
  • 网络photogenic
  1. 这张全家福照片多好啊!你真上照。你能给我这张底片吗?我要去把它放大。

    A : How nice the family photo is ! You are so photogenic . Can I have this negative ? I want to have it enlarged .

  2. 她看到自己在窗玻璃上照出的影像。

    She saw herself mirrored in the window .

  3. 他朝船上照去,看见了钓鱼线。

    He flashed his light into the boat and saw the fishing-line

  4. 月亮在瀑布溅起的水雾上照出了一道彩虹。

    The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall

  5. 从回旋加速器上照过的镍靶中分离~(57)Co

    Separation of ~ ( 57 ) Co from irradiated nickel target

  6. 填充上照影剂后用X射线照关节。

    An X ray of of a joint after the injection of a contrast medium .

  7. 基于X射线脉冲星的地球同步卫星绝对定位方法填充上照影剂后用X射线照动脉。

    Absolute Position Determination for Geosynchronous Satellite Using X-Ray Pulsars an X ray of an artery filled with a contrast medium .

  8. 地板上照有一小片光亮。也不过是一小片纸而已。

    There is a little pool of sunlight on the floor .

  9. 是2003年在你的新年聚会上照的

    It 's from your New Year 's party in 2003 .

  10. 请把手电筒向上照屋椽。

    Shine the torch up into the rafters , please .

  11. 那张我儿子的照片是在他自己做的三轮车上照的。

    And the one of my son is a trike that he built .

  12. 爱玛在学校照片上照得不好看。

    Emma 's school photograph isn 't very flattering .

  13. 我们在聚会上照了好多照片。

    We also took many photos on the party .

  14. 在东平桥上照的,左面就是澜石港。

    Standing on Dongping Bridge , Lanshi port is at the left side .

  15. 别忘了带上照机和旅游杂志哦。

    Don 't forget to bring a travel journal and camera with you .

  16. 我叫人葬礼上照的。

    I have someone on the funeral photos .

  17. 而阳光在地板上照出的他的身影,还在由于刚才激昂的呼吁而颤抖。

    CAST upon the floor , was tremulous with the vehemence of his appeal .

  18. 大嫂说她拍摄不上照,我看还不错。

    Eldest sister-in-law said she does not , during filming , I think is good .

  19. 地板上照有一小片光亮。无规则-街头滑板小子

    There is a little pool of sunlight on the floor . No Rules Get Phat

  20. 盖伯瑞尔认出这个姑娘就是坐在黄色马车上照镜子的姑娘,那个欠他两便士的姑娘。

    Gabriel recognized the girl of the yellow cart and the mirror , the girl who owed him twopence .

  21. 她在地板上爬来爬去,用一支蜡烛在地上照,想看看有没有生人的脚印。

    She crawled about the floor , peering at it with a candle for marks of a strange foot .

  22. 那时他要叫妇人站在耶和华面前,祭司要在他身上照这条例而行。

    The priest is to have her stand before the LORD and is to apply this entire law to her .

  23. 像很多驻守沙特阿拉伯的美国军人一样,我有骑在骆驼上照的照片。

    LIKE MANY American soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia , I had my picture taken as I sat on a camel .

  24. 准许在提供了本版权声明的任何媒介上照本复制与发布此一完整讲演抄本并必需保留此声明。

    Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire speech transcript are permitted in any medium provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved .

  25. 你们过了约但河、就要在以巴路山上照我今日所吩咐的、将这些石头立起来、墁上石灰。

    And when you have crossed the Jordan , set up these stones on Mount Ebal , as I command you today , and coat them with plaster .

  26. 当你穿上照镜子的时候,你会自我欣赏地说:“对,感觉很好。”

    that when you put them on and look in the mirror , you can look at yourself and think , " Yes , this feels right . "

  27. 霍沃德的一个爱好是照相。她走在成都的街道上照得照片体现了成都旧城与新貌的和谐同一。

    Taking pictures is one of Howard 's hobbies in Chengdu where she likes walking in the streets to take photos showing Chengdu as a harmonious combination of the old and new .

  28. 这是国际太空站上照的影像上星期日蚀发生时月亮的阴影投射在土耳其和地中海区域很有趣的天文景象!

    This is an interesting view from the International Space Station , during last week 's eclipse , the Moon 's shadow casts on Turkey and part of Mediterranean sea , fascinating !