
zuì xīn xiāo xi
  • latest news;hot news;the last I heard;stop press;spot news;news to this hour;scoop;poop
  1. 有前线来的最新消息吗?

    Is there any hot news from the front ?

  2. 很多有关最新消息及广告的突现式视窗没有任何连结,有些内容甚至可以是完全以图形或动画来表达。

    Many of the hot news and advertising pop up windows have no link and could consist of entirely graphics or animation .

  3. 根据有关的最新消息她申请过30个职位。

    She 'd applied for 30 jobs at the last count .

  4. 我听到的最新消息是他还在汽车修理厂工作。

    The last I heard he was still working at the garage .

  5. 你得到最新消息了吗?

    Have you heard the latest news ?

  6. 你得到最新消息了吗?

    Have you heard the latest ?

  7. 她不愿花时间去了解最新消息。

    She did not bother to keep up with the news .

  8. 他将时刻关注最新消息。

    He will be keeping abreast of the news

  9. 最新消息——车臣危机

    STOP PRESS — Crisis in Chechnya .

  10. 关于科茨沃尔德运河的最新消息。主讲人利兹·佩恩。

    An Update on the Cotswold Canals , by Liz Payne .

  11. 下一次当你觉得有传播最新消息的冲动时,想想你为什么想八卦,你的"有趣的故事"会有什么影响。

    The next time you feel the urge to spread the latest news , thing about why you want to gossip and what effects your " juicy story " might have .

  12. 她说,智能手机很有用,她经常用手机上网和朋友聊天获取最新消息。

    She said , Smartphones are useful , I often use my phone to surf the Internet , chat with my friends and get the latest news .

  13. 现在我们来看一下NOWINTHENEWS的最新消息。

    And here 's a look at what 's happening NOW IN THE NEWS .

  14. 感谢您的关注,现在让我们来看一看NOWINTHENEWS的最新消息。

    Thanks for checking in . Here 's what 's happening right NOW IN THE NEWS .

  15. 今天是4月20日,现在让我们来看一看NOWINTHENEWS的最新消息。

    It 's Monday , April 20th . And here is a look at some of the stories happening NOW IN THE NEWS .

  16. 读一些有意义的书籍,而不是在网上闲逛或看Facebook帖子的最新消息。

    Better to read something meaningful than surf the latest news or Facebook posts .

  17. 最新消息:哥伦比亚广播公司(ColumbiaBroadcastingSystem)已经公布了周日《六十分钟时事杂志》对乔布斯的传记作家沃尔特•艾萨克森的专访视频以及其他未播出的片段。

    UPDATE : CBS has posted Sunday's60 Minutes interview with Walter Isaacson plus several segments that weren 't in the broadcast .

  18. 我同样时常收到一堆email询问关于HBO版《冰与火之歌》的最新消息。

    I also get a constant stream of emails asking me for news about the HBO project .

  19. 比如说,主页上的“最新消息”(What'sNew)一栏本应显示用户尚未看见的网站更新内容,但是我上传的一个视频文件在这里就没有显示出来,新加的照片评论也是一样。

    For example , a'What 's New'list on the home page should display recent site changes yet unseen by the user , but a video that I posted didn 't show up here , nor did new comments about photos .

  20. 最新消息:据科技博客TheGuardian的消息,苹果已在周一下午修正了地图错误。

    Update : by Monday afternoon , the error had been corrected , according tothe guardian .

  21. RSS是一种简单明了的方式使你能保持了解世界卫生组织的最新消息。

    RSS is a straightforward way for you to keep up-to-date with the latest news from WHO .

  22. 有关竞争对手荷兰皇家壳牌(royaldutchshell)曾考虑对这家英国石油集团发起收购的最新消息,也推动了其股价上涨。

    Fresh reports that rival Royal Dutch Shell considered a take-over bid for the UK oil group also helped drive up the shares .

  23. Linux传出的最新消息是将KVM合并到Linux内核中(2.6.20)。

    The most recent news out of Linux is the incorporation of the KVM into the Linux kernel ( 2.6.20 ) .

  24. 我们的友谊网站treehugger发布环境和文化的最新消息。

    Our sister site tree Hugger delivers all the freshest news on environmental news and culture .

  25. .一全文译文:各位好!我是CatherineCallaway,让我们来看看NowInTheNews的最新消息。

    I am Catherine Callaway and here is a look at what 's happening Now In The News .

  26. 在充分交流的过程中,Bates可以收集一周以来更新的最新消息,并称之为“FridayForecast”,并通过电邮发给她的每一个员工。

    In an effort to overcommunicate , Bates compiles a weekly news update she calls a Friday Forecast , and emails it to her staff .

  27. Android开发人员网站:下载AndroidSDK,访问API参考,获取Android最新消息。

    The Android Developers Web site : Download the Android SDK , access the API reference , and get the latest news on Android .

  28. 目前许多网站包括科技网站都采用RSS来发布最新消息。

    Many websites , including scientific and technological web - sites , have used RSS to publish the website 's latest news .

  29. NPR新闻的戴夫·马汀利报道来自会议委员会的最新消息。

    NPR 's Dave Mattingly reports on the latest outlook from the conference board .

  30. 与菅直人不同的是,由于定期向渴望得到信息的公众发布最新消息,他已成为Twitter界的英雄。

    Unlike Mr Kan , he has become a hero of the Twitter world , sending out regular updates to a public hungry for information .