
  • 网络Tseung Kwan O;TKO
  1. 将军澳医院和九龙医疗康复中心已经落成,分别提供病床458张和544张。

    The 458-bed Tseung Kwan O Hospital and the 544-bed Kowloon Medical Rehabilitation Centre were completed .

  2. 三个分别位于大埔、元朗和将军澳的工业恏,合共提供214公顷的用地。

    The three industrial estates at Tai Po , Yuen Long and Tseung Kwan O provide a total of 214 hectares of land .

  3. 将军澳宝宁路母婴健康院

    Tseung Kwan O Po Ning Road Maternal and Child Health Centre

  4. 将军澳海水增压抽水站

    Tseung Kwan O Salt Water Booster Pumping Station

  5. 香港将军澳地铁支线的牵引供电系统

    Traction Power System of TKO Extension in Hongkong

  6. 有些家长投诉子女被派到将军澳等地区。

    Some complained that their children were allocated places in areas such as Tseung Kwan O.

  7. 香港邮政已于将军澳邮政局设立试点。

    Hongkong Post has set up a pilot site at Tseung Kwan O Post Office .

  8. 设计未来将军澳地铁站上盖将建有低密度高尚住宅,地铁站前将建一个美食广场。

    On top of the Tseung Kwan O MTR Station participants proposed to build high-class low-density residential buildings .

  9. 如果将军澳堆填区扩建,你还会选择在将军澳居住吗?

    Will you still prefer to live in Tseung Kwan O if Tseung Kwan O landfill is extended ?

  10. 将军澳练习场工程进展顺利,预计本年秋季竣工。

    Tseung Kwan O new driving range construction is progressing , expected to be completed in this Autumn .

  11. 兴建中的医院包括将军澳医院、荔景医院和九龙医疗康复中心。

    Hospitals now under construction include Tseung Kwan O Hospital , Lai King Hospital and Kowloon Medical and Rehabilitation Centre .

  12. 将军澳最近接连发生数宗涉及单车的严重交通意外,引起公众关注。

    Recently , several serious traffic accidents involving bicycles have occurred successively in Tseung Kwan o , arousing public concern .

  13. 将军澳支线工程影响43幅私人土地,并须清理约80公顷政府及私人土地。

    The Tseung Kwan O Extension Project affects 43 private lots and about 80 hectares of government and private land .

  14. 将军澳隧道于一九九零年启用,全长900米,连接九龙与将军澳新巿镇。

    The 900-metre Tseung Kwan O Tunnel , opened in 1990 , links Kowloon and Tseung Kwan O New Town .

  15. 为配合港口的最新发展,海事处现正计划重新编排奇力滩和将军澳的系泊浮标。

    To cope with recent port development , plans are afoot to reorganise the mooring buoys in Kellett Bank and Junk Bay .

  16. 将军澳南面会辟拓一幅约104公顷的土地,供深水海旁工业及潜在危险设施之用。

    About 104 hectares of land south of Tseung Kwan O will be developed for deep waterfront industries and potentially hazardous installations .

  17. 秋官之后感到左边膊肩麻痹,要深呼吸才可郁动,故工作人员见状即时送他入将军澳医院诊治。

    After that , Adam felt numbness on his shoulder and had trouble breathing , so the staff sent him to the Tseung Kwan O hospital .

  18. 香港房屋委员会计划面向单身人士和家庭出售将军澳地区的“夹心阶层住屋”,申请已于昨日开始。

    Applications commenced yesterday in response to the Hong Kong Housing Society 's plans to sell sandwich-class flats in Tseung Kwan O for singles and families .

  19. 建议的将军澳地铁支线及西岸公路会改善将军澳新市镇至都会的交通。

    The proposed extension of the MTR to Tseung Kwan O and the Western Coast Road will improve travel between the new town and the metro area .

  20. 该组为九广铁路西部铁路第一期工程及地下铁路将军澳支线工程刊登宪报,并进行收地。

    It was involved in the gazetting and land acquisition for Phase I of West Rail Project and the MTR Corporation 's Tseung Kwan O Extension Project .

  21. 将军澳线会在隧道内行驶,向西经过调景岭站和油塘站,连接现时的东区海底隧道。

    The Tseung Kwan O Line will run in tunnel , westward through Tiu Keng Leng and Yau Tong Stations to connect with the existing Eastern Harbour Crossing .

  22. 同学利用将军澳地铁站对出的空地,于邻近海旁的位置加建一个动物园作为将军澳的地标。

    Students made use of the land opposite to the Tsueng Kwan O MTR station near the waterfront and to build a zoo as the landmark of Tseung Kwan O.

  23. 小赤沙南部也已平整,并预留作将军澳地下铁路车厂及综合发展区之用。

    The southern part of Siu Chik Cha has also been formed and is earmarked for a depot for Tseung Kwan O Mass Transit Railway and Composite Development Area .

  24. 请呈上划线支票「爱心之光有限公司」,寄到新界将军澳健明村明日楼1113室。

    Please enclosed a crossed cheque in favour of Light-of-Love Limited and post to Room 1113 , Ming Yat House , Kin Ming Estate , Tseung Kwan O , N.T.

  25. 我们也会在未来数星期内申请批准进行地下铁路将军澳支线工程,以便同样在年底前动工。

    We will seek authorisation for the MTR Tseung Kwan O Extension in the coming weeks so that construction work can also begin on this project before the end of the year .

  26. 香港工业园公司负责发展和管理分别位于大埔、元朗及将军澳的工业园,合共提供214公顷用地。

    The Hong Kong Industrial Estates Corporation ( HKIEC ) develops and manages industrial estates at Tai Po , Yuen Long and Tseung Kwan O , providing 214 hectares of land in total .

  27. 政府拥有六条隧道,包括狮子山隧道、香港仔隧道、机场隧道、城门隧道、将军澳隧道及长青隧道,均交由私营公司根据管理合约经营及管理。

    The government owns six of the road tunnels-lion rock , aberdeen , airport , Shing mun , Tseung Kwan O and Cheung tsing-which are managed and operated by private companies under management contracts .

  28. 总共有579名在黄大仙区的小学就读的学生被派往将军澳。将军澳区的中学今年共收850名跨区学生。

    A total of579 Primary Six students who studied in Wong Tai Sin were admitted to secondary schools in Tseung Kwan O , where secondary schools have taken in850 students from other districts this year .