massing his troops for a counterattack .

  18. 人群中走出一人向将军敬礼。

    One of the company stepped out and saluted the General

  19. 将军认为叛乱者是造成形势激化的原因。

    The General holds the rebels responsible for inflaming the situation

  20. 她坚称将军已经预先知晓了这个阴谋。

    She has maintained that the General had foreknowledge of the plot .

  21. 将军命令军校学员们站成几排。

    The General gave orders for the cadets to form into lines .

  22. 刘易斯·麦肯奇将军的威信和勇气给所有人留下了深刻的印象。

    General Lewis Mackenzie has impressed everyone with his authority and personal courage

  23. 将军允诺于一月份之前交出兵权。

    The General had promised to cede power by January .

  24. 麦克阿瑟将军曾是太平洋战区盟军的最高统帅。

    MacArthur was Supreme Commander for the allied powers in the Pacific .

  25. 退役将军和后座议员的智慧结合在一起。

    The wisdom of the retired generals and backbench MPs conjoins

  26. 他对那位将军极尽溢美之词。

    He was effusive in his praise for the general

  27. 将军不喜欢非战斗部队人员靠近战场。

    The General does not like non-combatant personnel near a scene of action .

  28. 这位将军最适合做这项工作。

    The General is ideally qualified for the job .

  29. 施瓦茨科普夫将军否认曾经有任何掩饰行为。

    General Schwarzkopf denied there 'd been any cover-up .

  30. 马丁·邦尼特将军呼吁反叛者投降。

    General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender