
  • 网络BAFTA;The British Film Institute;bfi
  1. 凭借在《华尔街之狼》中的精湛演技,让他提名英国电影学院最佳男主角。

    His role in The Wolf of Wall Street earned him a BAFTA nomination for Leading Actor .

  2. 在英国伦敦出席英国电影学院奖颁奖礼接受媒体采访之时,罗伯特·帕丁森终于承认他与他《暮光之城》的女主角在戏外也发展出了恋爱关系。

    The " Remember Me " stud finally admitted that he and his " Twilight " costar are involved romantically while chatting with press at the BAFTA Awards in London .

  3. 这档分四集播出的节目获得了英国电影学院奖(BaftaAward,相当于英国的艾美奖[Emmy])提名,并引发人们对兰格的研究产生新的关注。

    The program , which was shown in four parts and nominated for a Bafta Award ( a British Emmy ) , brought new attention to Langer 's work .

  4. 最佳女配角(提名)《骗子》1990英国电影学院奖

    Best Supporting Actress ( nom ) The Grifters 1991 British Academy Awards

  5. 他们的照片拍摄于伦敦市中心在英国电影学院奖晚宴派对之后没一会儿。

    They were pictured together shortly after partying in Central London after a night at the BAFTAs .

  6. 这部影片获得了英国电影学院奖的最佳影片和最佳剧本奖,还在嘎纳得到了金棕榈奖的提名。

    The film would win BAFTAs for Best Film and Screenplay and would be nominated for the Golden Palm at Cannes .

  7. 英国电影学院奖赢家海伦·米伦为皇室成员以及其他包括海伦娜·伯翰·卡特,乌玛·瑟曼和史提夫·麦昆在内的贵宾进行了表演。

    BAFTA winner Helen Mirren performed for the royal audience and other guests including Helena Bonham Carter , Uma Thurman and Steve McQueen .

  8. 为了与奥斯卡奖保持一致,明年的英国电影学院奖将推迟到4月11日举行。

    Next year 's British Academy Film Awards ( Baftas ) have been pushed back to 11 April , keeping in line with the Oscars .

  9. 但不幸的是,周日在伦敦皇家歌剧院举办的2014英国电影学院奖颁奖典礼,出席的莱昂纳多-迪卡普里奥却没有得到此荣誉。

    But unfortunately , Leonardo DiCaprio did not receive the honour as he attended the 2014 British Academy Film Awards at London 's Royal Opera House on Sunday .

  10. 对本•阿弗莱克和詹妮弗•加纳来说,2月10号在伦敦的英国电影学院奖是另一个成功的约会之夜:一个难得的成人世界的周末假日,他们的三个孩子与加纳的妹妹呆在家里。

    For Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner , the British Academy Film Awards in London on Feb. 10 was another successful date night - and a rare grown-ups ' weekend getaway , with their three kids staying home with Garner 's sister .

  11. 最高奖项的归属为这个喧嚣的年份一锤定音,《聚焦》自从去年九月在一系列电影节上映后就一直领跑,却只能看着竞争对手们获得制片人工会、导演工会和英国电影学院的关键奖项。

    The split in top prizes capped a chaotic year in which " Spotlight , " seen as a front-runner after its debut in a string of September festivals , watched competitors win key awards from the producers guild , the directors guild and the British film academy .

  12. 他演出这个角色获得英国电影电视艺术学院奖。

    He won a BAFTA for the role .

  13. 斯科西斯的电影获得了英国电影电视艺术学院的五项奖项。

    Scorsese 's film won five awards from BAFTA - the British Academy of Film and Television Arts .

  14. 毕竟,索尔金因为这一剧本赢得了奥斯卡、金球奖和英国电影电视艺术学院奖。

    After all , he did win an Oscar , a Golden Globe and a BAFTA for his screenplay .

  15. 接着出演了《男孩A》和《狮入羊口》并凭借《男孩A》在英国电影和电视学院颁奖礼上拿下了最佳电视电影男演员奖。

    Also that month , he starred in drama Boy A , for which he won the2008 BAFTA for Best Actor .

  16. 他们从去年就开始拍拖,而且原定在英国电影电视艺术学院颁奖典礼上首次以情侣身份公开露面,最后却一前一后分开到场。

    The actors , who have been dating since last year , were due to make their first public appearance as a couple at Bafta Film Awards , but ended up arriving separately .

  17. 在上海期间,身为英国电影电视艺术学院主席的威廉王子,将利用此次机会探讨组织打算培养英国和亚洲电影、电视和游戏产业工作者的创新意识和进行文化交流。

    While in Shanghai the Duke , who is president of Bafta , will use the opportunity to discuss the organisation 's intentions to foster creative and cultural exchanges between British and Asian workers in the film , television and games industries .

  18. 英国电影和电视艺术学院

    The British Academy of Film and Television Arts .

  19. 就在上个月,邵逸夫还在香港接受了英国电影和电视艺术学院(BAFTA)授予的特别奖。

    He was last month honored in Hong Kong by the British Academy of Film & Television Arts .

  20. 它获得了四项奥斯卡大奖,以及五项英国电影和电视艺术学院奖,包括最佳影片以及最佳导演奖。

    It won four Academy Awards and five BAFTAs , including Best Film and Best Director .

  21. 这部影片获得了英国电影和电视艺术学院奖最佳电影的提名,但却却输给了“桂河大桥”。

    The film was nominated for a BAFTA Award under the category Best Film but lost to The Bridge on the River Kwai .

  22. (美国的)私立中学皇家音乐学院她在警校当教官的经历(某一领域的)学会,研究院美国心理治疗师学会英国电影和电视艺术学院

    her experience as a police academy instructor . the American Academy of Psychotherapists . The British Academy of Film and Television Arts .

  23. 该剧2011年曾获得英国电影和电视艺术学院奖最佳电视剧奖,而其中饰演华生的马丁弗瑞曼则斩获了最佳男配角奖。

    The show won the BAFTA for the Best Drama Series in 2011 with Martin Freeman walking away with the award for Best Supporting Actor .

  24. 但是,刚刚过去的这个周末在洛杉矶的英国电影和电视艺术学院活动上,在该剧中扮演安迪•帕克的迈克尔•福克斯表示,史密斯参与的话就意味着电影版不光要开拍,而且会拍得很好。

    But at a Bafta event in Los Angeles over the weekend , Michael Fox , who plays friendly valet Andy Parker on the show , said that Smith signing on meant the film would not only proceed - but be the better for it .

  25. 在英国,弗兰克的扮演者获得了英国电影电视艺术学院大奖。

    In the U.K. , the role of Frank earned Richardson an award from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts .