
  • 网络induction training;induction programs
  1. 95%的教练员只具备专科及其以下学历;92%的人未获得教练员专业职称;52%人的未接受过上岗培训。

    The quality of coaches is rather low . 95 % of the coaches only have the specialist qualifications even below . 92 % don not have the coach professional titles ; 52 % have not received induction training .

  2. 一般说来,将“Scrum认证产品负责人™”课程和上岗培训/指导结合起来,会产生最好的效果。

    Often , a combination of a Certified Scrum Product Owner ™ course and on-the-job training / coaching works best .

  3. 你们刚开始(作),我们会给你们进行一些上岗培训。

    We 'll give you some on-the-job training when you start .

  4. 我不认为我需要任何上岗培训。

    I don 't think I need any on-the-job training .

  5. 负责本部门员工的上岗培训及生产管理知识培训。

    Responsible for the training of employees in this Department .

  6. 这些职业的大部分人都不需要有多高的学历,只需要简单的上岗培训。

    Most of them don 't even require a high school education - simply some on-the-job training .

  7. 结果:994%认为上岗培训中加强继续护理教育是有必要的;

    Results : 99.4 % of nurses believed that strengthening continuing nursing education in new nurse training was necessary ;

  8. 为使这些系统充分发挥其作用,对运用它的系统操作人员进行必要的上岗培训显得尤为重要。

    To fully give out these systems ' function , it is particularly necessary to train the system operators .

  9. 新护士上岗培训和继续护理教育认知情况的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Cognition Status about Training Before Going on Duty and Continuing Education among New Nurses

  10. 免费培训专业美容医师(考核合格颁发美容医师专业资格证书)及提供专卖店人员的上岗培训。

    Free training beautician training is provided with competency certification available to those eligible , and house training for staffs in local franchise shops .

  11. 然而,当前开展的园长上岗培训与实现专业化培训水平还存在距离,其原因主要是园长上岗培训方案的不完善。

    However , the kindergarten principal pro-post training and specialized training level still exists distance , its reason basically depends on the training programs is not perfect .

  12. 目的:探讨新护士上岗培训和继续护理教育的认知情况,寻求提高新上岗护士上岗培训和继续教育的方法和途径。

    Objectives : To explore the cognition status and to seek approaches to elevate the levels of training before going on duty and continuing education among new nurses .

  13. 成人中级建筑物清洁保养工,机动车清洁保养工上岗培训。银行的工作人员穿上制服后很整洁。

    Adult Intermediate buildings cleaning and maintenance workers , vehicle cleaning and maintenance jobs posting training . The members of the bank were smart in their new uniforms .

  14. 良好的服务理念,严格的上岗培训加上先进的管理系统,使得本厂在同行业中独树一帜。

    With good service concept , strict job training and together with the advanced management system , the factory ranks a high place among those in the same industry .

  15. 负责设备常规清洁,加油,调试等维护工作以保证设备良好的工作状态。成人中级建筑物清洁保养工,机动车清洁保养工上岗培训。

    Perform routine preventive maintenance activities , including equipment cleaning , lubrication , and specification adjustments to ensure machinery is in proper working condition . Adult Intermediate buildings cleaning and maintenance workers , vehicle cleaning and maintenance jobs posting training .

  16. 针对我院青年教师的培养过程,结合作者的体会,就如何进一步加强青年教师培养,从建立新教师上岗培训制度;

    In view of the process of cultivating young faculty in NCIT , together with the author 's thoughts , this article puts forward some suggestions on how to strengthen the cultivation of young faculty as follows : to set up rules for training newly graduated faculty ;

  17. 明确各生产工序员工应具备的技能,员工上岗必须培训合格。

    Decide the skills required for operators in various procedures . The operators shall be qualified through training .

  18. 我们的服务人员受过专业的上岗前培训,具有众多的餐宴服务经验,确保为您的晚会增添多一分亮点。

    Our service staff have received professional pre-service training , service experience with a large number of Feasts , sure to add a little more for your party highlights .

  19. 工艺先进,成本低,是现代家庭必备的电炊具。明确各生产工序员工应具备的技能,员工上岗必须培训合格。

    The chafing dish is produced with advantage technology with lower costs and is therefore the necessary electric cooking utensil for any modem family Decide the skills required for operators in various procedures . The operators shall be qualified through training .

  20. 从CT工程技术队伍的现状分析入手比较深入地论述了CT工程技术人员的继续教育培训与上岗资格考核培训的必要性和可能性。

    The article explains why it is necessary and possible for training of continuous education and getting qualification of post by means of analysis the state of CT engineering and technical staffs .

  21. 为使每一位师范生都能取得规定的普通话等级证书,顺利地持证上岗,PSC培训教师必须认真研究培训原则与策略,以提高师范类学生PSC培训的教学成效。

    To make sure every student of normal education can get the required Mandarin Rating Certificate and work smoothly with the certificate , PSC training teachers should study the training principles and strategies carefully and improve the teaching efficiency of PSC training .

  22. 新护士上岗前集中培训方法的探讨

    Probe into methods of centralized pre-work training for newly employed nurses

  23. 但也存在着考核未量化,上岗无正规培训,年龄限制偏严等不足之处。

    But still exist with demerits of estimation without quantization , work in post without training , too strict in age-control , etc.

  24. 对非口腔专业新上岗护士在职培训的实践那家餐馆正在招聘可以马上上岗的兼职或者全职服务生。

    Reflection of in-service training for new nurses without professional stomatology background That restaurant is looking for immediate part-time or full-time servers .

  25. 在岗人员变更,其角色由同类人员顶替,只要对新上岗人员的培训计划或工作规程已落实到位。

    Change in postholder with role remaining like for like providing that a training programme or pass-out process is in place for the new incumbent .

  26. 从事技术工种的职工,上岗前必须经过培训;

    Any worker who is to do a technical type of job must undergo training beforehand ;

  27. 方法对42名保洁人员上岗前就公司培训项目、频率、体检防疫、自我防护、职业认识等进行问卷调查。

    Methods A questionnaire study was conducted in 42 cleaning workers about the content and frequency of training , physical checkup , self-protection and professional knowledge etc.

  28. 上岗任职后的培训,要按照消防工作的实际需要,给他们传授经验、教授技巧,帮助他们提高干具体工作和解决实际问题的能力。

    Training after taking office should go with actual requirement of fire control force , impart experience to them and instruct them skills , help them to improve abilities in finishing specific working and solving practical issue .