
shàng shuǐ
  • sail upstream;heart, liver and lung of livestocks;feed water to a steam engine, radiator , etc;feed water to a steam engine, radiator (of an automobile) etc.;up river
上水 [shàng shuǐ]
  • (1) [feed water to a steam engine, radiator (of an automobile) etc.]∶给火车、汽车等加水

  • (2) [up river]∶逆流而上

  • 上水船

  • (3) [heart, liver and lung of livestocks] 〈方〉∶供食用的牲畜的心、肝、肺

上水[shàng shuǐ]
  1. 地面上水洼子里的水汇流成了一条小溪。

    The puddles had coalesced into a small stream .

  2. 把你的夹克脱下来,我要用海绵蘸上水把它擦一擦。

    Take your jacket off and I 'll sponge it down with water .

  3. 她走到水槽边,把空玻璃杯灌上水。

    She went to the sink and ran water into her empty glass

  4. 在一只盆里放上水,轻轻地用蘸湿的海绵擦拭你的面部及身体。

    Fill a bowl with water and gently sponge your face and body .

  5. 然后,我们溜达回来,烧上水,又坐下看报纸。

    Afterwards , we strolled back , put the kettle on and settled down with the newspapers .

  6. 给浴缸放上水。

    Turn on the water in the bathtub .

  7. 马克西姆很早就带着自己的责任进入了成人世界,这让她下定决心确保自己的孩子最终不会走上水屋贫困的道路。

    Maxime 's early entry into the adult world with its responsibilities gave her the determination to ensure that her kids would not end up in Waterhouse 's roundabout of poverty .

  8. A型和X型沸石分子筛颗粒上水蒸气吸附动力学

    Kinetics of adsorption of water vapor on A-type and ⅹ - type zeolite molecular sieve pellets

  9. 关于SAM用于上水净化系统可能性的探讨

    Study on Ability by Using SAM for Water Supply Cleaning System

  10. 单晶表面上水-气转移反应动力学及可逆吸附的作用&MonteCarlo模拟研究

    The Kinetic Study of Water Gas Shift Reaction and the Role of Reversible Adsorption & Monte Carlo Simulation

  11. 二氧化钛(TiO2)表面上水分解反应的理论研究

    Theoretical Study of Water Decomposition on TiO_2 Surface

  12. 总体上水蒸气活化炭与CO2的活化效果较好,而含2%O2的氮气流活化的效果则次之。

    The activation effect with steam and CO_2 is better , and followed by that with 2 % O_2 in nitrogen .

  13. 300MW火电机组锅炉启动采用无电泵上水优化方案

    Feeding the 300 MW Boiler with no Electric Pump During Boiler Startup

  14. 300MW机组汽动给水泵上水方式探讨

    Discussion of Feed Water Modes of Turbine Driven BFP in 300 MW Units

  15. 发现在相同的电子浓度水平上在石墨烯表面上水分子的扩展范围、移动速度都要大于TiO2上水分子的运动速度。

    We have found that water molecules extended range , speed on the graphene surface must be greater than that on the surface of TiO2 in the same level of electron density .

  16. 600MW超临界机组汽动给水泵全程上水经济性分析

    Economical efficiency analysis of whole process water feeding by turbo-feed pump in 600 MW supercritical units

  17. 300MW机组锅炉启动上水加热过程探讨

    Discussion on the Water Feeding and Heating Process of a 300 MW Power Unit Boiler during Start-up

  18. 本文以城市上水管网为例,探讨了在CIS范畴中建立网络模型的基本思路与实现方法。

    In this paper the urban water-supply line network is taken as an example to discuss the basic train of thoughts and the realizing method of establishing the network model within the GIS category .

  19. 宣钢动力厂对75t/h锅炉自动上水系统实施PLC技术控制取代原采用单片机控制,对系统的稳定性、安全性有很明显的改善。

    The chip calculator control was replaced by the PLC technology control in the water automatically feeding system for the 75 t / h boiler of the Power Plant of Xuanhua Iron & Steel Group Co. Ltd. , which had obvious improvement for the system 's stability and safety .

  20. 应用美国AC-TECH公司的C-MOLD软件对汽车上水室模具进行了优化分析,并对两种进胶浇口方案的熔体填充进行动态模拟。

    The water-feeding ventricle injection mould were analyzed by means of C - MOLD software of AC - TECH corporation .

  21. 用热重天平法研究了天津大学研制的含稀土的Ni催化剂REN上水蒸汽消碳动力学,并与丹麦研制的不含稀土的Ni催化剂RKN作了比较。

    Taking the advantage of thermal microbalance the kinetics of steam gasification of carbon deposited on the Ni-Catalyst containing rare earth oxide-REN has been studied and comPared with the kinetics on the Ni-Catalyst - RKN which contains no rare earth oxide .

  22. Na2OSiO2Al2O3NaClH2O体系中,以水玻璃和准一水软铝石为原料,分别在堇青石和玻璃载体上水热合成方沸石(ANA)与方钠石(SOD)沸石膜。

    The membranes of zeolite ANA ( analcime ) and zeolite SOD ( sodalite ) were synthesized in the reactant system of Na_2O-SiO_2-Al_2O_3-NaCl-H_2O using water glass and boehmite as the raw materials on the support of cordierite and glass , respectively .

  23. 挡土结构上水-土压力分算的进一步探讨

    Discussion on computing water and earth pressures on retaining wall separately

  24. 副水箱式自动上水太阳能热水器

    Expansion tank type solar water heater with automatic water loading system

  25. 余热锅炉与补给水箱自动上水控制系统的应用

    To use automatic add water controlling system of after heat boiler

  26. 这椅子的座子上面谁给撒上水了?

    Who has spilled water on the seat of the chair ?

  27. 新型列车上水连接器的开发与应用

    The development and application of new-type water connector for the train

  28. 我的新房子还没接上水、电、煤气呢。

    My new house is not yet connected to the mains .

  29. 计算作用在海洋大结构物上水动力的源加偶极子分布法

    Source-dipole method for the calculation of hydrodynamic forces on large structures

  30. 旋转平板上水膜流动的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Water Film Flow on a Rotating Plate ELLIPTIC REVOLUTION