
  • 网络Top management;top manager;Supreme Governor
  1. 最高管理者应当考虑确立并实施自我评定。

    Top management should consider establishing and implementing self-assessment .

  2. 最高管理者应确保资源的获得。

    Top management shall ensure the availability of resources .

  3. 6.commitmentn.委托,交押,承担义务,赞助在最高管理者的明确领导下,有助于促进整个组织对质量的承诺

    It aids in promoting a commitment to quality throughout the organization , with clear leadership by top management

  4. ISO9001要求最高管理者,根据计划规定的间隔时间,对组织的质量管理体系进行评审。

    ISO9001 requires top management to review the organization 's quality management system , at planned intervals , to ensure its continuing suitability , adequacy and effectiveness .

  5. 本文从基金公司内部管理的角度,引入因子GARCH模型度量VaR,并将因子GARCH-VaR模型应用到基金公司的风险管理中,以便给基金公司的最高管理者和风险管理委员会提供决策参考。

    From the angle of internal management of Fund Company , this paper drew VaR measurement based on Factor-GARCH model into risk management of Fund Company in order to provide the decision reference to top managers of Fund Company and Risk Management Committee .

  6. 组织的最高管理者设立总目标。

    Broad goals are set at the top of the organization .

  7. 最高管理者的态度和倾向。

    And ( 4 ) attitude and exposure of top managers .

  8. 这样的报告应当直接向该组织的最高管理者报告。

    These reports should be ad-dressed to the top management of the organization .

  9. 对最高管理者进行审核的方法和要点

    Method And Key Point for Audit to Top Management

  10. 最高管理者应制定质量方针。

    Top management shall establish the quality policy .

  11. 最高管理者应当确保将纠正措施作为改进的一种手段。

    Top management should ensure that corrective action is used as a tool for improvement .

  12. 最高管理者应进行管理评审。

    Top management shall conduct management reviews .

  13. 本食品安全方针必须经过公司最高管理者签署后生效。

    The food safety policy of company shall take effect after the signing of top managers .

  14. 最高管理者如何了解到顾客的要求,如何确保满足顾客的要求。

    Top management how to understand customer requirements , how to ensure that meet customer requirements .

  15. 在医院质量管理体系中,最高管理者是院长或院领导班子。作为最高管理者,应该制定并保持组织的质量方针和质量目标,决定有关质量方针和质量目标的措施;

    Hospital dean or hospital leader group was the supreme power in hospital quality management system .

  16. 最高管理者应确保质量方针与组织的宗旨相适应。

    Top management shall ensure that the quality policy is appropriate to the purpose of the organization .

  17. 最高管理者应确保对质量管理体系的有效性进行沟通。

    Top management shall ensure that communication takes place regarding the effectiveness of the quality management system .

  18. 最高管理者应指定人员在涉及质量要求方面代表顾客的需求。

    Top management shall designate personnel with responsibility and authority to ensure that customer requirements are addressed .

  19. 在金砖国家的全球500强公司中,仅有一家公司的最高管理者是非本国人士。

    Only one of the Fortune Global 500 companies from the BRIC countries is led by a non-native .

  20. 作为最高管理者的企业家,既要担负起物质文明建设的任务,还要担负起精神文明建设的任务;作为非公有制企业家,加强其思想政治政治教育则决定其最终的发展方向。

    For an entrepreneur in non-public-owned enterprise , the political and ideological education will affect the ultimate development .

  21. 如果不是这样的情况的话,审核员应当进一步评估最高管理者对质量所做的承诺。

    If this is not the case , the auditors should further evaluate Top Management commitment to quality .

  22. 从企业最高管理者对体系的运行予以高度重视,并提供实质性的资源支持;

    The supervisor of the enterprises think much of the operation system and supply the practical supporting resources ;

  23. 最高管理者应确保在组织的相应职能和层次上建立质量目标。

    Top management shall ensure that quality objectives are established at relevant functions and levels within the organization .

  24. 曾经是葛兰素史克在华最高管理者的一名英国人被中国有关部门限制离境。

    Chinese authorities issued a travel ban on Glaxo 's onetime top executive in China , a Briton .

  25. 一个经理控制一个部门,一最高管理者要求部门经理对部门的整个业绩负责。

    A manager is put in charge of each department . Top manager holds the department 's overall performance .

  26. 企业无论规模大小,都应该鼓励每个员工追求自己的信念,从最高管理者到低层雇员都不例外。

    Organizations of all sizes can encourage everyone , from C-level leaders to junior hires , to pursue their convictions .

  27. 最高管理者应当将质量方针作为领导组织进行业绩改进的一种手段。

    Top management should use the quality policy as a means of leading the organization toward improvement of its performance .

  28. 再次,将最高管理者、授权利用员工工作满意作为桥梁与顾客满意进行联系,提出假设;

    Thirdly , this paper relates top management , empowering to customer satisfaction through job satisfaction and brings forward premise .

  29. 最高管理者应向组织传达满足顾客要求及法律法规要求的重要性。

    Top management shall communicate to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as statutory and regulatory requirements .

  30. 它总是一种双向互动的过程,由最高管理者发起,要求组织各个层次提出评审的输入。

    It is always a two-way process , generated by top management with inputs from all levels in the organization .